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File metadata and controls

165 lines (121 loc) · 7.26 KB


PHP Constants

Your web/index.php file can specify a few PHP constants, which Craft’s bootstrap script will check for while loading and configuring Craft.

  • CRAFT_BASE_PATH – The path to the base directory that Craft will look for config/, templates/, and other directories within by default. (It is assumed to be the parent of the vendor/ directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_COMPOSER_PATH – The path to composer.json. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_CONFIG_PATH – The path to the config/ directory. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_CONTENT_MIGRATIONS_PATH – The path to the migrations/ directory used to store content migrations. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT – The environment ID that multi-environment configs can reference when defining their environment-specific config values. ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] will be used by default.)
  • CRAFT_LICENSE_KEY_PATH – The path that Craft should store its license key file, including its filename. (It will be stored as license.key within your config/ directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_PLUGINS_PATH – The path to the plugins/ directory used to store manually-installed plugins. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_SITE – The Site handle or ID that Craft should be serving from this index.php file.
  • CRAFT_STORAGE_PATH – The path to the storage/ directory. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_TEMPLATES_PATH – The path to the templates/ directory. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_TRANSLATIONS_PATH – The path to the translations/ directory. (It is assumed to live within the base directory by default.)
  • CRAFT_VENDOR_PATH – The path to the vendor/ directory. (It is assumed to live 4 directories up from the bootstrap script by default.)

General Config

Craft supports several general configuration settings. You can see a list of them all in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/GeneralConfig.php, and you can override the values in your config/general.php file.

Database Config

Craft supports several database configuration settings. You can see a list of them all in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/DbConfig.php, and you can override the values in your config/db.php file.

Data Caching Config

If you’re using APC, Database, File, or Memcache(d) data caching drivers (per the cacheMethod general config setting), you can set driver-specific settings. You can see a list of them in the corresponding file in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/defaults/ (apc.php, dbcache.php, filecache.php, or memcache.php), and you can override the values by creating a file with the same name in your config/ directory.

Guzzle Config

Craft uses Guzzle 6 whenever creating HTTP requests, such as:

  • when checking for Craft updates
  • when sending in a support request from the Craft Support widget
  • when loading RSS feeds from the Feeds widget
  • when working with assets on remote volumes, like Amazon S3

You can customize the config settings Guzzle uses when sending these requests by creating a guzzle.php file in your config/ folder. The file should return an array, with your config overrides.


return [
    'headers' => ['Foo' => 'Bar'],
    'query'   => ['testing' => '123'],
    'auth'    => ['username', 'password'],
    'proxy'   => 'tcp://localhost:80',

The options defined here will be passed into new GuzzleHttp\Client instances. See Guzzle’s documentation for a list of available options.

Overriding Volume Settings

If you would prefer to define volume settings with a config file, you can do that from config/volumes.php. The file should return an array whose keys map to your volume handles, and values are nested arrays that define the overridden setting values.

return [
    'siteAssets' => [
        'path' => getenv('ASSETS_BASE_PATH').'/site',
        'url' => getenv('ASSETS_BASE_URL').'/site',
    'companyLogos' => [
        'path' => getenv('ASSETS_BASE_PATH').'/logos',
        'url' => getenv('ASSETS_BASE_URL').'/logos',

URL Rules

You can define custom URL rules in config/routes.php, which will get merged in with any routes you’ve defined on the Settings → Routes page in the Control Panel.

Craft supports a custom syntax for routing requests to a template, rather than a controller action:

return [
    'blog/archive/<year:\d{4}>' => ['template' => 'blog/_archive'],

Redactor Configs

You can customize the Redactor configurations that are available to Rich Text fields by saving them as .json files within your config/redactor/ directory. The available config settings are listed in Redactor’s documentation.

These .json files must contain valid JSON. That means:

  • No comments
  • All object properties (the config setting names) must be wrapped in double quotes
  • All strings must use double quotes rather than single quotes
// Bad:
  /* interesting comment */
  buttons: ['bold', 'italic']

// Good:
  "buttons": ["bold", "italic"]

HTML Purifier Configs

You can customize the HTML Purifier configurations that are available to Rich Text fields by saving them as .json files within your config/htmlpurifier/ directory. The available config settings are listed in HTML Purifier’s documentation.

  "HTML.AllowedCommentsRegexp": "p, div"

Application Config

You can customize Craft’s entire application configuration from config/app.php. Any items returned by that array will get merged into the main application configuration array.

Mailer Component

To override the mailer component config (which is responsible for sending emails), do this in config/app.php:


return [
    'components' => [
        'mailer' => function() {
            // Get the stored email settings
            $settings = Craft::$app->systemSettings->getEmailSettings();

            // Override the transport adapter class
            $settings->transportType = craft\mailgun\MailgunAdapter::class;

            // Override the transport adapter settings
            $settings->transportSettings = [
                'domain' => '',
                'apiKey' => 'key-xxxxxxxxxx',

            return craft\helpers\MailerHelper::createMailer($settings);

        // ...

    // ...