- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- Research Software Programmer
+ International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
+ Research Software Programmer
| 2024 —
- Working as part of the Scenario Services and Scientific Software team.
- Part of the Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group of the IIASA Energy, Climate, and Environment Program.
+ Working as part of the Scenario Services and Scientific Software team.
+ Part of the Integrated Assessment and Climate Change Research Group of the IIASA Energy, Climate,
+ and
+ Environment Program.
Supervisor(s): Daniel Huppmann, PhD, Volkey Krey, PhD
- Project Assistant
+ Transparency International Portugal
+ Project Assistant
| 2023 — 2024
- - Day-to-day assistance on project implementation and conformity to expected results and project workplans
+ - Day-to-day assistance on project implementation and conformity to expected results and project
+ workplans
- Assistance on financial management
- Membership management, including through CRM systems
- Administrative tasks
- "Millions against the clock": data visualisation dashboard and media campaign highlighting bad practices on direct award public contracting for World Youth Day 2023 Lisbon (+33M € in public spending)
- Global Anti-Corruption Consortium": project focused on showcasing Portugal's role in enabling transnational corruption, by building a database of illicitly obtained assets, services, entities, and people involved in the chain of events, with the ultimate goal of supporting asset recovery
+ "Millions against the clock": data visualisation dashboard and media campaign
+ highlighting bad practices on direct award public contracting for World Youth Day 2023 Lisbon (+33M
+ € in
+ public spending)
+ Global Anti-Corruption Consortium": project focused on showcasing Portugal's role
+ in
+ enabling transnational corruption, by building a database of illicitly obtained assets, services,
+ entities, and people involved in the chain of events, with the ultimate goal of supporting asset
+ recovery
Supervisor(s): Karina Carvalho
- Media Ecosystems Analysis Group
- Consultant
+ Media Ecosystems Analysis Group
+ Consultant
| 2022
Running dataset comparisons
- to detect key differences related to technical problems with database downloads for different time periods
- Documenting the entire analysis process and producing data visualisations to communicate results to supervisor
- Integrating different data sources from the Media Cloud project to identify problems with data integrity and availability
Running dataset comparisons
+ to detect key differences related to technical problems with database downloads for
+ different
+ time periods
+ Documenting the entire analysis process and producing data
+ visualisations to communicate results to supervisor
+ Integrating different data sources from the Media Cloud project to identify
+ problems with data integrity and availability
Supervisor(s): Fernando Bermejo, PhD
- Social Physics and Complexity
- Research Fellowship
+ Social Physics and Complexity
+ Research Fellowship
| 2019
- Data integration by designing a personalised processing pipeline
- Data extraction from online sources, via web scraping (using asynchronous HTTP requests) and API calls
- Data transformation, involving cleaning, pre-processing, and enrichment, for future analysis
- Data loading to an in-house database built for the purpose, supporting a large range of queries for analytics
- Text data processing and analysis, using state-of-the-art NLP tools
- Time series statistical analysis
+ Data integration by designing a personalised processing pipeline
+ Data extraction from online sources, via web scraping (using asynchronous
+ requests) and API calls
+ Data transformation, involving cleaning, pre-processing, and enrichment,
+ for
+ future analysis
+ Data loading to an in-house database built for the purpose, supporting a
+ large
+ range of queries for analytics
+ Text data processing and analysis, using state-of-the-art NLP tools
+ Time series statistical analysis
Supervisor(s): Joana Gonçalves-Sá, PhD
- Network Modelling Lab
- BSc Final Project
+ Network Modelling Lab
+ BSc Final Project
| 2020 — 2022
Building a network of the core regulatory map of stemness markers in the epithelial to mesenchymal transition observed in cancer cells.
Building a network of the core regulatory map of stemness markers in the epithelial to mesenchymal
+ transition observed in cancer cells.
Supervisor(s): Claudine Chaouiya, PhD, Gianluca Selvaggio, PhD
- Behaviour and Metabolism Lab
- BSc Internship
+ Behaviour and Metabolism Lab
+ BSc Internship
| 2018
Care for Drosophila stock, selective breeding of specimens following fly pushing principles, running behavioural experiments using in-house developed setups.
Care for Drosophila stock, selective breeding of specimens following fly pushing principles,
+ running behavioural experiments using in-house developed setups.
Supervisor(s): Zita Carvalho-Santos, PhD
- Master's in Data Science
- Ciências ULisboa
+ Master's in Data Science
+ Ciências ULisboa
| 2019 — 2022
- Data cleaning, enrichment, transformation, visualization
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Databases: management systems (DBMS), SQL and NoSQL
- - Business intelligence: extraction-transformation-loading (ETL) pipelines, data warehousing/OLAP database paradigm, data visualization (dashboards)
+ - Business intelligence: extraction-transformation-loading (ETL) pipelines, data warehousing/OLAP
+ database paradigm, data visualization (dashboards)
- Statistical analysis and data sampling
Grade: 19/20 (A in ECTS grading system)
- Bachelor's in Cell and Molecular Biology
+ Bachelor's in Cell and Molecular Biology
| 2016 — 2019
Grade: 17/20 (A in ECTS grading system)
- Skills
- Programming
+ Programming
- Python
- - pandas
- - NumPy
- - Matplotlib
- - seaborn
- - Selenium
- - BeautifulSoup4
- - Scikit-learn
+ - pandas
+ - NumPy
+ - Matplotlib
+ - seaborn
+ - Selenium
+ - BeautifulSoup4
+ - Scikit-learn
+ - Pydantic
- R
- - Bioconductor
- - deSolve
- - ggplot2
- - zoo
- - xts
+ - Bioconductor
+ - deSolve
+ - ggplot2
+ - zoo
+ - xts
- Databases
- - PostgreSQL
- - MongoDB
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - MongoDB
- IT
+ IT
- Microsoft Office
- Notion
- Power BI
- Language
+ Language
- Portuguese (native)
- English (working language)
- Spanish (advanced)
- French (elementary)
- Other
+ Other
- Public speaking
- Event management
- Writing
@@ -323,286 +358,351 @@
- Non-formal education
- Science communication
- Advocacy
- HeForShe Lisboa
- President of the Board
- | 2022 — present
- Events Department
+ HeForShe Lisboa
+ Alumni Board
+ | 2024 — present
+ President of the Board
+ | 2022 — 2024
+ Events Department
| 2021 — 2022
Youth organisation for the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of communities. Daily management of team of around 40 people, organised into 7 departments, project management, event planning, partnership agreements, fundraising, etc.
Youth organisation for the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of communities. Daily management
+ of team of around 40 people, organised into 7 departments, project management, event planning,
+ partnership agreements, fundraising, etc.
- Arts Week
- : yearly celebration of International Women's Day with a focus on cultural and artistic events that highlight and center the experiences of women and under-represented groups, in partnership and with the support of local government and grassroots organisations.
- : academy focused on Human Rights, with a component of intersectionality and gender equality, organised in partnership with NOVA School of Law's Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment, and the law firm Linklaters; participants are offered the opportunity to apply to short-term shadowing programmes with partner organisations, that have included consulting firms, NGOs, national and international banks, etc.
- WeForEducation
- : project aimed at schools, offering training and non-formal education to young students on topics related to gender equality, sex education, and social justice, in partnership with the Portuguese Foundation "Community Against AIDS"'s Centre for Youth Counselling and Orientation (FPCCS/CAOJ).
+ - Arts Week: yearly celebration of International Women's Day with a focus on cultural and
+ artistic
+ events
+ that highlight and center the experiences of women and under-represented groups, in partnership and
+ with
+ the support of local government and grassroots organisations.
+ -
+ ACADEMIA: academy focused on Human Rights, with a component of intersectionality and gender
+ equality,
+ organised in partnership with NOVA School of Law's Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and
+ the
+ Environment, and the law firm Linklaters; participants are offered the opportunity to apply to
+ short-term shadowing programmes with partner organisations, that have included consulting firms,
+ NGOs,
+ national and international banks, etc.
+ - WeForEducation: project aimed at schools, offering training and non-formal education to
+ young
+ students on
+ topics related to gender equality, sex education, and social justice, in partnership with the
+ Portuguese
+ Foundation "Community Against AIDS"'s Centre for Youth Counselling and Orientation (FPCCS/CAOJ).
- Associação Anémona
- Secretariat
- | 2022 — present
Health organisation for the promotion of inclusive healthcare in the Portuguese National Health Service.
+ Associação Anémona
+ Secretariat
+ | 2022 — 2024
Health organisation for the promotion of inclusive healthcare in the Portuguese National Health Service.
Participation in a pilot event facilitated by IGLYO (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex Youth and Student Organisation) to review and discuss Portugal's Universal Periodic Review in matters of LGBTQIA+ rights.
Participation in a pilot event facilitated by IGLYO (International Lesbian,
+ Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex Youth and Student Organisation) to review and discuss
+ Portugal's Universal Periodic Review in matters of LGBTQIA+ rights.
- Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Biologia
- President of the Board
+ Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Biologia
+ President of the Board
| 2020 — 2021
- Vice-President of the Board
+ Vice-President of the Board
| 2019 — 2020
- Member
+ Member
| 2018 — 2019
National biology student federation working with university student groups to promote fair and equal access to higher education in biology, learning and extracurricular opportunities for students, and organising annual gatherings.
+ National biology student federation working with university student groups to promote fair and equal
+ access to higher education in biology, learning and extracurricular opportunities for students, and
+ organising annual gatherings.
- Núcleo de Biologia Celular e Molecular
- President of the Board
+ Núcleo de Biologia Celular e Molecular
+ President of the Board
| 2018 — 2019
- Vice-President of the Board
+ Vice-President of the Board
| 2017 — 2018
- Member
+ Member
| 2016 — 2017
Cell and molecular biology student society from FCT NOVA, developing on-campus activities, such as talks, workshops, job fairs.
+ Cell and molecular biology student society from FCT NOVA, developing on-campus activities, such as talks,
+ workshops, job fairs.
- NOVA School of Science and Technology
- Pedagogical Council
+ NOVA School of Science and Technology
+ Pedagogical Council
| 2019
- Pedagogical Committee
+ Pedagogical Committee
| 2016 — 2019
Student representative for the Cell and Molecular Biology class of 2016, responsible for cooperating with professors to establish test and exam schedules, reporting any students' concerns of faculty misdemeanour, and later, organise the school calendar and review proposals for new study cycles.
- Talks and outreach
- Interviews
- - GERAÇÃO Z, national broadcast radio and podcast show on activism and youth civic participation in Portugal
+ Student representative for the Cell and Molecular Biology class of 2016, responsible for cooperating with
+ professors to establish test and exam schedules, reporting any students' concerns of faculty
+ misdemeanour, and later, organise the school calendar and review proposals for new study cycles.
+ - GERAÇÃO Z, national broadcast radio and podcast show on activism and youth civic
+ participation in Portugal
- - Jornal i, national coverage newspaper, contributions to articles:
+ - Jornal i, national coverage newspaper, contributions to articles:
- -
- "The vision of young people on Artificial Intelligence" (December 14, 2023)
- -
- "Very light plastic bags. A matter of habit?" (October 17, 2023)
- -
- "0% VAT. Are the Portuguese satisfied?" (April 23, 2023)
- -
- "The Little Mermaid. A discussion on representation" (September 19, 2022)
+ -
+ "The vision of young people on Artificial Intelligence" (December 14, 2023)
+ -
+ "Very light plastic bags. A matter of habit?" (October 17, 2023)
+ -
+ "0% VAT. Are the Portuguese satisfied?" (April 23, 2023)
+ -
+ "The Little Mermaid. A discussion on representation" (September 19, 2022)
- Speaker/lecturer
- - IPLeiria, talk on "Domestic violence with a gender perspective"
+ - IPLeiria, talk on "Domestic violence with a gender perspective"
- - Erasmus+ INETE project, talk on "What activism means for you"
- - VII Estados Gerais AAUL (University of Lisbon Student Union), panel on "The challenge of wellness and inclusion"
- Erasmus+ INETE project, talk on "What activism means for you"
+ - VII Estados Gerais AAUL (University of Lisbon Student Union), panel on "The
+ challenge of wellness and inclusion"
- - AIESEC YouthSpeak Forum, talk on "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at work: more than just buzzwords"
- AIESEC YouthSpeak Forum, talk on "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at work: more
+ than just buzzwords"
- - AEFML Pillow Talk, debate on reproductive rights in Portugal
- AEFML Pillow Talk, debate on reproductive rights in Portugal
- - NOVA School of Law, panel on "Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity Talks: the role of civil society in promoting equality"
+ - NOVA School of Law, panel on "Gender, Ethnicity and Diversity Talks: the role of
+ civil society in promoting equality"
- - European Commission's CERV project SolRem, talk on "Contemporary women's solidarity networks and resistance against authoritarianism"
+ - European Commission's CERV project SolRem, talk on "Contemporary women's
+ solidarity networks and resistance against authoritarianism"
- - NOVA University Lisbon Erasmus+ project ULEAD4ALL, interviewed contribution for challenges and best practices for DEI in higher education leadership
+ - NOVA University Lisbon Erasmus+ project ULEAD4ALL, interviewed contribution for challenges and best
+ practices for DEI in higher education leadership
- Invited participant
- - Team Community's Global Gathering 2023 on digital rights
Invited participant
+ - Team Community's Global Gathering 2023 on digital rights
- - European Commission's "Rule of Law in Portugal: challenges and opportunities for the justice system and fighting corruption"
- European Commission's "Rule of Law in Portugal: challenges and opportunities for
+ the justice system and fighting corruption"
- - Embassy of Germany in Portugal's fireside chat with Dr. Emilia Roig on feminist foreign policy
- Embassy of Germany in Portugal's fireside chat with Dr. Emilia Roig on feminist
+ foreign policy
- Organiser/facilitator
- - Lisbon Municipality's workshop on ethics, integrity and corruption prevention
+ - Lisbon Municipality's workshop on ethics, integrity
+ and corruption prevention
- Advocacy
- Local Councillor for the Azambuja Municipality's Equality Council
- Local Councillor for the Lisbon Municipality's Equality Council
- Personal development
Personal development
- Transparency International School on Integrity 2023 (2023, Lithuania)
+ Transparency International School on Integrity 2023 (2023, Lithuania)
- - Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: Women's Rights Throughout History (2023, Croatia)
- - Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: Fostering Gender Equality to Combat Stereotypes (2022, Romania)
- Outreach for FCT NOVA
+ - Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: Women's Rights Throughout History (2023, Croatia)
+ - Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: Fostering Gender Equality to Combat Stereotypes
+ (2022, Romania)
Outreach for FCT NOVA
- Futurália
- Lycée Français Charles Lepierre