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Phone Billing API Documentation

The API purpose is to offer a service to calculate telephone bills. In order to do so, it provides three resources: Taxes, Call Records and Bills.


This resource allow the client of API to define taxes for a reference to charge calls.

Request example

$ curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"taxes_params": { "reference_period": "01/2019", "call_charge": "0.05", "standing_charge": "0.09" }}' 


Field Description
taxes_params Object containing the data to be inserted.
reference_period Reference to set taxes. Should have MM/YYYY format.
call_charge Charged value of each minute of call. Should be a float. Integers are not considered floats by the application.
standing_charge Default value charged one time in the call. Should be a float. Integers are not considered floats by the application.

Responses example

On Success

If the taxes params are valid and can be inserted, then the caller will receive the response below.

  "response_message": "Taxes inserted"

If taxes params are valid it will be inserted?

Not exactly. Even if all parameters are consistent the tariffs for the given reference can have its insertion denied by the business rules. For a better explanation it will be used scenarios from ATDD below:

Scenario: When informed reference is lower than current reference and is not persisted yet
  Given that the current reference is "01/2019"
  And I informed "11/2018" as reference period to insert valid taxes
  And there is no "11/2018" reference persisted yet
  When I call the taxes API with these parameters
  Then it should have the taxes for "11/2018" reference persisted

Scenario: When informed reference is lower than current reference and it is persisted already
  Given that the current reference is "01/2019"
  And I informed "11/2018" as reference period to insert valid taxes
  But there is already a "11/2018" reference persisted 
  When I call the taxes API with these parameters
  Then it should not persist the new values I am inserting for "11/2018" reference
  And I should see the message "It is not allowed the update of taxes before the current reference"

Scenario: When informed reference is equal or greater than current reference and is not persisted yet
  Given that the current reference is "01/2019"
  And I informed "01/2019" as reference period to insert valid taxes
  And there is no "01/2019" reference persisted yet
  When I call the taxes API with these parameters
  Then it should have the taxes for "01/2019" reference persisted

Scenario: When informed reference is equal or greater than current reference and it is persisted already
  Given that the current reference is "01/2019"
  And I informed "05/2019" as reference period to insert valid taxes
  But there is already a "05/2019" reference persisted 
  When I call the taxes API with these parameters
  Then it should update taxes values for the existen reference

On Validation Errors

The application will return each inconsistence found in a list. The possible inconsistences can be found below.

when reference period don't exists or is in the wrong format

  "taxes_error": [
    "The reference period should be informed with key 'reference_period' and formatted MM/AAAA"

when standing charge don't exists

  "taxes_error": [
    "The standing charge should be informed with key 'standing_charge'"

when standing charge is not a number

  "taxes_error": [
    "The standing charge should be a float number"

when call charge don't exists

  "taxes_error": [
    "The call charge should be informed with key 'call_charge'"

when call charge is not a number

  "taxes_error": [
    "The call charge should be a float number"

when the persisted reference is lower then current reference

  "taxes_error": [
    "It is not allowed the update of taxes before the current reference"

Call Records

The call records resource is intended to be called to save call records. It will process all call records and send the result to the postback URL.

Request example

// call_records_example.json
		"postback_url": "",
			  "id": "40",
			  "type": "start",
			  "timestamp": "2018-11-15T13:15:44Z",
			  "call_id": "123",
			  "source": "62984680648",
			  "destination": "62111222333"
        "id": "41",
        "type": "end",
        "timestamp": "2018-11-15T13:23:14Z",
        "call_id": "123"
$ curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @call_records_example.json


Field Description
call_records_params Object containing the data to be inserted.
postback_url The URL that PhoneBilling will call to send the result of processing the call records informed.
call_records A list of call records to be persisted.


If don't have your own postback url then you can use the webhook service. Go to the page create a new url and use it as your postback url. Doing so you will be able to see the response of call records service.

Response example

The call records insert processing is done asynchronously, because of it the response is split in two phases:

1ª - The caller will receive a protocol number as response of call record resource. The protocol number identify the call records chunk processed after the end of the second phase.

  "protocol_number": 1

2ª - As the caller can send a big load of call records, in order to avoid blocking the application while these call records is being processed this processing is done asynchronously and the result is sent to the postback_url informed.

  "failed_records_on_validation": [],
  "failed_records_on_insert": []

Response fields

Field Description
received_records_quantity Represents the total quantity of call records received to be processed.
consistent_records_quantity Represents the total quantity of call records received that comply with the consistence call records rules.
inconsistent_records_quantity Represents the total quantity of call records received that do not comply with the consistence call records rules.
database_inconsistent_records_quantity Represents the total quantity of call records that has ids or call ids duplicated with call records from database.
failed_records_on_validation Represents the list of call records that has some inconsistence.
failed_records_on_insert Represents the list of call records that returned {:error, reason} on database insertion moment.


Before insert the call records, the application executes a set of validations to garantee that call records with inconsistences do not get inserted in database.

These validations also serves to inform the PhoneBilling caller why each refused call record is invalid.

The set of validation consists in:

  • Content;
  • Duplication;
  • Call structure;

Validations of Content

The content validation takes care of information domain and required fields.

Below are described error messages for each content validation of call records.

when it does not contains the id field or the id is null or empty

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have id"

when it does not contains the type field

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have type"

when the type field is different of 'start' or 'end'

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "Call record has a wrong type: '<wrong_type_description_here>'. Only 'start' and 'end' types are allowed."

when it does not contains the timestamp field or the timestamp is null or empty

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have timestamp"

when timestamp has not 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' utc format

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "Call record has a wrong timestamp: '<wrong_timestamp_here>'. The timestamp must have this format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"

when it does not contains the call id field or call id is null

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have call_id"

when call id is not a integer

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "Call record has a wrong call_id: '<wrong_call_id_here>'. The call id must be integer."

when it does not contains the source field or the source is null in a start record

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have source"

when source has not AAXXXXXXXX or AAXXXXXXXXX format

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
      Call record has a wrong source: '<wrong_source_here>'. 
      The phone number format is AAXXXXXXXXX, where AA is the area code and XXXXXXXXX is the phone number.
      The area code is always composed of two digits while the phone number can be composed of 8 or 9 digits.

when it does not contains the destination field or the destination is null in start record

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record don't have destination"

when destination has not AAXXXXXXXX or AAXXXXXXXXX format

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
      Call record has a wrong destination: ''<wrong_destination_here>'. 
      The phone number format is AAXXXXXXXXX, where AA is the area code and XXXXXXXXX is the phone number.
      The area code is always composed of two digits while the phone number can be composed of 8 or 9 digits.

Validation of Duplicity

The duplicity validation consists of two types: duplication on itens being inserted and duplication with the itens already inserted. The target fields of these validations are: id and call_id.

The Id must be uniq for each call record.

The call_id need to be a pair of call records consisting in a call record of type start with a call_id number and a call record of type end with the same call_id number.

Below are described error messages for each duplicity validation of call records.

when there are duplicated call record id within call records to be persisted

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record with id: <duplicated_id_here> is duplicated in call records being inserted"

when already exists the same call record id persisted

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record with id: <duplicated_id_here> already exists in database"

when there are more than two call ids with the same value within call records to be persisted

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record with call_id: <duplicated_call_id_here> is duplicated in call records being inserted"

when already exists the same call record call_id persisted

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "call record with call_id: <duplicated_call_id_here> already exists in database"

Validation of call structure

The call is a pair of a call record of type start and one of type end with the same call_id in both of them.

Below are described error messages for call structure validation.

when a call has a call records pair with the same type

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "Inconsistent call for call_id <call_id_number_here>. A call is a composition of two record types, 'start' and 'end', with the same call id."

when a call has a call record without type value

  //[other fields of the invalid call record...]
  "errors": [
    "Inconsistent call for call_id <call_id_number_here>. A call is a composition of two record types, 'start' and 'end', with the same call id."


The client can request a telephone bill for a given reference. The system will get all call records for the given reference and will calculate the value of each call and the value of the bill itself, using the configured taxes to do so. The client should inform a phone number and (optionally) a reference for calculate the bill. If no reference is informed, the system will get the last closed reference to perform the calculation. The system only calculates if the given reference is a closed month. The current month never gets calculated because its is not closed.

Obs.: When bill creation is finished the used taxes of the processed reference are inserted to the next reference. This happens because when the next reference will be processed it will have configured taxes.

Request example

$ curl -g "[phone_number]=62984680648&bill_params[reference_period]=01/2019"


Field Description
bill_params Object containing the data to be generate a bill.
phone_number Phone number that the bill will be generated for. Should have AAXXXXXXXXX format, where AA is the area code with two digits and XXXXXXXXX is the phone number with 8 or 9 digits.
reference_period Reference to generate bill based on calls of period. Should have MM/YYYY format.

Responses example

On Success

"bill": {
        "reference_period": "11/2018",
        "phone_number": "62984680648",
        "bill": {
            "bill_total": "R$ 1,76",
            "bill_details": [
                    "destination": 62111222333,
                    "call_start_time": "13:15:44",
                    "call_start_date": "15-11-2018",
                    "call_price": "R$ 0,44",
                    "call_duration": "0h07m30s"
                    "destination": 62111222333,
                    "call_start_time": "13:15:44",
                    "call_start_date": "15-11-2018",
                    "call_price": "R$ 0,44",
                    "call_duration": "0h07m30s"
                    "destination": 62111222333,
                    "call_start_time": "13:15:44",
                    "call_start_date": "15-11-2018",
                    "call_price": "R$ 0,44",
                    "call_duration": "0h07m30s"
                    "destination": 62111222333,
                    "call_start_time": "13:15:44",
                    "call_start_date": "15-11-2018",
                    "call_price": "R$ 0,44",
                    "call_duration": "0h07m30s"


Before create the bill, the application executes a set of validations to garantee that informed parameters are in the acceptable format.

The set of validation consists in:

  • Phone number;
  • Reference period;

Validation of phone number

when phone has not AAXXXXXXXX or AAXXXXXXXXX format

    "bill_creation_error": {
        //[other fields...]
        "errors": [
            "The bill calculation was not executed because phone number is invalid or not informed"

Validation of reference period

when reference has not MM/AAAA format

    "bill_creation_error": {
        //[other fields...]
        "errors": [
            "The bill calculation was not executed because reference has not the valid format of MM/AAAA or has invalid month"

when reference month is not between 01 and 12

    "bill_creation_error": {
        //[other fields...]
        "errors": [
            "The bill calculation was not executed because reference has not the valid format of MM/AAAA or has invalid month"