- Runtime: Node.js
- Language: TypeScript
- Library:
- patreon-dl
- youtube-dl-exec
// [supported url](https://github.com/patrickkfkan/patreon-dl/blob/master/README.md#url)
const postUrl = 'https://www.patreon.com/c/kobeon/posts';
// fetching posts from patreon and save it to json file
getPosts(postUrl).then(posts => {
// save posts to a json file
saveJsonToFile(posts, 'posts.json');
// Download the post from patreon
downloadFromPatreon(postUrl, "output_dir");
- Get patreon posts' metadata without downloading with given post ids
import { loadJsonFile, saveJsonToFile } from './utils/fileUtils';
import { getPostMetadata } from './utils/patreonUtils';
import { sleep } from './utils/sleepUtils'
async function main() {
try {
const postMetadataList = [];
const failedPostIds = [];
const postIds = loadJsonFile('postIds.json');
const totalCount = postIds.length;
// Use Promise.allSettled to handle all requests concurrently
const promises = postIds.map(async (postId: string, index: number) => {
console.log(`Processing ${index + 1}/${totalCount} ${postId}...`);
try {
const metadata = await getPostMetadata(postId);
// sleep 3 seconds to avoid rate limit
await sleep(1000)
return { postId, success: true, metadata };
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to process ${postId}:`, error);
return { success: false, postId };
// Wait for all promises to settle
const results = await Promise.allSettled(promises);
// Process the results
for (const result of results) {
if (result.status === 'fulfilled') {
} else {
// Save json file
saveJsonToFile(postMetadataList, 'postMetadataList.json');
saveJsonToFile(failedPostIds, 'failedPostIds.json');
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error:', err);
// Execute the main function
- Extract youtube video url from retrieved post metadata list
// Extracting youtube video url from retrieved post metadata
const postList = loadJsonFile("postMetadataList.json")
// Assuming postList is defined and is an array of post objects
const youtubeVideoUrlList = [];
const oddPostList = [];
// Iterate over each post in the postList
for (const post of postList) {
const attributes = post.data?.attributes; // Accessing attributes directly
const embed = attributes?.embed; // Accessing embed directly
// Check if the embed provider is YouTube and push the URL to the list
if (embed?.provider === "YouTube") {
youtubeVideoUrlList.push(embed.url); // Accessing URL directly
} else {
// Log the collected YouTube video URLs
console.log('YouTube Video URLs:', youtubeVideoUrlList);
// Save json file
saveJsonToFile(youtubeVideoUrlList, "embedded_youtube_video_url_list.json")
saveJsonToFile(oddPostList, "odd_post_list.json")