Note: All sections assume that you start at the root of this repository and that you
are logged in to the OpenShift cluster with oc
- Create new machine
- CentOS 7
- Type: CX51
- User Data: machine/user-data.yml
- Add SSH keys
- Assign floating IP and map DNS -> use this IP and hostname instead of
- Renew Let's encrypt certificate
- Setup OpenShift
- Run installer … see openshift/
Download release:
curl -LO
tar xzf enmasse-0.20.0.tgz
Deploy EnMasse:
oc new-project enmasse --display-name='EnMasse Instance'
./enmasse-0.20.0/ -n enmasse -u iot -m -k /home/jreimann/letsencrypt/ -c /home/jreimann/letsencrypt/
Once it is up and running configure it:
curl -X POST -T "enmasse/addresses.json" -H "content-type: application/json" https://$(oc -n enmasse get route restapi -o jsonpath='{}')/apis/
On the master:
git clone -b release-0.4.x
oc new-project strimzi --display-name='Strimzi / Kafka'
oc create -f strimzi/examples/install/cluster-operator
oc create -f strimzi/examples/templates/cluster-operator
Deploy a Kafka cluster and topics:
oc project strimzi
oc create -f kafka
Deploy Hono:
oc new-project hono --display-name='Eclipse Hono™'
cd hono/example/src/main/deploy/openshift_s2i
oc create configmap influxdb-config --from-file="../influxdb.conf"
oc process -f hono-template.yml \
-p "ENMASSE_NAMESPACE=enmasse" \
-p "GIT_BRANCH=0.6.x"| oc create -f -
oc env dc/hono-service-device-registry HONO_REGISTRY_SVC_MAX_DEVICES_PER_TENANT=10000
oc new-project iot-simulator --display-name='IoT workload simulator'
oc process -f hono-demo-1/src/openshift/demo.yml | oc create -f -
oc scale --replicas=0 dc hono-demo-1-consumer-influxdb
oc new-project grafana --display-name='Grafana Dashboard'
oc process -f hono/example/src/main/deploy/openshift/grafana-template.yml \
-p ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin | oc create -f -
./hono/example/src/main/deploy/ "$(oc get route grafana -o jsonpath='{}')" 443 https
oc apply -f https/grafana.yml
GRAFANA_URL="$(oc -n grafana get route grafana --template='{{ }}')"
curl -X POST -T grafana/ds_payload.json -H "content-type: application/json" "https://admin:admin@$GRAFANA_URL/api/datasources"
curl -X POST -T grafana/dashboard_payload.json -H "content-type: application/json" "https://admin:admin@$GRAFANA_URL/api/dashboards/db"
oc new-project hono-consumer --display-name 'Hono Consumer'
oc new-app fabric8/s2i-java~
#oc patch dc/hono-example-bridge --patch '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"hono-example-bridge", "ports":[{"containerPort":"8778", "name":"jolokia" }]}]}}}}'
oc set probe dc/hono-example-bridge --readiness --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/health
Set up GitHub webhook:
# Register GitHub web hook
From the root of this repository run:
cd che/deploy/openshift/templates
oc new-project che --display-name='Eclipse Che™'
oc new-app -f multi/postgres-template.yaml -p CHE_VERSION=6.5.0
oc new-app -f multi/keycloak-template.yaml -p CHE_VERSION=6.5.0 -p KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=<initial-admin-password> -p -p PROTOCOL=https
oc apply -f pvc/che-server-pvc.yaml
oc new-app -f che-server-template.yaml -p CHE_VERSION=6.5.0 -p -p CHE_MULTIUSER=true -p PROTOCOL=https -p WS_PROTOCOL=wss -p TLS=true
oc set volume dc/che --add -m /data --name=che-data-volume --claim-name=che-data-volume
oc apply -f https
Once Che is up and running:
CHE_URL="https://$(oc -n che get route che --template='{{ }}')"
echo "Open browser at: $CHE_URL/f?url="
echo "Open browser at: $CHE_URL/f?url="
oc new-project demo-gauge
oc new-app centos/nodejs-8-centos7~
oc apply -f https/demo-gauge.yml
Set up GitHub webhook:
# Register GitHub web hook