In this example, you'll extend this basic example to include a TableSchema component. By the end of this example, you'll have a working application like the one below:
- Have Node and Npm/Yarn installed
- Have create-react-app installed
In a new folder of your work space, open a terminal and create a new react application:
create-react-app datapub-extend
Change directory into datapub-extend and run the application to ensure it was created successfully:
cd datapub-extend
yarn start
If you can see the react logo in your browser, then everything works fine. In the next section, you'll install Datapub and import some components for use.
Open datapub-extend
in your code editor, and add the following to your dependencies in package.json
"datapub": "git+",
"ckanClient": "git+",
Run yarn
or npm install
in your terminal to install Datapub. This installs the latest version of datapub and ckanClient from Github.
In your App.js script in src
folder, delete the auto generated contents and add the import statements below:
import React from 'react';
import { Client } from "ckanClient";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import frictionlessCkanMapper from "frictionless-ckan-mapper-js";
import { Upload, TableSchema } from "datapub";
import './App.css';
You're are creating a client for accessing CKAN using the ckanClient package, importing the frictionless-ckan-mapper for mapping schema, and most importantly importing two components (upload and TableSchema) from datapub.
The TableSchema component displays a react-table with 20 rows of sample data from any uploaded CSV file. Properties displayed by the TableSchema includes:
- Column names
- Title: Editable field that can be used to change the names of columns before saving.
- Description: Editable field that can be used to describe each column.
- Inferred Column types
- Format
Next, you'll add the ResourceEditor
. Copy and paste the code below just in your App.js script:
export class ResourceEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
datasetId: this.props.config.datasetId,
resourceId: "",
resource: this.props.resource || {},
ui: {
fileOrLink: "",
uploadComplete: undefined,
success: false,
error: false,
loading: false,
client: null,
isResourceEdit: false,
this.metadataHandler = this.metadataHandler.bind(this);
async componentDidMount() {
const { config } = this.props;
const {
} = config;
const client = new Client(
//Check if the user is editing resource
if (resourceId) {
const resource = await client.action("resource_show", { id: resourceId });
const resourceSchema = await client.action("resource_schema_show", {
id: resourceId,
const resourceSample = await client.action("resource_sample_show", {
id: resourceId,
let resourceCopy = resource.result;
let sampleCopy = [];
try {
// push the values to an array
for (const property in resourceSample.result) {
// push sample as an array to be able to render in tableschema component
resourceCopy.sample = sampleCopy;
resourceCopy.schema = resourceSchema.result;
} catch (e) {
//generate empty values not to break the tableschema component
resourceCopy.schema = { fields: [] };
resourceCopy.sample = [];
return this.setState({
resource: resourceCopy,
isResourceEdit: true,
this.setState({ client });
metadataHandler(resource) {
handleChangeMetadata = (event) => {
const target =;
const value = target.value;
const name =;
let resourceCopy = this.state.resource;
resourceCopy[name] = value;
resource: resourceCopy,
handleSubmitMetadata = async () => {
const { resource, client } = this.state;
await this.createResource(resource);
const isResourceCreate = true;
if (isResourceCreate) {
const datasetMetadata = await client.action("package_show", {
id: this.state.datasetId,
let result = datasetMetadata.result;
if (result.state === "draft") {
result.state = "active";
await client.action("package_update", result);
// Redirect to dataset page
return (window.location.href = `/dataset/${this.state.datasetId}`);
createResource = async (resource) => {
const { client } = this.state;
const { config } = this.props;
const { organizationId, datasetId, resourceId } = config;
const ckanResource = frictionlessCkanMapper.resourceFrictionlessToCkan(
//create a valid format from sample
let data = { ...ckanResource.sample };
//delete sample because is an invalid format
delete ckanResource.sample;
// create a copy from ckanResource to add package_id, name, url, sha256,size, lfs_prefix, url, url_type
// without this properties ckan-blob-storage doesn't work properly
let ckanResourceCopy = {
package_id: this.state.datasetId,
name: || resource.title,
sha256: resource.hash,
size: resource.size,
lfs_prefix: `${organizationId}/${datasetId}`,
url_type: "upload",
sample: data,
//Check if the user is editing resource, call resource_update and redirect to the dataset page
if (resourceId) {
ckanResourceCopy = {
id: resourceId,
await client.action("resource_update", ckanResourceCopy);
return (window.location.href = `/dataset/${datasetId}`);
await client
.action("resource_create", ckanResourceCopy)
.then((response) => {
deleteResource = async () => {
const { resource, client, datasetId } = this.state;
if (window.confirm("Are you sure to delete this resource?")) {
await client.action("resource_delete", { id: });
return (window.location.href = `/dataset/${datasetId}`);
handleUploadStatus = (status) => {
const { ui } = this.state;
const newUiState = {
success: status.success,
error: status.error,
loading: status.loading,
this.setState({ ui: newUiState });
onChangeResourceId = (resourceId) => {
this.setState({ resourceId });
Next, you'll the Datapub components (Upload and TableSchema). At the end of ResourceEditor
class, add the react render method, and initialize the Datapub components you have imported as shown below:
render() {
const { success } = this.state.ui;
return (
<div className="App">
onSubmit={(event) => {
if (this.state.isResourceEdit) {
return this.createResource(this.state.resource);
return this.handleSubmitMetadata();
<div className="upload-header">
<h2 className="upload-header__title">Datapub GDX</h2>
<div className="upload-edit-area">
{this.state.resource.schema && (
data={this.state.resource.sample || []}
{!this.state.isResourceEdit ? (
<button disabled={!success} className="btn">
Save and Publish
) : (
<div className="resource-edit-actions">
className="btn btn-delete"
<button className="btn">Update</button>
The TableSchema component requires two properties
- schema (data schema)
- data (sample data)
The Upload component requires 5 properties:
- client
- resource
- metadataHandler
- datasetId
- handleUploadStatus
- onChangeResourceId
Finally, add this last bit of code to define your default configuration for the ResourceEditor before exporting the component.
ResourceEditor.defaultProps = {
config: {
authToken: "be270cae-1c77-4853-b8c1-30b6cf5e9878",
api: "",
lfs: "http://localhost:9419",
organizationId: "myorg",
datasetId: "sample_1",
ResourceEditor.propTypes = {
config: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
export default ResourceEditor;
You can see the full App.js script here
Next, open your index.js
script, delete the existing code and paste the one below:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
const element = document.getElementById('ResourceEditor');
if (element) {
const config = {
datasetId: element.getAttribute('data-dataset-id'),
api: element.getAttribute('data-api'),
lfs: element.getAttribute('data-lfs'),
authToken: element.getAttribute('data-auth-token'),
organizationId: element.getAttribute('data-organization-id'),
resourceId: element.getAttribute('data-resource-id')
resource={ element.getAttribute('data-resource')}
export { ResourceEditor } from './App';
This automatically mounts the ResourceEditor component in the your homepage if an element with the ID ResourceEditor
The ResourceEditor
element does not exist since you've not created one, so open your index.html file in the public folder, delete the:
<div id="root"></div>
and add:
<div id="ResourceEditor"
The properties data-api
, data-lfs
, data-auth-token
, data-dataset-id
, data-organization-id
are for connecting to your Ckan instance using ckanClient.
Now you're all set, you can start your application by running:
yarn start
Your browser should open at port 3000 if its available.
You can customize styling, or add some pre-written ones. Copy the CSS style here and add to your App.css.
Your app should now display like:
Try uploading a CSV file, and the TableSchema
will be displayed automatically. This proves that you have been able to successfully reuse the Upload
and TableSchema
components from Datapub
Note: The upload only failed because you do not have a Ckan client running.
See the full code for this example project here