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Dart GSoC 2022 Project Ideas

Jonas Finnemann Jensen edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 17 revisions

A list of Google Summer of Code project ideas for Dart.

For GSoC related discussions please use the dart-gsoc group.

Potential mentors

  • ...

Project Application Process

All projects assume familiarity with Dart (and sometimes Flutter). Aspiring applicants are encouraged to learn Dart and try to write some code.

Applicants are welcome to find and fix bugs in Dart or some of the packages written by the Dart team. However, getting reviews can take a long time as code owners may be busy working on new features. So instead of requiring applicants to fix a good first bug, we suggest that applicants write a working code sample relevant for the proposed project.

The code sample can be attached to the application as a gist, or simply github repository. Suggested ideas below includes proposed "Good Sample Projects".

Do not spend too much energy on this piece of sample code, we just want to see that you can code something relevant -- and that this sample code can run and do something non-trivial. Be aware that we have a limited number of mentors available, and will only be able to accept a few applicants.

Applications can be submitted through the website. Students are encouraged to submit draft proposals, ideally linking to a Google Docs with permission for mentors to comment. See also the student guide on writing a proposal.

IMPORTANT: Remember to submit final proposals before the April 9th deadline.

Template for additional ideas

## **Idea:** {{title}}

 - **Possible Mentor(s)**: `{{email}}`
 - **Difficulty**: {{easy | medium | advanced}}
 - **Skills**: {{keyword}}; ...


**Good Sample Project**
{{how to get started; good first bugs; ideas for code samples; warm-up exercises}}

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