Agora is a forum for ideas. It is a simple, blog-like application, with support for multiple authors.
It is developed for a class curriculum, and is not intended for real deployment, although it could serve some purpose.
There are two classes--Author and Idea. A forum can have zero or more authors. Each author can have zero or more ideas.
Agora uses SQLAlchemy for a persistence layer. You need a valid SQLAlchemy session to initialize agora.
>>> from agora.models import Base >>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker >>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine) >>> DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker()) >>> DBSession.configure(bind=engine)
>>> from agora import Forum >>> forum = Forum(DBSession)
A new forum has no authors or ideas.
>>> forum.get_authors() [] >>> forum.get_ideas() []
To add an idea, you first need an author.
To add a new author, pass a username, fullname, and email to the add_author method.
>>> forum.add_author(username='schmoe', fullname='Joe Schmoe', email='') 1 >>> forum.add_author(username='misinformation', fullname='Miss Information', email='') 2
Notice that the method returns the author's id.
We now have authors.
>>> forum.get_authors() [Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, Miss Information, March 02, 2016]
You can access authors by id.
>>> forum.get_author(1) Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016
To add a new idea, pass a title, idea, and author_id to the add_idea method.
>>> forum.add_idea(title='First Idea!', idea='This is my idea.', author_id=1) 1 >>> forum.add_idea(title='My First Idea!', idea='This is my idea.', author_id=2) 2 >>> forum.add_idea(title='Another Idea!', idea='This is my idea.', author_id=1) 3 >>> forum.add_idea(title='Another Idea!', idea='This is my idea.', author_id=2) 4
We now have ideas.
>>> forum.get_ideas() [First Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, My First Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016]
You can access ideas by id.
>>> forum.get_idea(1) First Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016
You can also access ideas with filters.
>>> forum.get_ideas(filters={'author': forum.get_author(1)}) [First Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016] >>> forum.get_ideas(filters={'title': 'First Idea!'}) [First Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016] >>> forum.get_ideas(filters={'title': 'Another Idea!'}) [Another Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016] >>> forum.get_ideas(filters={'author': forum.get_author(2), 'title': 'Another Idea!'}) [Another Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016]
You can delete ideas by id.
>>> forum.delete_idea(1) 1 >>> forum.get_ideas() [My First Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Joe Schmoe, March 02, 2016, Another Idea!, Miss Information, March 02, 2016]
There is a script provided to initialize the database. It is installed into the bin directory of your virtualenv. You must pass it a valid SQLAlchemy database URI.
$ initialize_agora_db <database_uri> $ initialize_agora_db sqlite:///agora.sqlite
You can also use the script to seed the database with a sample author and two ideas, if you append the word seed to the command.
$ initialize_agora_db sqlite:///agora.sqlite seed