- Learned Type Script 💪
- Stated solving #leetcode 🚀
- Worked With Algos 🧠
- Worked on React Meme Project 🧑💻
- Learned about Packages 📦
- Worked with git 😺
- Fix Problem in a Project ⌛✨
- Worked on a Project 🧑💻
- Learned a JS 🌱
- Developed & Launched a Project ⌛✨
- Worked on a Learning App Project 📝
- Practiced JS 🌱
- Worked on a Project ❇️
- Practiced Router ⚛️
- Completed a Project 💾
- Completed a Project ❇️
- Learned React ⚛️
- Learned Typescript 💾
- Learned about Framer motion ❇️
- Impletd Framer motion with Next JS ⚡
- Added a feature in portfolio 🧪
- Learned about React ⚛️
- Created a meme project in react 😉
- Learned about implementing firebase in react 🔥
- ✅ Completed a react project ! took 3 days! it ⚛️
- Learned about libraries in react! 📚
- Practiced CSS & more 🚓
- Learned API & useEffect in React⚛️
- Worked on the Project 🧩
- Learned about animiejs 👀
- Added About & Skill section in Portfolio ⚛️
- Learned React Forms 🧩
- Complted a Task ✅
- Send & Receive Data between Parent Chil in React ⚛️
- React Object & Array Modification ⚙️
- Completed Project Section in Portfolio 💼
💡 LEARNING : You have to do it alone anyway 💡 LEARNING : Quality >>>>>>>>>>>> Quantity
Morning went with adding Project Section in Potfolio, Did Some Learning in Noon, React in Evening!
- Practice React State & Props ⚛️
- Worked on a Task ✅
- Created a Project 🧩
Project link : https://jkcake.netlify.app/
- Practiced React Props ⚛️
- Learned More on React State 🤖
- Array Methos in JavaScript 🫳
💡 LEARNING : Fundametal Foundation really worth it
Today i posted 'My Wins of the Week' on dev.to there i found that how planning is important and how cheching helps to understand ke kitna pani me ho tum! Learned React and some JS went with friends enjoyed the sunday boom
- I Learned Props in React ⚛️
- Created Desktop Vesrion for app 💻
- Learned about design principles ♎
💡 LEARNING : Using props in efficient way 💡 LEARNING : Social & Communication 💡 LEARNING : Importance of Language
- I Revised React ⚛️
- Created Card Project view for Portfoli 💼
- Fight with new errors 🐞
- Worked on a Design Task 🎇
- Created Admin Panel for site 🤠
- Firebase Databse & rules 🔥
💡 LEARNING : How Admin site work 💡 LEARNING : Proper Planning is imp
i realize that when we sit for code. its important that we focus on code only, doing one thing at a time, here and there work just distract you, also you should have proper plan for doing x project, remeber you dont day dont start when you wake up but it start before you sleep,
- Completed 90% of Task ✅
- Learned Animating Css Images 📷
- Leared Working with Flexbox 📒
💡 LEARNING : need to have proper plan for doing projects
today i started with one project and then shift to another.I realize it is imp to have a premade schedule for doing project, today i learned new flexbox style for images and created beautiful travel images, also i did some margins and adjusting styles with flex box, created a cool graphic that i am gonna soon update in this simple portfolio project. it was great day i drank lot of water and ate gola at night! ahhh way an awesome day. also i got deep sleep in noon!
- Learned & Implemented Firebase 🔥
- Completed 90% of Project 💎
- Fixed major bugs in code 🔨
💡 LEARNING : have a documen for youserlf for implementing X in code
today was a great day i saw firebase after a lot time, i tried to understand firebase concept using my old docs i realize having document is imp for understanding, moreover i felt happy that solving that bug , i did create, and read operating using firebase firestore, soon ill post the project, i did from afternoon till night!
- 🗺️ Learned about HTML5 new features
- 🌍 Implemented Geolocation API in Project
- 🔗 Link to Project : https://whereiam.netlify.app/
- ⚡ I Learn how to create Landing Page and design landing page for my project
- Created Admin Panel using PHP
- Learned to Create Special user and give them rights
- Felt Php is fun sometimes
- 🧠 Learning : How to change React State and manage it
- 🧩 Project : https://emojigifts.netlify.app/