- Select all the aircraft where the model field is equal to 'Boeing 737-900'
db.aircraft.find({model: "Boeing 737-900"})
db.aircraft.find({model: { $eq : "Boeing 737-900“ }})
- Select all the aircraft where the range field is 5600
db.aircraft.find({range: 5600})
db.aircraft.find({range: {$eq: 5600}})
- Select all the aircraft where the underMaintenance field is true
db.aircraft.find({underMaintenance: true})
db.aircraft.find({underMaintenance: {$eq: true}})
- Select a single document by _id
db.aircraft.findOne({_id: ObjectId("5e8aa971e1562c14d031a021")})
- Select all the aircraft where the model field is not 'Boeing 737-900'
db.aircraft.find({range: { $neq : 5600 }})
- Select all the aircraft where the capacity field is strictly greater than 200
db.aircraft.find({capacity: { $gt : 200 }})
- Select all the aircraft where the nextMaintenance field is greater then (after) 2020-02-20
db.aircraft.find({nextMaintenance: { $gt : ISODate("2020-02-20") }})
db.aircraft.find({nextMaintenance: { $gte : ISODate("2020-02-20T10:15:00Z") }})
- Select all the aircraft where the capacity field is greater or equal than 200
db.aircraft.find({capacity: { $gte : 200 }})
- Select all the aircraft where the capacity field is strictly less than 200
db.aircraft.find({capacity: { $lt : 200 }})
- Select all the aircraft where the nextMaintenance field is less then (before) 2020-02-20
db.aircraft.find({nextMaintenance: { $lt : ISODate("2020-02-20") }})
db.aircraft.find({nextMaintenance: { $lte : ISODate("2020-02-20T10:15:00Z") }})
- Select all the aircraft where the capacity field is less than or equal to 200
db.aircraft.find({capacity: { $lte : 200 }})
- Select all aircraft where the model field has one of the values : 'Airbus A350', 'Boeing 747'
db.aircraft.find({ model: { $in: ["Airbus A350“, “Boeing 747”] }})
- Select all the crew that have at least a skill in the array: 'engineering', 'management'
db.crew.find({skills: { $in: ["engineering", "management"] } })
- Select all the aircraft where the model field matches a regular expression
db.aircraft.find({ model: { $in: [/^A/] } })
- Select all aircraft where the model field is different than : 'Airbus A350', 'Boeing 747'
db.aircraft.find({ model: { $nin: ["Airbus A350“, “Boeing 747”] }})
- Select all the crew that have no skill element in the array: 'engineering', 'management'
db.crew.find({skills: { $nin: ["engineering", "management"] } })
- Select all the aircraft where the model field does not matche a regular expression
db.aircraft.find({ model: { $nin: [/^A/] } })
- Find all the aircraft within 10 km of lon=26.2, lat=44.4
db.aircraft.find({position: {$near : {
$geometry: {type: "Point", coordinates: [26.2, 44.4]},
$maxDistance: 10000
Find flight by id
db.flights.findOne({_id: ObjectId("5e8aa95dab3db3fab191ff969f")})
Flights that are delayed
db.flights.find({delayed:true}).pretty() db.flights.find({delayed: {$eq: true}}).pretty() db.flights.find({delayed: {$neq: false}}).pretty()
Number of non-internal flights
db.flights.find({type: {$in: ["International", "Intercontinental"]}}).count() db.flights.find({type: {$nin: ["Internal"]}}).count()
Flights that depart today / in specific dates
db.flights.find({departureDate: ISODate("2020-02-20T21:30:00Z")}) db.flights.find({departureDate: {$gt: ISODate("2020-02-22")}})
Flights flights shorter than 3 hours and display them in ascending order
db.flights.find({duration:{$lte: 180}}, {duration:1}).sort({duration:1})
Bad weather near Paris. All flights that depart within 100 km from Paris (2.35, 48.85)
db.flights.find({"departure.location": {$near: { $geometry: {type:"Point", coordinates: [2.35,