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Publishing package:analyzer

Devon Carew edited this page Aug 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Publishing an alpha version

package:analyzer depends on kernel and front_end. We push those last two packages for the benefit of package:analyzer, but their APIs don't currently follow semver, so we set analyzer to depend on exact versions.

Publishing a new alpha version of package analyzer involves a few steps:

  • rev package:analyzer to a new alpha version (0.31.0-alpha.0 ==> 0.31.0-alpha.1)
  • rev package:front_end to a new alpha version; update its version of package:kernel (see the next line)
  • rev package:kernel to a new alpha version; update its version of package:front_end
  • update the kernel and front_end version in package:analyzer's pubspec
  • commit a CL with the above changes
  • publish package:analyzer, package:kernel, and package:front_end

Publishing a new stable version

Many packages depend on package:analyzer. These packages often have version constraints that have an upper bound on the last major version of the analyzer. Publishing a new major version of package:analyzer requires careful orchestration with other major packages in the Dart ecosystem (in particular, package:test, and to a lesser extent, package:angular).

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