- Chat entity and API
- Elfa integration
- Add input token limit to config
- Auto clean memory after agent update
- Defillama skills
- AgentKit upgrade to new package
- Add new skill config model
- Introduce json schema for skill config
- Introduce json schema for agent model
- Chain provider abstraction and quicknode
- Check and get the telegram bot info when creating an agent
- Chat History API
- Introduce to Chat ID concept
- GOAT Integration
- CrossMint Wallet Integration
- Auto create cdp wallet when create agent
- CryptoCompare skills
- All chats will be saved in the db table chat_messages
- Remove config.debug_resp flag, you can only use debug endpoint for debugging
- Remove config.autonomous_memory_public, the autonomous task will always use chat id "autonomous"
- Twitter account link support redirect after authorization
- Acolyt integration
- split scheduler to new service
- split singleton to new service
- Use async everywhere
- Fix bugs in twitter account binding
- Readonly API for better performance
- LLM creativity in agent config
- Agent memory cleanup by token count
- Enso tx CDP wallet broadcast
- Sentry Error Tracking
- Better short memory management, base on token count now
- Better logs
- If you open the jwt verify of admin api, it now ignore the reqest come from internal network
- Improve the docker compose tutorial, comment the twitter and tg entrypoint service by default
- The new docker-compose.yml change the service name, add "intent-" prefix to all services
- DeepSeek LLM Support!
- Enso skills now use CDP wallet
- Add an API for frontend to link twitter account to an agent
- Refactor telegram services
- Save telegram user info to db when it linked to an agent
- Fix bug when twitter token refresh some skills will not work
- Chat API released, you can use it to support a web UI
- Admin API:
- When create agent, id is not required now, we will generate a random id if not provided
- All agent response data is improved, it has more data now
- ENSO Skills improved
- If admin api enable the JWT authentication, the agent can only updated by its owner
- Add upstream_id to Agent, when other service call admin API, can use this field to keep idempotent, or track the agent
- Enso add network skill
- Enso skills behavior improved
- Twitter skills now get more context, agent can know the author of the tweet, the thread of the tweet, and more.
- Twitter skills will not reply to your own tweets
- Twitter docs improved
- Twitter rate limit only affected when using OAuth
- Better twitter rate limit numbers
- Slack notify improved
- Add twitter skill rate limit
- Better doc/create_agent.sh
- OAuth 2.0 refresh token failure handling
- Fix bug in twitter search skill
- Twitter Follow User
- Twitter Like Tweet
- Twitter Retweet
- Twitter Search Tweets
- Twitter OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
- Twitter access token auto refresh
- AgentData table and AgentStore interface
- ENSO Skills
- Better architecture doc: Architecture
- Add IntentKitSkill abstract class, for now, it has a skill store interface out of the box
- Use skill store in Twitter skills, fetch skills will store the last processed tweet ID, prevent duplicate processing
- CDP Skills Filter in Agent, choose the skills you want only, the less skills, the better performance
- Add a document for skill contributors: How to add a new skill
- Add
to Agent, it will be appended to the entire prompt as system role, it has stronger priority - When you use web debug mode, you can see the entire prompt sent to the AI model
- You can use new query param
to debug any conversation thread
- Memory Management
- Refactor the core ai agent creation
- Fix bug that resp debug model is not correct
- Optional JWT Authentication for admin API
- Refactor the core ai agent engine for better architecture
- Telegram entrypoint greeting message
- Fix bug that agent config update not taking effect sometimes
- Telegram entrypoint support regenerate token
- Telegram entrypoint robust error handling
- Telegram entrypoint support dynamic enable and disable
- Better conversation behavior about the wallet
- System Prompt, It will affect all agents in a deployment.
- Nation number in Agent model
- Share agent memory between all public entrypoints
- Auto timestamp in db model
- Fix bug in db create from scratch
- Fix Telegram group bug
- Telegram Entrypoint
- Twitter Integration Enchancement
- Twitter Entrypoint
- Admin cron for quota clear
- Admin API get all agents
- Change lint tools to ruff
- Improve CI
- Improve twitter skills
- Fix bug in db base code
- Twitter Skills
- Get Mentions
- Get Timeline
- Post Tweet
- Reply Tweet
- CI/CD refactoring for better security
- Change default plan to "self-hosted" from "free", new agent now has 9999 message limit for testing
- Add a flag "DEBUG_RESP", when set to true, the Agent will respond with thought processes and time costs
- Better DB session management
- Use Poetry as package manager
- Docker Compose tutorial in readme
- Multiple Agent Support
- Autonomous Agent Management
- Blockchain Integration (CDP for now, will add more)
- Extensible Skill System
- Extensible Plugin System