released this
09 Sep 11:27
Fixed an issue where format did not update the test playbook from its pack.
Fixed an issue where validate validated non integration images.
Fixed an issue where update-release-notes did not identified old yml integrations and scripts.
Added revision templates to the update-release-notes command.
Fixed an issue where update-release-notes crashed when a file was renamed.
Fixed an issue where validate failed on deleted files.
Fixed an issue where validate validated all images instead of packs only.
Fixed an issue where a warning was not printed in the format in case a non-supported file type is inputted.
Fixed an issue where validate did not fail if no release notes were added when adding files to existing packs.
Added handling of incorrect layout paths via the format command.
Refactor create-content-artifacts command - Efficient artifacts creation and better logging.
Fixed an issue where image and description files were not handled correctly by validate and update-release-notes commands.
Fixed an issue where the format command didn't remove all extra fields in a file.
Added an error in case an invalid id_set.json file is found while running the validate command.
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