Releases: cowprotocol/solver-rewards
v2.0.0 (Post CIP 14)
This version implements Risk Adjusted Solver Rewards as specified in CoW Improvement Proposal 14. Namely we now fetch the solver cow rewards from the orderbook database and no longer compute rewards based on number of trades and batches
What's Changed
- [Refactor] Fetch COW rewards from order_rewards table by @bh2smith in #96
- Eliminate References to Per (batch/trade) Reward by @bh2smith in #97
- [HotFix] Start & End block as Query Params by @bh2smith in #104
- Upsert Orderbook Rewards to Dune V1 by @bh2smith in #103
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0
v1.0.0 (Pre CIP-14)
Pre CIP 14
This is the last version of Solver Rewards before CIP-14 goes into effect. The last payout scheduled for this implementation will take place on 2022-10-18 for the accounting period October 11 - October 17 (2022).
After this, the solver rewards mechanism transitions into "Risk Adjusted Solver Rewards" as according to the content of CIP-14: (pending results of CoW DAO vote).
What's Changed
- CIP-10: Solver Rewards Scheme Change by @bh2smith in #38
- Overdraft I: Log Statement by @bh2smith in #55
- Remove Request for Unusual Slippage by @bh2smith in #58
- Overdraft II: Deduct from COW by @bh2smith in #56
- [hotfix] Drop cascade on tokenlist update by @bh2smith in #59
- Overdraft III: Caching Prices by @bh2smith in #57
- Slim Dashboard Migration by @bh2smith in #62
- Modify Unusual Slippage Condition by @bh2smith in #65
- [Easy] Update Requirements by @bh2smith in #68
- Update Dashboard Link and Report Total Slippage Deducted by @bh2smith in #63
- Use WEI Everywhere by @bh2smith in #69
- Refactor Transfer Part 1: Use Token Field (instead of token_address) by @bh2smith in #71
- Refactor Transfer Part 2: Remove TokenType by @bh2smith in #72
- Better Assertion by @bh2smith in #75
- Multisend Part I: Encode MultisendTx from TransferList by @bh2smith in #66
- Multisend Part II: Post Tx to Safe by @bh2smith in #70
- Split Entrypoint by Runtime Argument by @bh2smith in #77
- [Easy] Use WEI for penalty total by @bh2smith in #79
- [Trivial] Update Token List URL by @bh2smith in #78
- [Automation] Slack Alerts by @bh2smith in #80
- [Automation] Default Start Date by @bh2smith in #82
- [HotFix] Dune Version Bump by @bh2smith in #83
- fix slippage calculation by @josojo in #84
- bump dune version by @bh2smith in #86
- Exclude TestSolvers From Payout by @bh2smith in #87
- Updating the dune package by @josojo in #88
- Preparing for Risk Adjusted Rewards by @bh2smith in #89
- [Refactor] Fetch COW Rewards from Orderbook by @bh2smith in #90
- [HotFix] Fix Docker Image by @bh2smith in #92
- [Easy] Exclude JIT orders from COW rewards by @bh2smith in #91
- fix period totals by @bh2smith in #94
- [Easy] Link Slippage to Tokenwise Breakdown by @bh2smith in #95
Full Changelog: pre-CIP-10...pre-CIP-14
Pre CIP 10
This is the last version using the original 100 COW per batch Reward Scheme.
Changed as a result of this DAO Vote: