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📲 Push Notification System with Firebase and Azure

This project demonstrates a real-world implementation of push notification systems using both Azure Push Notification and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). It is designed to help developers integrate push notifications seamlessly into their applications.

🚀 Features

  • Azure Push Notification Integration: Send notifications to devices using Azure Notification Hubs.
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): Leverage Firebase for scalable, cross-platform notifications.
  • Firestore Database Support: Store and retrieve notification data using Google Firestore.
  • Dependency Injection (DI): Clean architecture with reusable services and repositories.
  • Swagger Integration: Explore and test APIs directly in your browser.
  • Flexible Configuration: Easily switch between Azure and Firebase.

📦 Technologies Used

  • .NET 6 for building the backend.
  • Firebase Admin SDK for FCM integration.
  • Google Firestore for database operations.
  • Azure Notification Hubs for sending notifications.
  • Swagger for API documentation and testing.
  • Dependency Injection for modular and testable architecture.

⚙️ Installation


  1. .NET SDK 6 or later
    Download and install from here.

  2. Google Service Account JSON
    Generate a service account JSON key from the Firebase console under "Project Settings > Service Accounts." Save this file for use in the app configuration.

  3. Azure Notification Hub Connection String
    Create a notification hub in Azure and copy the connection string.

Steps to Run

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone push-notification-example
    cd push-notification-example
  2. Restore dependencies

    dotnet restore
  3. Configure the application
    Update the appsettings.json file with the following:

    • Firebase JSON Credential:

      "GoogleCredential": {
          "type": "service_account",
          "project_id": "your-project-id",
          "private_key_id": "your-private-key-id",
          "private_key": "your-private-key",
          "client_email": "your-client-email",
          "client_id": "your-client-id",
          "auth_uri": "",
          "token_uri": "",
          "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
          "client_x509_cert_url": "your-cert-url"
    • Azure Notification Hub:

      "NotificationHubOptions": {
          "ConnectionString": "your-azure-connection-string",
          "HubName": "your-notification-hub-name"
  4. Run the application
    Start the application:

    dotnet run
  5. Access the Swagger UI
    Navigate to https://localhost:5001/swagger to explore and test the APIs.

🛠️ Usage

Azure Push Notifications

  • Inject and use the IAzurePushNotificationService for sending notifications via Azure Notification Hubs.
  • Example usage in a controller:
    public class NotificationsController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IAzurePushNotificationService _azurePushNotificationService;
        public NotificationsController(IAzurePushNotificationService azurePushNotificationService)
            _azurePushNotificationService = azurePushNotificationService;
        public async Task<IActionResult> SendAzureNotification(string message, string tag)
            await _azurePushNotificationService.SendNotificationAsync(message, tag);
            return Ok("Notification sent via Azure!");

Firebase Push Notifications

  • Store data in Firestore using the FirebaseRepository and send notifications via Firebase Admin SDK.
  • Example usage:
    public class FirebaseController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
        public FirebaseController(IUserRepository userRepository)
            _userRepository = userRepository;
        public async Task<IActionResult> SendFirebaseNotification(string userId, string message)
            var user = await _userRepository.GetUserAsync(userId);
            if (user == null) return NotFound("User not found!");
            // Logic to send notification using FirebaseAdmin SDK...
            return Ok("Notification sent via Firebase!");

🔗 API Endpoints

Notification Endpoints

  • POST /send-azure-notification: Send a push notification via Azure Notification Hub.
  • POST /send-firebase-notification: Send a push notification via Firebase.

🔑 Key Components

  • IAzurePushNotificationService
    Handles communication with Azure Notification Hub.

  • IFirebaseRepository<>
    Generic repository for Firestore operations.

  • UserRepository
    Custom repository to manage users in Firestore.

  • NotificationHubOptions
    Configuration for Azure Notification Hub.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

🙌 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas to improve the project, feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.

❤️ Acknowledgments

Special thanks to Firebase, Azure, and the .NET Community for their robust tools and resources that make development simpler and more effective.