In this example, elements of the host page are highlighted when the player show some chapters, with only CSS and HTML.
+ Technical explanations
+ If you use a chapter track with name chapters (you can generate them here), you can use a CSS rule to highlight a portion of your text with the playing audio.
+ This feature works if a chapter <track> is correctly loaded and interpreted by cpu-audio. Once loaded interpreted, you can hide chapter panel and tracks in the player (with hide="chapters panels"), the feature and so the css effects will still work.
+ Please note : This example must be run in a web server, not via file:/// protocol, due to CSP/CORS requirements from browsers. Please note that obviously a chapter track is unuseful for a live streamed audio.
+ Also note that the class is set when the page is loaded and before the element is playing only if the audio id is expressed in the hash url
+ The context-style feature was inspired by the now defunct BBC mini website hommage to their 1980s TV show about computers.