Add Portuguese (Brazil) translation, thanks to Emerson Barros
Lists: add pagination if more than 1000 results. Deactivated by default, only activated for:
- Grading Scales
- Access Log
Teacher Programs:
- Prevent the following issue: If form is displayed for Course Period A, then Teacher opens a new browser tab and switches to Course Period B. Then teacher submits the form, data is saved for Course Period B.
RosarioSIS can now be installed with Softaculous
- Resources: add Resource Visibility options, sponsored by @Hirama666
Use Select2 instead of Chosen for enhanced select inputs
- Report Cards: add "Class average" option (Last row)
- Report Cards: add "Student Photo" option, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
- Print Invoices/Receipts: add "Two per page" checkbox
- Library: limit document Category Visibility to selected User Profiles and Grade Levels, sponsored by @Hirama666
Files input: automatically resize & compress uploaded images (only if width > 1988px or height > 2810px)
SMS Premium: new gateway, WhatsApp Cloud API, sponsored by
Hostel module
- Configuration: Add Payment Reminder to Portal, sponsored by @Hirama666
Student Billing: Attach File to existing Fee/Payment
Accounting: Attach File to existing Income/Expense or Salary/Staff Payment
- Rollover: Add "Course Periods" checkbox
Student Billing
- Student Balances: Add "Cumulative Balance over school years" checkbox
- Student Info: Add "Enroll student for next school year" link to Rolling / Retention Options
Student / User Listing: order by "Display Name" (was Last Name, First Name)
Add MySQL support
configuration variable$DatabasePort
configuration variable is now optional
Installation tutorial for Mac (macOS, OS X)
SQL table names were converted to lowercase. If you have any custom CSS, JS (div or input ID and names) or PHP code relying on UPPERCASE table names, please update.
Know more about RosarioSIS version 10 and MySQL support in this blog post.
PHP8.1 compatibility
- Configuration: Decimal & thousands separator
- Input Final Grades: Class average, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
PHP8.1 compatibility
PHP extension is now required
Security improvements
French translation revised, thanks to Étienne de Blois
- Calendars: legend
- Answer Breakdown: Identify questions for which students have difficulties to answer
Food Service
- Meal Items: icon upload
- Courses: Half Day option removed
- Report Cards:
- Min. and Max. cumulative GPA
- Class Rank
- Automatically send Absence notifications, after X registered absences
- Automatically send Birthday notifications
- Automatically send Payment reminders (outstanding fees), X days before or after Due date Sponsored by Mr Marinsek, Argentina
Fix menu & scroll issue on recent smartphones (landscape resolution > 735px)
FlatSIS theme
- Do not import WPadmin theme stylesheet anymore
- Use Grunt to minify
- Improve load time & payload
- User Profiles: Admin Student Payments Delete restriction, sponsored by Rousseau International school
- Automatically send (child's) Birthday notifications
- Automatically send Payment reminders (outstanding fees), X days before or after Due date Sponsored by Rousseau International school
- Automatically send (child's) Birthday Notifications to Parents
- Automatically send Payment Reminders (outstanding fees) to Parents, X days before or after Due date Sponsored by Rousseau International school
Quiz Premium module, sponsored by Dzung Do
- Incomes: add File Attached
- Expenses: add File Attached
- Staff Payments: add File Attached
Student Billing
- Payments: add File Attached, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
- Send email reminder to Teachers who did not add an entry for yesterday's classes, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
- Salaries: add File Attached
Student Billing
- Fees: add File Attached
- Attendance Chart: Merge Attendance Chart (Daily Summary) & Absence Summary programs
Accounting & Student Billing
- Daily Transactions: Merge Daily Transactions & Daily Totals programs
- Advanced Report: Total from Fees & Total from Payments
Class Diary module
Google Social Login plugin, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school
PHP8 compatibility
Moodle plugin: PHP xmlrpc extension no longer required
Automatic Attendance plugin, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
Security improved
- Configuration: Course Widget select / Pull-Down option, sponsored by English National Program
- Breakdown by Student Field: Grade Level breakdown.
Certificate module, sponsored by Paris'Com Sup
Email module:
- Attach a file, sponsored by English National Program
- Student Breakdown: Grade Level breakdown.
- Preferences: select among 10 Date Formats.
- Report Cards: include Credits.
School & Attendance: improved Numbered Days Rotation
- Schedule Report: Merge Schedule Report & Master Schedule Report
- Requests Report: Merge Requests Report & Unfilled Requests
Teachers: simplify Course Periods dropdown menu. Only select School Periods to Take Attendance.
- Courses: Secondary Teacher, sponsored by English National Program
Security enhanced
Staff Absences module, sponsored by English National Program
Default School Year: 2020
Custom (Students)
- Registration: Administrators can customize the Registration form, sponsored by English National Program
Student Billing Premium module:
- Accept Paypal payments.
SMS Premium module:
- Send Absence Notification to Parents.
- Configuration: Add-on zip upload (check to disable).
Students Import Premium module:
- Update Existing Students info, sponsored by English National Program.
Jitsi Meet module, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
Students Import module:
- Send email notification to Students.
- Premium: Create Student in Moodle.
Staff and Parents Import module:
- Send email notification to Users.
TinyMCE Record Audio Video plugin
Chart.js charts
Paypal Registration plugin
Breaking Changes:
- Move Email & Phone Staff Fields to custom fields
- SQL Rename PHONE column to CUSTOM_200000001 in staff table
Please upgrade the following add-ons:
- Staff and Parents Import module to version 1.3
- SMS + Premium modules to version 1.5
- Public Pages Premium plugin to version 1.5
Moodle plugin
- Import Moodle Users
- Improved stability and resilience
- Configuration: Automatic Student Account Activation, sponsored by LearnersPlatform
Send Account Activation email notification to Student & User, sponsored by LearnersPlatform
iCalendar plugin
- Add assignments to student / teacher calendar, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school
- (Gradebook) Configuration: for administrators to override teacher settings, sponsored by Tintamail.
Export list to Excel using MicrosoftXML (more reliable).
Grades Import module, sponsored by Instituto Japon.
Iomad plugin (multi-tenancy Moodle), sponsored by LearnersPlatform
- Store: sell Elements (including Courses) to Students and their Parents, sponsored by LearnersPlatform
- Payments Import, sponsored by LearnersPlatform
- Custom page & default page, sponsored by LearnersPlatform
Create Student / User Account:
- Email notification
iCalendar plugin.
Semester Rollover module, sponsored by Instituto Japon.
Billing Elements module, sponsored by English National Program.
SMS module.
Library Premium module.
TinyMCE Formula plugin.
Attendance Excel Sheet module, sponsored by Tintamail.
- Substitutions: Custom Fields available, sponsored by École Étoile du Matin
Grading Scale Generation plugin, sponsored by Signo Digital.
Student Billing:
- Portal: New fee alert to Parents.
- Progress Reports: Add program for admin (Teacher Programs), student and parent.
Bulgarian translation (100% complete), thanks to Martin Krastev
LDAP plugin
Force Password Change plugin, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
Convert Names To Titlecase plugin
- School Configuration: Force password change on first login, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
Database integrity improvements: added NOT NULL constraint to TITLE columns.
Student Fields:
- Search Medical Immunization or Physical, sponsored by Asian Hope
- Rename "Edit Student Grades" program to "Historical Grades".
Student Billing:
- Payments: Fees dropdown to reconcile Payment.
- Staff Payments: Salaries dropdown to reconcile Payment.
Relatives plugin, sponsored by Asian Hope
REST API plugin
- Report Cards: Min. and Max. Grades option, Last row option (GPA or Total), add Free Text.
- Transcripts: Last row option (GPA or Total).
- Final Grades: Min. and Max. Grades option.
SQL speed: ID columns now use INTEGER type.
Database integrity improvements: added foreign keys.
Bulgarian translation (54% complete), thanks to Vanyo Georgiev
New theme: FlatSIS
Setup Assistant plugin
- Profiles: Teachers & Parents can edit User Info tabs.
Timetable Import module
Discipline Score plugin
Default School Year: 2019
- Remove Access: new Custom program, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
- Transcripts: use rich text (TinyMCE) input for Studies Certificate text, hardcoded "Studies Certificate" title and Signtures placeholders removed.
Accessibility improved
Calendar Schedule View plugin, sponsored by Revamp Consulting.
School, Students & Users
- Fields: "Edit Pull-Down" & "Coded Pull-Down" are converted to "Auto Pull-Down" & "Export Pull-Down" Data Types.
- GPA / MP List: program removed
- Calculate GPA: program removed, automatic GPA & Class Rank calculation
School, Students & Users
- Fields: new "Files" Data Type, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
- Student Fields: Merge Address Fields & Contact Fields programs with Student Fields program
Installation Poll
Public Pages plugin
Email Alerts module, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school.
- Gradebook Configuration: "Hide previous quarters assignment types" option, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school. Note: Will only work for newly created Assignment Types.
- Remove Teacher Programs (still available from Users menu)
- Remove Teacher Programs (still available from Users menu)
Library module
- Assignments: file upload & rich text description, sponsored by Santa Cecilia school
Email Students module
- Courses: Description (content or summary)
Quiz module
Security enhanced
New Module icons: moved from modules to theme
optional variable to receive errors by email (PHP fatal, database, hacking attempts)
Set admin password on first login
Translate Help texts with Poedit
Translate database fields to Spanish or French
Students & Users
- Expanded View: Photo Tip Message
School Setup
- School Configuration: Display Name, sponsored by @abogadeer
Email SMTP plugin
- Courses: teachers, parents & students can access program
Student Billing Premium module
Staff and Parents Import module, sponsored by @abogadeer
School Setup
- School Configuration: Failed Login Attempts Limit, sponsored by @abogadeer
Create Student / User Account
- Captcha, sponsored by @abogadeer
- Student Info: Delete Student button (only if no Schedule, Grades or Attendance records found), sponsored by @abogadeer
New PDF Header Footer plugin
New translations (37% completed)
- Afrikaans (South Africa)
- Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
- Belarusian (Belarus)
- Czech (Czech Republic)
- Greek (Greece)
- Estonian (Estonia)
- Finnish (Finland)
- Irish (Ireland)
- Galician
- Croatian (Croatia)
- Hungarian (Hungary)
- Indonesian (Indonesia)
- Icelandic (Iceland)
- Lithuanian (Lithuania)
- Latvian (Latvia)
- Macedonian (Macedonia)
- Dutch (Netherlands)
- Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway)
- Polish (Poland)
- Romanian (Romania)
- Slovak (Slovakia)
- Slovenian (Slovenia)
- Albanian (Albania)
- Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia)
- Swedish (Sweden)
- Thai (Thailand)
- Ukrainian (Ukraine)
- Vietnamese (Vietnam)
- Walloon (Belgium)
- Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)
New File Uploads folder in assets/FileUploads/
.jpg, .png, .gif formats are now accepted for Student / User photos. The 2MB size limit was removed.
Automatically resize & compress uploaded images. PNGQuant can be used for PNG compression.
Up to 4x speed & memory gain (DBGet core function)
Usability improvements
- Requests: Students & Parents can Edit
- Mass Create Assignments
School Setup
- Access Log
- Marking Periods
- Access granted to parents & students
- My Preferences
- Student Fields: search Username
- 90% gain when updating Side menu
- Cache system (ETag)
Upload images in text editor (TinyMCE)
- (Custom) Registration (for parents or students to register their contacts)
School Setup
- Configuration
- Limit Existing Contacts & Addresses to current school
- Force Default Theme
- My Preferences
- Export Listings in XML format
- User Fields: search Email Address & Phone
- Group Schedule
- Schedule multiple courses
Student Assignments
- Submit Assignment
Grading Scales
- Minimum Passing Grade
Student Billing & Accounting
- Daily Totals
Password Reset feature
MarkDown support for Large text fields
Automatic database upgrade
French help
Khmer / Cambodian translation
School Setup
- School Configuration
- Create User Account
- Create Student Account
- Group Assign Student Info
- Grade Level
- Attendance Start Date this School Year
- Course Period Absences Widget
- Upcoming Assignments
Menu enhancement
Security improved
School Setup
- School Configuration
- manage Modules & Plugins
- set Default Theme
- set Currency
- No more Rosario Admins list
Security improved
- New module including Staff Payroll
School Setup
- Food Service configuration
- Rebrand RosarioSIS
Navigate the browser history
Open RosarioSIS links in new tab
Page source viewable
Arabic translation
German translation
- Assignment Default Points
Better internationalization (i18n) support
- RosarioSIS Wiki
- Print handbook
- Add your links
Security improved
School Setup
- Upload school logo
- Print Options preferences
School Setup
- Added School Fields
- Added time and user to comments "comment thread" like
Responsive design
- Compatible with smartphones and tablets
- AJAX design
- Retractable menu
- Responsive tables
- Added Discipline Categories to Discipline Widget
- Added new referrals Portal alert
- Added Attendance Summary
Security improved
School Setup
- Moved all the configuration values inside the
files to School Configuration - Added limit visibility to the students of a determined teacher in Portal Polls
- Added Notify Parents
Security improved
- Added Failed Login to the expanded view of staff listing
- Added ability to modifiy and delete periods to an existing Course Period
- New logo
- New theme: WPadmin inspired by Wordpress' admin theme
- New icon set
- Every string in RosarioSIS now translatable
- Full french and spanish translation
- Dates translation
- Custom Currency
- Handbooks/Help in spanish
- Added ability to add/change Photo directly from the Student/User screen
- Added student breakdown adapted from Focus SIS v.2.3
- Added TinyMCE to letters
- Added gradebook breakdown adapted from Focus SIS v.2.3
School Setup
- Added PostgreSQL database backup
- Added School uses a Rotation of Numbered Days option
- Added possibility to attach a file to Portal Notes
- Added ability to repeat a calendar event
- Added School Configuration
- Added master schedule report
- Added possibility to add more than one period to a Course Period
- Added module adapted from Focus SIS v.2.3
Student Billing
- Added module adapted from Focus SIS v.2.3
Password Encryption
- Added Moodle integration
- jqPlot Javascript charts replace PHP/SWF Charts
- Replaced htmldoc by wkhtmltopdf