Using Docker to use the latest FFMPEG
- Convert input video file (input.MTS) in the current directory into an MP4
docker run -v $PWD:/temp/ jrottenberg/ffmpeg -stats -i /temp/input.MTS /temp/output.MP4
docker run -v $PWD:/temp/ jrottenberg/ffmpeg -stats -i /temp/input.MP4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 /temp/output.MP4
- Delay beginning (-ss) and/or trim duration (-t). Time syntax reference
docker run -v $PWD:/temp/ jrottenberg/ffmpeg -stats -i /temp/input.MTS -ss 8 -t 7 /temp/output.MP4
- Convert AVI to MP4 - generate H.264 content for Apple software/devices use
-pix_fmt yuv420p
docker run -v $PWD:/temp/ jrottenberg/ffmpeg -stats -i /temp/input.avi -pix_fmt yuv420p /temp/output.MP4
- Remove audio track(s) with
docker run -v $PWD:/temp/ jrottenberg/ffmpeg -stats -i /temp/ -an /temp/output.MP4
- iPhone 13 Pro with Dolby Vision is not currently supported by FFMPEG
- Related issue but no solution Reddit
- Intro article Medium
- More ffmpeg command details