.. cps:object:: package The root of a CPS document is a |package| object. A |package| object describes a single package.
.. cps:object:: platform A |platform| describes the platform on which a package's components may run.
.. cps:object:: requirement A |requirement| describes the specifics of a package dependency.
.. cps:object:: component A |component| is a consumable part of a package. Typical components include libraries and executables.
.. cps:object:: configuration A |configuration| holds attributes that are specific to a particular configuration of a |component|.
An optional attribute may have the value |null|. This shall be equivalent to omitting the attribute.
Attribute names are case sensitive.
.. cps:attribute:: c_runtime_vendor :type: string :context: platform Specifies that the package's CABI components require the specified C standard/runtime library. Typical (case-insensitive) values include :string:`"bsd"` (libc), :string:`"gnu"` (glibc), :string:`"mingw"` and :string:`"microsoft"`.
.. cps:attribute:: c_runtime_version :type: string :context: platform Specifies the minimum C standard/runtime library version required by the package's CABI components.
.. cps:attribute:: clr_vendor :type: string :context: platform Specifies that the package's CLR (.NET) components require the specified `Common Language Runtime`_ vendor. Typical (case-insensitive) values include :string:`"microsoft"` and :string:`"mono"`.
.. cps:attribute:: clr_version :type: string :context: platform Specifies the minimum `Common Language Runtime`_ version required to use the package's CLR (.NET) components.
.. cps:attribute:: compat_version :type: string :context: package Specifies the oldest version of the package with which this version is compatible. This information is used when a consumer requests a specific version. If the version requested is equal to or newer than the :attribute:`compat_version`, the package may be used. If not specified, the package is not compatible with previous versions (i.e. :attribute:`compat_version` is implicitly equal to :attribute:`version`).
.. cps:attribute:: compile_features :type: list(string) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of `Compiler Features`_ that must be enabled or disabled when compiling code that consumes the component.
.. cps:attribute:: compile_flags :type: list(string)|map(list(string)) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of additional flags that must be supplied to the compiler when compiling code that consumes the component. Note that compiler flags may not be portable; use of this attribute is discouraged. A map may be used instead to give different values depending on the language of the consuming source file. Handling of such shall be the same as for `definitions`_.
.. cps:attribute:: components :type: map(component) :context: package :overload: :required: Specifies the components which the package provides. Keys are the component names.
.. cps:attribute:: components :type: list(string) :context: requirement :overload: Specifies a list of components which must be present in the required package in order for the requirement to be satisfied. Although the build tool will generally produce an error if a consumer uses a component which in turn requires a component that was not found, early specification via this attribute may help build tools to diagnose such issues earlier and/or produce better diagnostics. This may also be used to specify dependencies that are not expressed in component level dependencies, such as a package's requirement that a dependency includes a certain symbolic component, or if a dependency is only expressed at run-time.
.. cps:attribute:: configuration :type: string :context: package :conditionally-required: Specifies the name of the configuration described by a configuration-specific ``.cps`` (see `Configuration Merging`_). This attribute is required in a configuration-specific ``.cps``, and shall be ignored otherwise.
.. cps:attribute:: configurations :type: list(string) :context: package :overload: Specifies the configurations that are preferred. See `Package Configurations`_ for a description of how configurations are used.
.. cps:attribute:: configurations :type: map(configuration) :context: component :overload: Specifies a set of configuration-specific attributes for a |component|. Keys are the configuration names.
.. cps:attribute:: cpp_runtime_vendor :type: string :context: platform Specifies that the package's CABI components require the specified C++ standard/runtime library. Typical (case-insensitive) values include :string:`"gnu"` (libstdc++), :string:`"llvm"` (libc++) and :string:`"microsoft"`.
.. cps:attribute:: cpp_runtime_version :type: string :context: platform Specifies the minimum C++ standard/runtime library version required by the package's CABI components.
.. cps:attribute:: cps_path :type: string :context: package Specifies the directory portion location of the ``.cps`` file. This shall be an "absolute" path which starts with ``@prefix@``. This provides a mechanism by which the tool may deduce the prefix of a relocatable package from the absolute location of the ``.cps`` file (which will be known by the tool). See also `Prefix Determination`_ for details. Exactly **one** of ``cps_path`` or `prefix`_ is required.
.. cps:attribute:: cps_version :type: string :context: package :required: Specifies the version of the CPS to which this ``.cps`` file conforms. This may be used by tools to provide backwards compatibility in case of compatibility-breaking changes in the CPS. CPS version numbering follows |semver|_. That is, tools that support CPS version ``<X>.<Y>`` are expected to be able to read files with :attribute:`cps_version` ``<X>.<Z>``, even for Z > Y (with the understanding that, in such cases, the tool may miss non-critical information that the CPS provided).
.. cps:attribute:: default_components :type: list(string) :context: package Specifies a list of components that should be inferred if a consumer specifies a dependency on a package, but not a specific component.
.. cps:attribute:: definitions :type: map(map(string|null)) :context: component configuration Specifies a collection of compile definitions that must be defined when compiling code that consumes the component. Each key in the inner map(s) is the name of a compile definition, such that e.g. ``-Dkey=value`` is passed to the compiler. A value may be |null|, indicating a definition with no value (e.g. ``-Dkey`` is passed to the compiler). Note that an *empty* string indicates ``-Dkey=``, which may have a different effect than ``-Dkey``. The outer map is used to describe language-specific definitions. The build tool shall include only those definitions whose language matches (case-sensitive) that of the (lower case) language of the source file being compiled. Recognized languages shall include :string:`"c"`, :string:`"cpp"`, and :string:`"fortran"`. Additionally, the value :string:`"*"` indicates that the corresponding definitions apply to all languages. If a definition name is repeated in both :string:`"*"` and a specific language, the latter, when applicable to the source being compiled, shall have precedence.
.. cps:attribute:: hints :type: list(string) :context: requirement Specifies a list of paths where a required dependency might be located. When given, this will usually provide the location of the dependency as it was consumed by the package when the package was built, so that consumers can easily find (correct) dependencies if they are in a location that is not searched by default.
.. cps:attribute:: includes :type: list(string)|map(list(string)) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of directories which should be added to the include search path when compiling code that consumes the component. If a path starts with ``@prefix@``, the package's prefix is substituted (see `Package Searching`_). This is recommended, as it allows packages to be relocatable. A map may be used instead to give different values depending on the language of the consuming source file. Handling of such shall be the same as for `definitions`_.
.. cps:attribute:: isa :type: string :context: platform Specifies that the package's CABI components require the specified `Instruction Set Architecture`_. The value is case insensitive and should follow the output of ``uname -m``.
.. cps:attribute:: jvm_vendor :type: string :context: platform Specifies that the package's Java components require the specified Java_ vendor. Typical (case-insensitive) values include :string:`"oracle"` and :string:`"openjdk"`.
.. cps:attribute:: jvm_version :type: string :context: platform Specifies the minimum Java_ Virtual Machine version required to use the package's Java components.
.. cps:attribute:: kernel :type: string :context: platform Specifies the name of the operating system kernel required by the package's components. The value is case insensitive and should follow the output of ``uname -s``. Typical values include :string:`"windows"`, :string:`"cygwin"`, :string:`"linux"` and :string:`"darwin"`.
.. cps:attribute:: kernel_version :type: string :context: platform Specifies the minimum operating system kernel version required by the package's components.
.. cps:attribute:: link_features :type: list(string) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of `Linker Features`_ that must be enabled or disabled when linking code that consumes the component.
.. cps:attribute:: link_flags :type: list(string) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of additional flags that must be supplied to the linker when linking code that consumes the component. Note that linker flags may not be portable; use of this attribute is discouraged.
.. cps:attribute:: link_languages :type: list(string) :context: component configuration :default: ["c"] Specifies the ABI language or languages of a static library (`type`_ :string:`"archive"`). Officially supported (case-insensitive) values are :string:`"c"` (no special handling required) and :string:`"cpp"` (consuming the static library also requires linking against the C++ standard runtime).
.. cps:attribute:: link_libraries :type: list(string) :context: component configuration Specifies a list of additional libraries that must be linked against when linking code that consumes the component. (Note that packages should avoid using this attribute if at all possible. Use `requires (component)`_ instead whenever possible.)
.. cps:attribute:: link_location :type: string :context: component configuration Specifies an alternate location of the component that should be used when linking against the component. This attribute typically applies only to :string:`"dylib"` components on platforms where the library is separated into multiple file components. For example, on Windows, this attribute shall give the location of the ``.lib``, while `location`_ shall give the location of the ``.dll``. If the path starts with ``@prefix@``, the package's prefix is substituted (see `Package Searching`_). This is recommended, as it allows packages to be relocatable.
.. cps:attribute:: link_requires :type: list(string) :context: component configuration Specifies additional components required by a component which are needed only at the link stage. Unlike `requires (component)`_, only the required components' link dependencies should be applied transitively; additional properties such as compile and include attributes of the required component(s) should be ignored.
.. cps:attribute:: location :type: string :context: component configuration :conditionally-required: Specifies the location of the component. The exact meaning of this attribute depends on the component type, but typically it provides the path to the component's primary artifact, such as a ``.so`` or ``.jar``. (For Windows DLL components, this should be the location of the ``.dll``. See also `link_location`_.) If the path starts with ``@prefix@``, the package's prefix is substituted (see `Package Searching`_). This is recommended, as it allows packages to be relocatable. This attribute is required for |component|\ s that are not of :string:`"interface"` :attribute:`type`.
.. cps:attribute:: name :type: string :context: package :required: Specifies the canonical name of the package. In order for searching to succeed, the name of the CPS file without the ``.cps`` suffix must exactly match (including case) either :attribute:`name` as-is, or :attribute:`name` converted to lower case.
.. cps:attribute:: platform :type: platform :context: package Specifies the platform on which a package's components may run. This allows tools to ignore packages which target a different platform than the platform that the consumer targets (see `Package Searching`_). Any platform attribute not specified implies that the package's components are agnostic to that platform attribute. If this attribute is not specified, the package is implied to be platform agnostic. (This might be the case for a "library" which consists entirely of C/C++ headers. Note that JVM/CLR versions are platform attributes, so packages consisting entirely of Java and/or CLR components will still typically use this attribute.)
.. cps:attribute:: prefix :type: string :context: package Specifies the package's prefix for non-relocatable package. See also `Prefix Determination`_. Exactly **one** of `cps_path`_ or ``prefix`` is required.
.. cps:attribute:: requires :type: list(string) :context: component configuration :overload: Specifies additional components required by a component. This is used, for example, to indicate transitive dependencies. Relative component names are interpreted relative to the current package. Absolute component names must refer to a package required by this package (see `requires (package)`_). Compile and link attributes should be applied transitively, as if the consuming component also directly consumed the components required by the component being consumed. See also `link_requires`_.
.. cps:attribute:: requires :type: map(requirement) :context: package :overload: Specifies additional packages that are required by this package. Keys are the name of another required package. Values are a valid |requirement| object or |null| (equivalent to an empty |requirement| object) describing the package required.
.. cps:attribute:: type :type: string :context: component :required: Specifies the type of a component. The component type affects how the component may be used. Officially supported values are :string:`"executable"` (any artifact which the target platform can directly execute), :string:`"archive"` (CABI static library), :string:`"dylib"` (CABI shared library), :string:`"module"` (CABI plugin library), :string:`"jar"` (Java Archive), :string:`"interface"` and :string:`"symbolic"`. If the type is not recognized by the parser, the component shall be ignored. (Parsers are permitted to support additional types as a conforming extension.) A :string:`"dylib"` is meant to be linked at compile time; the :attribute:`location` specifies the artifact required for such linking (i.e. the import library on PE platforms). A :string:`"module"` is meant to be loaded at run time with :code:`dlopen` or similar; again, the :attribute:`location` specifies the appropriate artifact. An :string:`"interface"` component is a special case; it may have the usual attributes of a component, but does not have a location. This can be used to create "virtual" components that do not have an associated artifact. A :string:`"symbolic"` component is even more special, as it has no (required) attributes at all, and the meaning of any attributes or configurations assigned to such a component is unspecified. A :string:`"symbolic"` component is intended to be used as a form of feature testing; a package that has a feature that is meaningful to users but does not otherwise map directly to a component may use a symbolic component to indicate availability of the feature to users.
.. cps:attribute:: version :type: string :context: package :overload: Specifies the version of the package. The format of this string is determined by `version_schema`_. If not provided, the CPS will not satisfy any request for a specific version of the package.
.. cps:attribute:: version :type: string :context: requirement :overload: Specifies the required version of a package. If omitted, any version of the required package is acceptable. Semantics are the same as for the :attribute:`version` attribute of a |package|.
.. cps:attribute:: version_schema :type: string :context: package :default: "simple" Specifies the structure to which the package's version numbering conforms. Tools may use this to determine how to perform version comparisons. Officially supported (case-insensitive) values are :string:`"simple"` and :string:`"custom"` (:string:`"rpm"` or :string:`"dpkg"` should be used where applicable, but may not be supported by all tools). If a package uses :string:`"custom"`, version numbers may be compared, but version ordering is not possible. Needless to say, changing a package's version scheme between releases is *very strongly discouraged*. Note that this attribute determines only how version numbers are *ordered*. It does not imply anything about the compatibility or incompatibility of various versions of a package. See also `compat_version`_. - :string:`simple` The package's version number shall match the regular expression ``[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*([-+].*)?``. The portion of the version which precedes the optional ``-`` or ``+`` may be interpreted as a tuple of integers, in which leading zeros are ignored. Version numbers are compared according to numerical order, starting from the first (left-most) number of the tuples. If two version numbers have different tuple sizes, the shorter tuple shall be implicitly filled with zeros. .. deprecated:: 0.9.0 :string:`"semver"` is a deprecated alias for :string:`"simple"`.
- Unless otherwise specified,
a relative file path appearing in a CPS
shall be interpreted relative to the
file. - Unless otherwise specified,
unrecognized attributes shall be ignored.
This makes it easier for tools to add tool-specific extensions.
(It is strongly recommended that the names of any such attributes
start with
, where<tool>
is the (lower case) name of the tool which introduced the extension, in order to reduce the chance of conflicts with newer versions of the CPS.) - The term "CABI", as used throughout, refers to (typically C/C++/Fortran) code compiled to the machine's native instruction set and using the platform's usual format for such binaries (ELF, PE32, etc.).
A JSON Schema for CPS can be obtained :schema:`here`. The schema is generated from this documentation, and is intended to be used for machine validation of CPS files. In case of discrepancies, this documentation takes precedence. (That said, issue reports are welcomed and strongly encouraged; please refer to our `Development Process`_.)