- API version: v2 and V1
Is suppose to be a simple client to access a Swedish company named Kivra´s API.
All help is appreciated
To install using Composer
Just type
composer require deployhuman/kivra-client dev-main
And you are good!
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
//starting a Config Instance, setting up the bare minimum
$Config = (new \DeployHuman\Configuration())
->setClient_id('Your API pre-known Client Id')
->setClient_secret('Your API pre-known Client Secret')
//add config to the Client to create and api instance
$apiInstance = new \DeployHuman\ApiClient($Config);
//from this instance you can now call All the Kivra API´s ****
$fetchArray = $apiInstance->TenantManagement()->callAPIListAllTenantsAccessibleToTheClient();
*** = I´m slowly adding new calls, first its only going to be the basics one.
All URIs are relative to *https://sender.api.kivra.com