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- PR #124 and related discussion topics
- live demo of what PR #124 enables from SecureKey-- a redirect-enabled complete flow!
- PR #124
- DIDComm v2 just merged a PR for the "redirectURL" property; this WACI-PEx PR merges in language about attaching a redirectUrl to the ACK message at the end of the flow
- Demo: SecureKey's recent prototype... first at natural speed, then showing how each step maps to WACI-PEx messages and their contents!
- note: OOB --> Base64-encoded URL as described in DIDComm v2 spec and mentioned in WACI-PEx OOB step
- Dmitry: Base64 only, not multi-base? Orie: Take it up[stream] with the DIDComm bois, bub.
- Dmitry: This reminds me of the IIW33 slides: Prisoner's Dilemma of QR handling (URL versus JSON blob parsing)
- Orie: VC-API and w3c-ccg/Trace-vocab needs
- Orie: Demo here and "Verifiable Business Cards" (VP Req Spec query syntax)
- Dmitry: GH VC-API Issue here
- Forthcoming demo: VC-Request+CHAPI extended (with a little "continue-interaction" inspo from GNAP)
- OIDC equiv?
- Dmitry: openid:// deep link can be handled cross-device IF they have an openid://-enabled app (Orie: I thought iOS wouldn't let you handle custom protocol handler? Dmitry: there are warning messages but you technically still can! Orie: but can you set a custom PH to a PWA? I think not! Dmitry: Hmmm, not sure-- but the OIDF folks are aware of this limitation and aren't happy about it, bemoaning it in SIOPv2 spec)
- Rolson: Custom PH has a security issue-- doesn't default to oldest OR newest app that handles a protocol... dangerously undefined!
- Orie: OIDF people are looking at PresEx... VC-API could use PresEx (DIDComm or OIDF) or VP Req Spec (CHAPI only)
- Dmitry: openid:// deep link can be handled cross-device IF they have an openid://-enabled app (Orie: I thought iOS wouldn't let you handle custom protocol handler? Dmitry: there are warning messages but you technically still can! Orie: but can you set a custom PH to a PWA? I think not! Dmitry: Hmmm, not sure-- but the OIDF folks are aware of this limitation and aren't happy about it, bemoaning it in SIOPv2 spec)