Information about CPM's local storage structure (i.e., on the client side) can be found in the manual.
Here is some information about CPM's global storage structure.
CPM requires a global index containing the specifications
of all available packages. The default URL is defined in
, currently as
This configuration can be changed by the .cpmrc
Currently, it is a git repository but it could also be a tar file or a gzipped tar file.
The directory referenced by this URL must contains for each
package pkg
and version vers
a file
containing the package specification in JSON format. For instance, it contains the files
The global package index is downloaded by the CPM command
cypm update
This command also create a local sqlite3 database containing the most important information about each package. The database is used by various CPM commands to accelerate the access to information about packages.
CPM uses a global store containing a gzipped tar file for each package.
The default URL is defined in CPM.Config.packageTarFilesDefaultURL
currently as
This configuration can be changed by the .cpmrc
Currently, it is a git repository but it could also be a tar file or a gzipped tar file.
In order to download the package pkg
in version vers
CPM extends this URL by the string pkg-vers.tar.gz
For instance, CPM downloads version 2.1.0 of the package cpm
If CPM cannot download anything from this location,
it tries to download the package from the source
of the package description.
In order to accelerate the creation of the sqlite3 database
during the update
command, CPM tries to download the file
which contains the database information in CSV format. If CPM cannot download this file, it creates the database by reading all package specifications of the global package index (which takes more time than reading the CSV file).
Currently, new package or package version can be uploaded to these global stores by the command
cypm upload
(see the manual for more details). Currently, only packages having a source specification of the form
"source": {
"git": "",
"tag": "$version"
can be uploaded. Furthermore, one has to have write access to the source repository. This command tests the package and, in case of a successful test, uploads the package to the global package index and store via the web script at URL