CloudWatch Logs to Elasticsearch streaming function for AWS Lambda.
This is provided as alternative to the AWS Elasticsearch Service streaming Lambda function and supports any Elasticsearch service with an HTTPS endpoint and HTTP Basic Access Authentication, e.g. Elastic Cloud.
Add the function code to AWS Lambda with the following configuration options:
Key | Value |
Runtime | Node.js 6.10 |
Handler | index.handler |
Role | AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole |
Memory | 128 (MB) |
Timeout | 10 sec |
KMS key | aws/lambda |
Set the following required environment variables for the Lambda function:
Key | Value |
hostname | Hostname of the Elasticsearch cluster HTTPS endpoint. |
port | Port number of the Elasticsearch cluster HTTPS endpoint. |
username | Name of an ES user with create_index and write permissions. |
encpass | AWS KMS encrypted password. |
Set the following optional environment variables for the Lambda function:
Key | Value |
pipeline | The Elasticsearch ingest pipeline to use. |
piperegexp | RegExp matched with the log group if the pipeline applies. |
pipefields | Required fields for the pipeline to add if missing, e.g.: |
| `http_user_agent= real_ip=`
Add any CloudWatch logs group as trigger for the Lambda function.
The CloudWatch logs are forwarded to AWS Lambda with the following payload:
The decoded and decompressed data has the format shown in awslogs-data.json
which we can use to edit the test log events.
Execute the following command to read awslogs-data.json
, gzip it and store its
one-line base64 representation as
property of test-event.json
jq -n --arg data $(jq -cj . awslogs-data.json | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\n') \
'{awslogs:{data:$data}}' > test-event.json
This command requires jq.
Released under the MIT license.