This sub-project of JKaHyPar declares as a submodule the native implementation of KaHyPar to make easier the packaging of JKaHyPar for different platforms.
To build the library, you need to get all KaHyPar's dependencies on your computer. First, you need to install Boost at least 1.69. Then, execute the following command from within this directory:
git submodule update --recursive --remote --init
Finally, simply run the following command:
../gradlew dist
This will create the libkahypar
shared library for your OS and architecture
in the dist
directory at the root of the project.
Currently, only Linux and macOS are supported.
If you use a different OS, you can edit this configuration file
and, in the section System Dependent Configuration, add the condition
allowing Gradle to identify your OS and to create the appropriate shared
To add the newly created library to JKaHyPar, run the following command:
../gradlew buildForJkahypar
Now, to package JKaHyPar with this new library, go back to the root directory, and build JKaHyPar using the following command:
./gradlew jkahypar