PNM( Portable Anymap Format ) AKA Netpbm
Done and ready for use.
Implemented: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6
PBM, PGM and PPM reader and writer
Headers only
One file to include
One file to handle
No third parties
No additional binaries
Out of the box ready
No need to recompile or start some install process.
API Statistics.
Number of namespaces: 1( one )
Number of functions: 3 ( three )
Number of Classes/Structures: 1 ( one )
Number of operators: 2 ( two )
Load image in to std::vector
std::ifstream ifs ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary );
std::vector<std::uint8_t > data;
PNM::Info info;
ifs >> PNM::load ( data, info );
if ( true == info.valid() )
std::cout << " width = " << info.width () << std::endl;
std::cout << " height = " << info.height () << std::endl;
std::cout << " max = " << info.maximum () << std::endl;
std::cout << " channel = " << () << std::endl;
std::cout << " type = " << (int )info.type () << std::endl;
// data contain valid information
// One-liner version.
{ std::ifstream ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary ) >> PNM::load ( data, info ); }
Save image from std::vector
std::ofstream ofs (" image1.pbm" );
std::vector<std::uint8_t > data;
// < In here fill data with something >
ofs << PNM::save( data, 100 , 100 , PNM::P1 );
// One-liner version
{ std::ofstream (" image2.pbm" ) << PNM::save ( data, 100 , 100 , PNM::P1 ); }
Load data to raw memory by using custom allocator:
std::uint8_t *my_allocator ( size_t const & size )
return (std::uint8_t *) malloc ( size );
std::ifstream ifs ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary );
std::uint8_t *data;
PNM::Info info;
ifs >> PNM::load ( &data, my_allocator, info );
if ( true == info.valid() )
std::cout << " width = " << info.width () << std::endl;
std::cout << " height = " << info.height () << std::endl;
std::cout << " max = " << info.maximum () << std::endl;
std::cout << " channel = " << () << std::endl;
std::cout << " type = " << (int )info.type () << std::endl;
// data contain valid information allocated by my_allocator
// One-liner version.
{ std::ifstream ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary ) >> PNM::load ( &data, my_allocator, info ); }
Load data from already allocated memory
std::ifstream ifs ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary );
std::uint8_t *data = malloc( 100 * 100 * 3 );
PNM::Info info;
ifs >> PNM::load ( data, info );
if ( true == info.valid() )
std::cout << " width = " << info.width () << std::endl;
std::cout << " height = " << info.height () << std::endl;
std::cout << " max = " << info.maximum () << std::endl;
std::cout << " channel = " << () << std::endl;
std::cout << " type = " << (int )info.type () << std::endl;
// data contain valid information allocated by my_allocator
// One-liner version.
{ std::ifstream ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary ) >> PNM::load ( data, info ); }
Save data from raw memory
std::ofstream ofs ( " image1.pgm" );
std::uint8_t data[ 100 * 100 ];
// < In here fill data with something >
ofs << PNM::save( data, 100 , 100 , PNM::P2 );
// One-liner version
{ std::ofstream ( " image2.pgm" ) << PNM::save ( data, 100 , 100 , PNM::P2 ); }
std::ifstream ifs ( " image.pbm" , std::ios_base::binary );
PNM::Info info;
ifs >> PNM::probe ( info );
if ( true == info.valid() )
std::cout << " width = " << info.width () << std::endl;
std::cout << " height = " << info.height () << std::endl;
std::cout << " max = " << info.maximum () << std::endl;
std::cout << " channel = " << () << std::endl;
std::cout << " type = " << (int )info.type () << std::endl;
// One-liner version
{ std::ifstream ( " image.pbm" )>> PNM::probe ( info ); }
Clone this Repository:
Inform compiler where to find headers:
MSVC : /Ic:\my-work-folder\my-git-folder\PNM\src
gcc : -I/home/my-user-name/my-work-folder/my-git-folder/PNM/src
gcc 6.4.0
MSVC 2015
MSVC 2017