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chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • 631e791…020a0a3 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump globals from 15.15.0 to 16.0.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-globals-16.0.0 • 6587e0d…6d49c55 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • 0dae43a…631e791 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump vite-plugin-singlefile from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#175)

Pull request merge
github-actions[bot]pushed 1 commit to main • b1546fe…7336d57 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • e4116a0…0dae43a • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump globals from 15.15.0 to 16.0.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-globals-16.0.0 • 59719fd…6587e0d • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump vite-plugin-singlefile from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-vite-plugin-singlefile-2.2.0 • bcb1857…5909196 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-typescript-eslint-eslint-plugin-8.26.1 • 355149f…5377ef7 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump typescript-eslint from 8.26.0 to 8.26.1 (#176)

Pull request merge
github-actions[bot]pushed 1 commit to main • 3dd1eda…b1546fe • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump globals from 15.15.0 to 16.0.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-globals-16.0.0 • d2f7d05…59719fd • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump vite-plugin-singlefile from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-vite-plugin-singlefile-2.2.0 • 699c1fc…bcb1857 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-typescript-eslint-eslint-plugin-8.26.1 • 30bb3dd…355149f • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • dc7a655…e4116a0 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump typescript-eslint from 8.26.0 to 8.26.1

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-typescript-eslint-8.26.1 • ee4ea81…bc5edf9 • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 8.26.0 to 8.26.1 (

Pull request merge
github-actions[bot]pushed 1 commit to main • 177e4ba…3dd1eda • 
10 hours ago

chore(deps-dev): bump typescript-eslint from 8.26.0 to 8.26.1

chore(deps-dev): bump vite-plugin-singlefile from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 8.26.0 to 8.26.1

chore(deps-dev): bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • de7b83b…dc7a655 • 

chore(deps-dev): bump globals from 15.15.0 to 16.0.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-globals-16.0.0 • 93606b0…d2f7d05 • 

chore(deps-dev): bump autoprefixer from 10.4.20 to 10.4.21 (#170)

Pull request merge
github-actions[bot]pushed 1 commit to main • 3564706…177e4ba • 

chore(deps-dev): bump autoprefixer from 10.4.20 to 10.4.21

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-autoprefixer-10.4.21 • 52d5e1a…7fdc91b • 

chore(deps-dev): bump globals from 15.15.0 to 16.0.0

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-globals-16.0.0 • 71ad766…93606b0 • 

chore(deps-dev): bump tailwindcss from 3.4.17 to 4.0.12

Force push
dependabot[bot]force pushed to dependabot-npm_and_yarn-tailwindcss-4.0.12 • 2cc0c7d…de7b83b • 