An international company which specialises in developing English language curriculums for educational institutions worldwide is looking to use NLP to optimise development of their curriculum. Every year the company has to select a set of readings of different complexity for each level of their curriculum. The company wants a model that can assess the readability (complexity) of the text and assign it to appropriate curriculum level. The company decides to outsource the development of the model through a competition held on Kaggle website (this scenario is hypothetical, but the competition is real). Once the competition is complete the company will select the best model. The task is to develop a model for the company and recommend suitable books for each year level for New Zealand schools.
- python = ">=3.7.1, <3.9"
- joblib = "^1.0.1"
- json5 = "^0.9.6"
- sklearn = "^0.0"
- missingno = "^0.5.0"
- nltk = "^3.6.3"
- azureml-defaults = "^1.34.0"
- pandas = "^1.3.3"
- bs4 = "^0.0.1"
- requests = "^2.26.0"
- CommonLit_Readability_Prize.ipynb - jupyter notebook containing all the steps for steps 1 to 4 outlined in the Phase 2 brief
- MSA_Report.pdf - Report for step 4 outlined in the Phase 2 brief
- - scorer file for deployment of ML model to Azure
- config.json - file o configure Azure environemt
- model.pkl - pickle file containing the details for the ML model used
- kaggle_submission.csv - csv file containing the data provided for the commonLit competition
- train.csv - preprocessed training data used by to fit the TFIDF transformer in the Azure environement
- books.csv - data of top 100 books gathered from gutenberg's website
- labels.csv - data containing the labels of the ML model
- LUIS.json (2021_MSA_Submission_private) - JSON file containing the details for provisioning the chatbot
- kaggle_competition - folder containing .csv files provided for the commonLit competition
- Telgram - @MSA2021ReadingEaseBot