Current vue3-extended-multiselect
version: 2.3.6
Component vue3-extended-multiselect
was released.
Small fixes in documentation.
Changing font-size property of "props" table in documentation.
Correction of cancel button highlighting while loading.
Changing tables format in documentation.
Relocation of main.js file for local qa tests.
- Changing the style language from
for greater package accessibility. - Removal of dev-dependency "sass".
- Removal of dev-dependency "sass-loader".
Placeholder color fixes.
Removal of excess symbol in styles.
Adding .nvmrc file.
Adding descriptive comments for some types in typings.
- Fixing bug with hidden "noOptions" slot when list of available options is empty.
- Fixing warning with incorrect array type reactive field initialization.
- Adding .eslintignore file.
- Replacing some of default exports with common exports.
- Arranging CSS-variabled in alphabetical order.
- Adding customizing section in documentation.
- Replacing all common exports with default exports.
- Removal of excess emitter import in composition api.
- Adding vite.config.js file.
- Adding "vite" dependency
- Adding "vite-plugin-require" dependency
- Component adaptation for vite.
- Removal of dependency "tiny-emitter".
- Removal of dependency "vite".
- Removal of dependency "vite-plugin-require".
- Adding "mitt" dependency.
- Adding "babel-plugin-transform-import-meta" dev-dependency.
- Removal of .eslintignore file.
- Removal of vite.config.js file.
- Adding "events" directory with emitter.js file using "mitt" dependency.
- Adding image-path.js file with "useImagePath" custom hook.
- Adding emitter import in composition api from "mitt" dependency.
- Adding some new css-variabled.
- Removal of some old css-variables.
- Changing styles of "marker" and "option" slots.
- Adding new fields in "parserOptions" section of .eslintrc.
- Disabling "no-undef" rule in .eslintrc.
- Static file import optimization for different module builders.
- Removal of dependency "lodash.debounce".
- Removal of dependency "click-outside".
- Adding "lodash-es" dependency.
- Adding "vue3-click-away" dependency.
- Adding "transformIgnorePatterns" section in jest.config.js.
- Replacing "clickOutside" function in "onMounted" hook with "v-click-outside" directive.
- Fixing bug with rolling up options list when "toggleOptionsBySelect" prop is set to false.
- Fixing bug with reaching "optionsWrapper" ref before initialization.
- Replacing package-lock.json file with new one.
- Replacing dev-dependency "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint" with its latest version.
- Adding "searchByField" optional prop.
- Adding unit-test for new optional prop.
- Adding "optionCreateLabel" to expose as utility.
- Fixing bug with wrong name of label field
- Fixing bug with empty raw options list when using async loader.
- Fixing bug with extra call of async loader by changing value of search field.
- Adding new internal prop "externalOptionsLoader" to ExtendedMultiselectInput.
- Searching for options by async loader is moved to in separate method.
- Adding "disableByField" prop for determination of field in options of type "object" which value will be used to disable such options.
- Changing default value of "toggleIcon" prop to "base-arrow".
- Adding "uuid" dependency
- Removal of "id" attribute of extended multiselect wrapper.
- Removal of "querySelector" usage in ExtendedMultiselect component. Switching to using event emitter.
- Fixing bug with bound event emitters between two extended multiselects.
- Fixing bug with undefined class in extended multiselect wrapper class list.
- Moving transitions of "border-radius" css-property from computed property to css variable.
- Removal of excess "transition" css-property.
- Fixing bug with excess bottom offset of options list when prop "toggleAppearanceSide" is set to "atop".
- Supplementation of some css-variables.
- Fixing bug of too wide extended multiselect with long single selected option.
- Adding "autoSelectSearchValue" optional prop.
- Adding unit-test for new optional prop.
- Fixing bug with setting search pattern when deselecting of all options.
- Fixing bug with selected options display when prop "toggleOptionsBySelect" is set to false.
- Removal of dependency "mitt".
- Adding LocalEmitter.js file with simplified event emitter instead of dependency "mitt".
- Changing event types in some of props unit-tests.
- Fixing bug with toggle restriction in custom slots.
- Small fixes in documentation.
- Regenerating of .nvmrc file.
- Removal of dependency "uuid".
- Adding "events" prop to child components using LocalEmitter.
- Adding emitter.js file to composition directory with reactive LocalEmitter instace.
- Removal of "emitterUniqueId" prop from child components.
- Removal of emitter.js file from events directory.
- Changing event emitter invocations in some of unit tests.
- Fixing bug with missing toggle on option click in single selection.
- Fixing bug with empty class list in toggle restrictor when "disabled" prop equals true.
- Fixing bug with incorrect setting of preselected options from v-model.
- Fixing bug with incompatible single preselected option.
- Removal of restrictions for preselected options from v-model.
- Changing some option block styles.
- Fixing bug with "noOption" slot being displayed when search field value is not empty.
- Fixing bug with reload of preselected options when using external loader.
- Removal of internal loading state because of using "lodash.debounce".
- Adding file.
- "loading" prop no longer disables search field.
- Changing value of css-variable "--min-block-height" from 25px to 26px.
- Fixing bug with field focus when selecting an option.
- Removal of validator from "emptyObjectsPlaceholder" prop.
- Adding "showDeselectIconLoader" optional prop.
- Adding unit-test for new optional prop.
- Adding loader icon to deselect button of multiple option blocks depending on "showDeselectIconLoader" optional prop.
- Changing styles of multiple option blocks.
- Fixing bug with not clotting options list when single option was selected.
- Fixing bug with not clotting options list when multiple options were selected.
- Fixing bug with duplicate options when using an external loader.
- Fixing bug with duplication of selected and found options.
- Fixing bug with not clotting options list when slots were used.
- Adding unit-test for "showDeselectIconLoader" optional prop.
- Adding "extended-click-outside" dependency.
- Adding click-outside.js file with to composition director with extended-click-outside-instanse.
- Changing "typescript" dependency version to "~4.1.0".
- Removal of "vue3-click-away" dependency.
- Adding instance.js file with noт-reactive instance of local event emitter.
- Fixing bug with not clotting options list when clicking on another instance.
- Changing event type to collapse the list of options when clicking on another instance.
- Fixing bug with disabled removal of selected options based on external modelValue changes.
- Adding "update:wrapper" event.
- Removal of excess condition in toggle restriction.
- Adding tools directory.
- Adding Debounce.js file with debounce tool.
- Adding type for "update-wrapper" event.
- Adding tools.spec.js file with unit-tests for tools.
- Moving local emitter files to tools directory.
- Removal of "lodash-es" dependency.
- Removal of "update:wrapper" event.
- Fixing bug with incorrect v-model updating in custom wrappers.
- Fixing bug with non-updating modelValue by handling preselected options.
- Fixing bug with placeholder disappearing on blur.
- Fixing bug with single select input focus.
- Adding "resize-observer-polyfill" dev-dependency.
- Fixing bug with options wrapper resize when "toggleAppearanceSide" prop is set to "atop".
- fixing bug with undefined "offsetHeight" variable.
- Adding "dropdownDisabled" optional prop.
- Adding unit-test for new optional prop.
- Adding some new css-variabled.
- Removal of excess type from types.
- Fixing bug with "pattern-changed" event with a call to the internal loader method.
- Fixing bug with always fixed "height" css-property of option block.
- Setting default value of "anyOptionWrapperBlockHeight" optional prop to "auto".
- Fixing bug with v-model not clearing by computed property.
- Fixing bug with hidden placeholder when "showSearchField" prop is set to false.
- Fixing bug with deselection of all options when "showSelectedOptions" prop is set to true.
- Adding "selected" flag to "marker" slot.
- Fixing bug with v-model not updating by clearing of all options.
- Fixing bug with non-rendering "labelBlock" slot when "showSearchField" prop is set to false.
- Fixing bug with "clean" event payload when all options were deselected.
- Adding "multipleBlocks" slot for element with all selected options.
- Adding conditional rendering to all slots.
- Removal of some excess props inside the component.
- Ordering "Events" section in documentation in alphabetic order.
- Ordering props in alphabetic order inside the component.
- Fixing bug with incorrect display of multiple option blocks.
- Updating dependencies and dev-dependencies.
- Component
was bundled by rollup. - Updating dependencies and dev-dependencies.
- Changing "vue-jest" plugin to "@vue/vue3-jest" plugin in jest.config.js.
- Changing some asynchronous unit-tests for correct running.
- Adding "@rollup/plugin-babel" dev-dependency.
- Adding "@vue/vue3-jest" dev-dependency.
- Adding "babel-jest" dev-dependency.
- Adding "postcss" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup-plugin-copy" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup-plugin-dts" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup-plugin-postcss" dev-dependency.
- Adding "rollup-plugin-vue" dev-dependency.
- Adding "images" directory into "assets" directory.
- Adding "rollup.config.mjs" file.
- Adding "build" script into "package.json" file.
- Moving all images into "images" directory.
- Removal of "vue-jest" dev-dependency.
- Removal of "style" directory with all files. Including styles directly in component.
- Adding "files" and "unpkg" sections to package.json file.
- Removal "/dist" exception from ".gitignore" and ".npmignore" files.
- Adding "main" and "module" sections to package.json file.
- Changing some default styles and css-variables.
- Changing some default styles.
- Adding css-variable --default-color for multiselect background color.
- Adding link to page with live examples.
- Fixing bug with always basic icon filter.
- Fixing bug with rendering icon filter instead of loader icon filter.
- Fixing bug with "disabledPrimitiveOptions" prop accepting options of type "Array".
- Adding "icon" directory with svg-icon components.
- Adding BaseArrowIcon component.
- Adding CancelIcon component.
- Adding DoubleArrowIcon component.
- Adding InnerArrowIcon component.
- Adding LoaderIcon component.
- Adding TriangleArrowIcon component.
- Adding TriangleCircleArrowIcon component.
- Adding WideArrowIcon component.
- Removal of "copy" plugin and "transform" section from rollup.config.mjs.
- Removal of "rollup-plugin-copy" dev-dependency.
- Removal of "assets" and "images" directories with corresponding files.
- Adding "@babel/runtime" dev-dependency.
- Adding JSDoc blocks to tools.
- Fixing bug with the placeholder disappearing after switching the list of options.
- Fixing bug with incorrect extended multiselect base height.
- Changing rotation of toggle icon.
- Changing behaviour of "select" event: it no longer fires after setting preselected options.
- Fixing bug with incorrect modelValue type in preselected options setter method.
- Fixing bug with incorrect options list placement.
- Fixing bug with co-appearance of search field and placeholder.
- Fixing bug with incorrect options list appearance side after changing available options.
- Fixing incorrect path to "types" folder in package.json file.
- Fixing incorrect css-variables interpolation.
- Fixing bug with the wrong number of blocks in the displayed limit message.