more flexibility with ASP install location
more flexibility with ASP install location
remove quotes from transform_command
remove quotes from transform_command
update flags for geoid-tool
update flags for geoid-tool
new functions for handling geoid transformations
new functions for handling geoid transformations
removing geoid conversion from ASP co-reg method
removing geoid conversion from ASP co-reg method
lowercase auto for extensions
lowercase auto for extensions
pdal testing is working using MCS data
pdal testing is working using MCS data
all test cases working for ASP, next will be testing PDAL
all test cases working for ASP, next will be testing PDAL
formatting constants and eqn 12 from paper
formatting constants and eqn 12 from paper
exact solution per editor comments
exact solution per editor comments
Update iceroad_env.yaml
Update iceroad_env.yaml
libRadtran LUT, remove personal paths
libRadtran LUT, remove personal paths
Merge branch 'main' into snow-grain-paper2
Merge branch 'main' into snow-grain-paper2
for brents dissertation.. just trying to stay organized..
for brents dissertation.. just trying to stay organized..