Geometry |
NA |
Geometry Object |
Required |
SharedStreets geometry compliant LineString that is in WGS Coordinates. The orientation of right vs. left is based the order of the vertices in this geometry, and its start and end points denote the crosswalk locations described in the specification. |
NA |
SharedStreetID |
ID |
Required |
SharedStreets ID for the specific segment of a consolidated centerline (no dual carriageways). This should be a unique ID. |
NA |
Right_Sidewalk_Frontage_Zone |
RSW_Frnt_Z |
Float |
Optional |
Width in meters of the right sidewalk between adjacent land uses and the pedestrian through zone. |
NA |
Right_Sidewalk_Through_Zone |
RSW_Thru_Z |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the right sidewalk where pedestrians would walk. |
NA |
Right_Sidewalk_Furniture_Zone |
RSW_Furn_Z |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the zone separating the walkway from the curb of the road. It can describe a vegetated buffer or other type of curb zone. |
NA |
Right_Sidewalk_Furniture_Meta |
RSFW_Furn_M |
Text |
Required |
This metatag descripts the type of furniture zone being placed. The possible values include street_trees_in_planted_buffer (denotes spaced trees placed in a long vegetated buffer), street_trees_in_curb_cuts (denotes spaced trees in cuts in the concrete), planted_buffer (denotes a grass or other semi-vegetated buffer along furniture zone), filter_strip (placement of a bioswale or dipped catchment area for rain water in furniture zone), transit_shelter (denotes that a transit shelter is in the furniture zone), complex (denotes multiple types of objects in furniture zone perhaps better described by smaller segments in the slice specification). |
vegetated;vegetated_with_trees;vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts;filter_strip;transit_shelter;complex |
Right_Through_Lane_1 |
RThru_Ln_1 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the right most drive lane closest to the curb. This can often be referred to as a curbside lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Right_Through_Lane_2 |
RThru_Ln_2 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the second right most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Right_Through_Lane_3 |
RThru_Ln_3 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the third right most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Right_Through_Lane_4 |
RThru_Ln_4 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the fourth right most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Right_Through_Lane_X |
RThru_Ln_X |
Float |
Optional |
Width in meters of any additional lanes that might be on the right side of the street. The number will just increase to accommodate for an additive specification, but it is an optional element. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Right_Bike_Lane |
RBk_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width of the right bicycle lane in meters. |
NA |
Right_Bike_Buffer |
RBk_Buff |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of a right bicycle buffer. |
NA |
Right_Bike_Buffer_Meta |
RB_Bu_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the type of buffer that exists in the street based on the type. Categories include paint (paint only buffers), post (flexible posts in a painted buffer), curb (raised concrete curb buffer), planter (temporary or permanent planter in buffer),vegetated(curb buffer with vegetation or grass),vegetated_with_trees (curb buffer with trees or other vegetation in the buffer),vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts(curb buffers with vegetation and trees with gaps),stone (large stones delineating the buffer),brick (raised brick inset in a curb buffer),bollard (rigid post separating bicyclists from traffic), separator (raised element placed intermittently along buffer such as parking stops or zebra domes), and other (some other buffer type). |
paint;post;curb;planter;separator;vegetated; vegetated_with_trees;vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts; stone;brick;bollard;other |
Right_Parking_Lane |
R_Prk_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the right parking lane. It is possible this zone is more complex than being just on-street parking, but it will be used to describe the width of a curbside zone that is not intended for traversal. |
NA |
Right_Parking_Lane_Meta |
R_Prk_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the parking parking zone type allowed. Categories include parking (personal vehicle storage), passenger_loading (passenger drop-off / loading) ,commercial_loading (commercial vehicle drop-off / loading), parklet (mini-park or pedestrianized space, bike_share (bike share stations or stalls), dockless_parking (spots to allocate dockless scooter/bike parking),bike_parking (locations for bike parking stands), tow_away_zone (no parking zone/fire lane/ etc.),transit_stop (location for transit stop loading/unloading/dwelling), construction_zone(a zone temporarily allocated to construction activity), flex_zone(a parking zone that can be different things at different times). It is not assumed that the entire curb is taken up by one of these uses, but just that it has at least one of them. |
parking;passenger_loading;commericial_loading;parklet;bike_share;dockless_parking;bike_parking;tow_away_zone;commercial_activity;transit_stop;construction_zone;flex_zone |
Right_Transit_Lane |
RTran_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of a right transit lane dedicated to moving high occupancy modes such as bus lanes, HOV lanes, and other types of lane. Defaults to describing a bus lane. |
NA |
Right_Transit_Meta |
RTran_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes transit lane type. The possible values include bus (bus only lane), hov (high occupancy vehicle lane), rail (light rail/street car lane), bus_bike (bus and bike shared lane). |
bus;hov;rail;bus_bike |
Center_Lane |
Center_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the center lane or median that cannot be described by right or left. It typically refers to a median. |
NA |
Center_Lane_Meta |
Cent_Meta |
Text |
Required |
This describes the type of right of way allocation typical to the center of a street. The options include a median (raised curb with no tapering for a turn lane), turn_lane (a two-way left turn lane), boulevard (a center lane allocation that tend to be large and contain pedestrian space of other lane allocations), barrier (a raised barrier such as a Jersey Barrier), median_turn_lane (a median with tapering at each intersection to accomodate left turn lanes). |
median;turn_lane;boulevard;barrier;median_turn_lane |
Left_Sidewalk_Frontage_Zone |
LSW_Frnt_Z |
Float |
Optional |
Width in meters of the left sidewalk between adjacent land uses and the pedestrian through zone. |
NA |
Left_Sidewalk_Through_Zone |
LSW_Thru_Z |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the left sidewalk where pedestrians would walk. |
NA |
Left_Sidewalk_Furniture_Zone |
LSW_Furn_Z |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the zone separating the walkway from the curb of the road. It can describe a vegetated buffer or other type of curb zone. |
NA |
Left_Sidewalk_Furniture_Meta |
LSFW_Furn_M |
Text |
Required |
This metatag descripts the type of furniture zone being placed. The possible values include street_trees_in_planted_buffer (denotes spaced trees placed in a long vegetated buffer), street_trees_in_curb_cuts (denotes spaced trees in cuts in the concrete), planted_buffer (denotes a grass or other semi-vegetated buffer along furniture zone), filter_strip (placement of a bioswale or dipped catchment area for rain water in furniture zone), transit_shelter (denotes that a transit shelter is in the furniture zone), complex (denotes multiple types of objects in furniture zone perhaps better described by smaller segments in the slice specification). |
vegetated;vegetated_with_trees;vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts;filter_strip;transit_shelter;complex |
Left_Through_Lane_1 |
LThru_Ln_1 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the left most drive lane closest to the curb. This can often be referred to as a curbside lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Left_Through_Lane_2 |
LThru_Ln_2 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the second left most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Left_Through_Lane_3 |
LThru_Ln_3 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the third left most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Left_Through_Lane_4 |
LThru_Ln_4 |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the fourth left most drive lane. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Left_Through_Lane_X |
LThru_Ln_X |
Float |
Optional |
Width in meters of any additional lanes that might be on the left side of the street. The number will just increase to accommodate for an additive specification, but it is an optional element. If this type of lane does not exist, the value is zero. |
NA |
Left_Bike_Lane |
LBk_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width of the left bicycle lane in meters. |
NA |
Left_Bike_Buffer |
LBk_Buff |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of a left bicycle buffer. |
NA |
Left_Bike_Buffer_Meta |
LB_Bu_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the type of buffer that exists in the street based on the type. Categories include paint (paint only buffers), post (flexible posts in a painted buffer), curb (raised concrete curb buffer), planter (temporary or permanent planter in buffer),vegetated(curb buffer with vegetation or grass),vegetated_with_trees (curb buffer with trees or other vegetation in the buffer),vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts(curb buffers with vegetation and trees with gaps),stone (large stones delinating the buffer),brick (raised brick inset in a curb buffer),bollard (rigid post separating bicyclists from traffic), separator (raised element placed intermittently along buffer such as parking stops or zebra domes), and other (some other buffer type). |
paint;post;curb;planter;separator;vegetated; vegetated_with_trees;vegetated_with_tree_curb_cuts; stone;brick;bollard;other |
Left_Parking_Lane |
L_Prk_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the left parking lane. It is possible this zone is more complex than being just on-street parking, but it will be used to describe the width of a curbside zone that is not intended for traversal. |
NA |
Left_Parking_Lane_Meta |
L_Prk_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the parking parking zone type allowed. Categories include parking (personal vehicle storage), passenger_loading (passenger drop-off / loading) ,commercial_loading (commercial vehicle drop-off / loading), parklet (mini-park or pedestrianized space, bike_share (bike share stations or stalls), dockless_parking (spots to allocate dockless scooter/bike parking),bike_parking (locations for bike parking stands), tow_away_zone (no parking zone/fire lane/ etc.),transit_stop (location for transit stop loading/unloading/dwelling), construction_zone (a zone temporarily allocated to construction activity), flex_zone(a parking zone that can be different things at different times). It is not assumed that the entire curb is taken up by one of these uses, but just that it has at least one of them. |
parking;passenger_loading;commericial_loading;parklet;bike_share;dockless_parking;bike_parking;tow_away_zone;commercial_activity;transit_stop;construction_zone;flex_zone |
Left_Transit_Lane |
RTran_Ln |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of a left transit lane dedicated to moving high occupancy modes such as bus lanes, HOV lanes, and other types of lane. Defaults to describing a bus lane. |
NA |
Left_Transit_Meta |
RTran_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes transit lane type. The possible values include bus (bus only lane), hov (high occupancy vehicle lane), rail (light rail/street car lane), bus_bike (bus and bike shared lane). |
bus;hov;rail;bus_bike |
End_Crosswalk_Width |
E_X_Wlk |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the crosswalk at the end of the of the segment. |
NA |
Begin_Crosswalk_Width |
B_X_Wlk |
Float |
Required |
Width in meters of the crosswalk at the beginning of the of the segment. |
NA |
End_Crosswalk_Meta |
E_X_W_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the type of crosswalk at the beginning of the segment. The types of crosswalk that are possible are continental (high visibility bars spaced across intersection), transverse (standard two painted lines across intersection), ladder (combination of two painted lines and continental bars), textured (some type of custom colored & textured pavement based crosswalk),zebra (combination of two painted lines and angled diagonal crossbars), other (other custom crosswalk design). |
continental;transverse;ladder;textured;zebra;other |
Begin_Crosswalk_Meta |
B_X_W_Meta |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the type of crosswalk at the beginning of the segment. The types of crosswalk that are possible are continental (high visibility bars spaced across intersection), transverse (standard two painted lines across intersection), ladder (combination of two painted lines and continental bars), textured (some type of custom colored & textured pavement based crosswalk),zebra (combination of two painted lines and angled diagonal crossbars), other (other custom crosswalk design). |
continental;transverse;ladder;textured;zebra;other |
Off_Street_Width |
Off_St_W |
Float |
Optional |
Width in meters of an off-street path facility or gravel road that does not have clear delineations for direction that runs parallel to the segment or is the segment being described (all other attributes are zero). |
NA |
Off_Street_Meta |
Off_St_M |
Text |
Optional |
This describes the type of off-street facility being represented. If the geometry represents an off-street path rather than a road or a road that has no formal delineation, this tag along side Off_St_W can be used to represent a simplified rural road or path. The possible values are asphalt (impervious petroleum based path surface), gravel (loose aggregate material delineate path), dirt (compacted soil with little or no vegetation delineate path), stone (large cobblestone or other type of surface), brick (clay brick trail surface). |
asphalt;gravel;dirt;stone;brick |