This course introduced fundamental internet application development framework including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. According to the course description, students should be able to:
- be familiar with the development of WEB programming
- write web pages with the Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- write dynamic web pages using scripting
- write a basic client-side web-based application
Since the homework is written in my first year of bachelor, the web page is naive and ugly, and some function are lost when I open it again, but it is the first time for me to program. The theme of this course assignment is to design a website for CITY SUSHI.
- "Positioning scheme absolute" is used in header, footer style and blocks of homepage and orderpage.
- "Float" is used in the menu items .
- Round corner and border-radius is used in blocks of homepage and orderpage.
- Box-shadow is used in blocks of homepage.
- Animation is used in menu items and order block of orderpage.
- Transform:rotate is used in menu items.
- Style are grouped in a sequence of content.
- Type selector, ID selector ,class selector,group selector are used in the style sheets.
- Child selector is used in the style sheets.
- Attribute selector , pseudo class and pseudo element are used in the style sheets.