A list of great resources to get you going with building dApps using Rust/CosmWasm and CosmJS as well as other tools 😊
The Cudos network is a smart-contract-enabled, layer-1 Cosmos blockchain, which facilitates a network of compute infrastructure for running Virtual Machines.
It is the perfect place to build powerful decentralised applications (dApps) with access both to the consensus-driven underlying blockchain, as well as the cloud infrastructure for the elements of an application that don't require a distributed ledger.
- Get yourself a Cudos wallet address with the help of this guide.
- Write a smart contract in Rust, compiled to CosmWasm.
- Deploy your smart contract to the blockchain and initialise it, follow the guide here.
- Build a frontend application to interact with the blockchain and your contract on it from a neat UI. These interactions are made using CosmJS to the blockchain, which you can think of simply as a database underlying a traditional application.
- Deploy your frontend application onto the CudoCompute network in order to host your dApp.
- The Go-To: Cudos Docs
Contract Deployment and Interaction Tool- Cudos Sample Contracts and Code
- Cudos Node Repo
- The Go-To: CosmWasm Documentation
- Area-52 CosmWasm Tutorial
- The Go-To: CosmJS Documentation
dApp Frontend Scaffold Tool from Cosmology
- Register an account at CudoCompute
- Add an SSH key per the documentation
- Create a project as per the documentation
- Browse to the project and follow this video to create a Virtual Machine. Note: select Ubuntu Minimal 20.04
- SSH into the machine.
- (leave feedback on the CudoCompute platform!)
Follow the the guide in this video with the text steps below:
- Update the package manager (press 1 when prompted to):
apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_19.x | sudo -E bash -
- Use
to installnodejs
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install -y git
- Use
to installyarn
(npm package here):
npm install --global yarn
npm install -g create-cosmos-app
- Run
- Name your app and set multi-chain:
? [name] Enter your new app name: my-app
Cloning into 'my-app'...
? [template] which template (Use arrow keys)
> connect-multi-chain
(you may need to now wait a while)
- Change directory into your application folder and run
cd my-app
yarn && yarn dev
- Open the IP of your server in a web browser on port 3000, eg (
- (Share any feedback you might have about CudoCompute here)