diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 606b478f..936f5f2b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,34 +47,34 @@ This is the basic usage of a single showcase view, you should check out the samp
 	// single example
 	new MaterialShowcaseView.Builder(this)
-                .setTarget(mButtonShow)
-                .setDismissText("GOT IT")
-                .setContentText("This is some amazing feature you should know about")
-                .setDelay(withDelay) // optional but starting animations immediately in onCreate can make them choppy
-                .singleUse(SHOWCASE_ID) // provide a unique ID used to ensure it is only shown once
-                .show();
+		.setTarget(mButtonShow)
+		.setDismissText("GOT IT")
+		.setContentText("This is some amazing feature you should know about")
+		.setDelay(withDelay) // optional but starting animations immediately in onCreate can make them choppy
+		.singleUse(SHOWCASE_ID) // provide a unique ID used to ensure it is only shown once
+		.show();
-    	// sequence example            
-    	ShowcaseConfig config = new ShowcaseConfig();
-        config.setDelay(500); // half second between each showcase view
+	// sequence example            
+	ShowcaseConfig config = new ShowcaseConfig();
+	config.setDelay(500); // half second between each showcase view
-        MaterialShowcaseSequence sequence = new MaterialShowcaseSequence(this, SHOWCASE_ID);
+	MaterialShowcaseSequence sequence = new MaterialShowcaseSequence(this, SHOWCASE_ID);
-        sequence.setConfig(config);
+	sequence.setConfig(config);
-        sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonOne,
-                "This is button one", "GOT IT");
+	sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonOne,
+		"This is button one", "GOT IT");
-        sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonTwo,
-                "This is button two", "GOT IT");
+	sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonTwo,
+		"This is button two", "GOT IT");
-        sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonThree,
-                "This is button three", "GOT IT");
+	sequence.addSequenceItem(mButtonThree,
+		"This is button three", "GOT IT");
-        sequence.start();
+	sequence.start();