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Mpesa Express is an open source library Designed, Developed and Maintained by Dev Thagichu [ ].

The Library is a wrapper around Safaricom's Daraja API that can be used in Node JS Applications

Safaricom Daraja API:


  • Typescript
  • Promises

Getting Started

mpesa express


        npm install mpesa-express


        yarn add mpesa-express

Add to project

       const Mpesa = require ('mpesa-express');

       // Initialize  with options

       const options = {

        // Cousumer Key and Consumer Secret are found on your Client Dashboard

        consumer_key: "<STRING>",
        consumer_secret: "<STRING>",

        // Passkey , Business Shortcode and Shortcode are found on the Test Credentials Page

        passkey: "<STRING>", // bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919
        BusinessShortCode: "<INTEGER>", // 174379
        ShortCode: "<INTEGER>", //600000

        // Secruity Credentials is generated by adding the consumer secret as
        // the Initiator Security Password and clicking Generate Credentials

        SecurityCredential: "<STRING>", //Safaricom147!
        Initiator: "<STRING>", //testapi

        callBackBaseUrl: "<STRING>",

       const mpesa = new Mpesa(options)


Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment API

Use this API to initiate online payment on behalf of a customer.

        // The Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment options are found on the API Section under Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment API

        // The transaction amount you want to simulate

        const Amount = "<INTEGER>" // 1

        // The Transacting Mobile Number

        const PhoneNumber = "<INTEGER>" // 2547xxxxxxxx

        // Any Refferance or ID that you would what to associate the
        // transaction with

        const AccountReference = "<STRING>" // Invoice-001

        // Any Description that you would what to associate the
        // transaction with

        const TransactionDesc = "<STRING>" // Admission fee

        mpesa.sktPush(Amount, PhoneNumber, AccountReference, TransactionDesc)
        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

Lipa Na M-Pesa Query Request API

Use this API to check the status of a Lipa Na M-Pesa Online Payment.

        // The Lipa Na M-Pesa Query Request API options are found on the API Section under Lipa Na M-Pesa Query Request API

        // This is a global unique identifier of the processed checkout transaction request.

        const CheckoutRequestID = "<STRING>" // ws_CO_DMZ_123212312_2342347678234

        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

C2B Register URL

Use this API to register validation and confirmation URLs on M-Pesa

        // The C2B options are found on the API Section under C2B Register URL

        // Confirmation URL is the CALLBACK URL to your app
        // Safaricom will send a POST request to this url once a C2B payment is confirmed

        const ConfirmationURL = "<STRING>" // https://youapp/confirm

        // Validation URL is the CALLBACK URL to your app
        // Safaricom will send a POST request to this url once a C2B payment is confirmed

        const ValidationURL = "<STRING>" // https://youapp/valid

        // Both ConfirmationURL and ValidationURL must be HTTPS

        // Response types are: Completed or Cancelled.

        const ResponseType = "<STRING>"

        // This is the Business C2B shortcode

        const ShortCode = "<INTEGER>" // 600000

        mpesa.c2bRegister( ConfirmationURL, ValidationURL, ResponseType, ShortCode)
        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

C2B Simulate Transaction

This API is used to make payment requests from Client to Business (C2B).
You can use the sandbox provided test credentials down below to simulates a payment made from
the client phone's STK/SIM Toolkit menu, and enables you to receive the payment requests in real time.

        // The C2B options are found on the API Section under C2B Simulate Transaction

        // This is the Business C2B shortcode

        const ShortCode = "<INTEGER>" // 600000

        // The transaction type you want to simulate
        // CommandID types are: CustomerPayBillOnline OR CustomerBuyGoodsOnline.

        const CommandID = "<STRING>"

        // The transaction amount you want to simulate

        const Amount = "<INTEGER>" // 1

        // The Transacting Mobile Number

        const Msisdn = "<INTEGER>" // 2547xxxxxxxx

        // Any Refferance or ID that you would what to associate the
        // transaction with

        const BillRefNumber = "<STRING>" // Invoice-001

        mpesa.c2bTransact(ShortCode, CommandID, Amount, Msisdn, BillRefNumber)
        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

B2C Payment Request

Use this API to transact between an M-Pesa short code to a phone number registered on M-Pesa.

        // The B2C Payment Request options are found on the API Section under B2C Payment Request

        // The transaction amount you want to simulate
        const Amount = "<INTEGER>" // 1

        // The B2C shortcode
        const PartyA = "<INTEGER>" // 600000

        // The Phone Number receiving the money
        const PartyB = "<INTEGER>" // 254722000000

        // 	Comments that are sent along with the transaction.
        const Remarks = "<STRING>" // Monthly check

        // The transaction type you want to simulate
        // CommandID types are:
        // SalaryPayment
        // BusinessPayment
        // PromotionPayment

        const CommandID = "<STRING>" // BusinessPayment

        // Any additional information to be associated with the transaction.

        const Occassion = "<STRING>" // Payment for ...

        // Secruity Credentials is generated by adding the consumer secret as the Initiator Security
        // Password and clicking Generate Credentials

        const SecurityCredential = "<STRING>" // 32SzVdmCvjpmQfw3X2RK8UAv7xuhh304dXxFC5+3lslkk2TDJY/Lh6ESVwtqMxJzF7qA==

        mpesa.b2c(Amount, PartyA, PartyB, Remarks, CommandID, Occassion, SecurityCredential)
        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

Account Balance Request

Use this API to enquire the balance on an M-Pesa BuyGoods (Till Number)

        // The Account Balance Request options are found on the API Section under Account Balance Request

        // Type of commands

        const CommandID = "<STRING>" // AccountBalance

        // Type of organization receiving the transaction
        // Types examples
        // 1 – MSISDN
        // 2 – Till Number
        // 4 – Organization short code

        const IdentifierType = "<INTEGER>" // 1

        // 	Comments that are sent along with the transaction.

        const Remarks = "<STRING>" // Monthly check

        mpesa.checkAccountBalance(CommandID, IdentifierType, Remarks)
        .then((result) => console.log(result))
        .catch((error) => console.error(error));

Test Details

    Shortcode 1:   600147
    Initiator Name:   (Shortcode 1)        testapi
    Security Credential:   (Shortcode 1)   Safaricom147!
    Shortcode 2:   600000
    Test MSISDN:   254708374149
    ExpiryDate:   2017-11-13T18:59:13+03:00
    Lipa Na Mpesa Online Shortcode:   174379
    Lipa Na Mpesa Online PassKey:    bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919

Support for this Library

All the support for this library is done through:

Author Details

Anthony Gitau Thagichu






This project is licensed under the MIT License.