Improved the upload command to support the upload of all the content entities within a pack.
The upload command now supports the improved pack file structure.
Added an interactive option to format integrations, scripts and playbooks with No TestPlaybooks configured.
Added an interactive option to configure conf.json file with missing test playbooks for integrations, scripts and playbooks
Added download command to download custom content from Demisto instance to the local content repository.
Improved validation failure messages to include a command suggestion, wherever relevant, to fix the raised issue.
Improved 'validate' help and documentation description
validate - checks that scripts, playbooks, and integrations have the tests key.
validate - checks that test playbooks are configured in conf.json
demisto-sdk lint - Copy dir better handling.
demisto-sdk lint - Add error when package missing in docker image.
Added -a , --validate-all option in validate to run all validation on all files.
Added -i , --input option in validate to run validation on a specified pack/file.
added -i, --input option in secrets to run on a specific file.
Added an allowed hidden parameter: longRunning to the hidden integration parameters validation.
Fixed an issue with format command when executing with an output path of a folder and not a file path.
Bug fixes in generate-docs command given playbook as input.
Fixed an issue with lint command in which flake8 was not running on unit test files.
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