- Boolean typeint
- Mathematical integer typereal
- Mathematical real typestr
- StringEnum[C1, C2, ...]
- User defined enumeration typeIntEnum[lower:upper]
- User defined numeric enumeration type. Can be compared withint
To be supported
Currently, we only support T
to be a primitive type.
Mapping[T1, T2]
- Mapping fromT1
type toT2
typeNamedTuple[field1:T1, field2:T2, ...]
- Tuple with named fieldsTuple[T1, T2, ...]
- Tuple with anonymous fieldsSequence[T]
- Unordered setCounter[T]
- Multi-set
Dione language is a strict subset of Python 3.7 by design. We follow the Abstract Grammar of Python 3.7 and describe the constraints over the abstract grammar for Dione.