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Plan for Mistakes (or: Testing)

Based on materials by Katy Huff, Rachel Slaybaugh, and Anthony Scopatz, original document from boot-camps

What is testing?

Software testing is a process by which one or more expected behaviors and results from a piece of software are exercised and confirmed. Well chosen tests will confirm expected code behavior for the extreme boundaries of the input domains, output ranges, parametric combinations, and other behavioral edge cases.

Why test software?

Unless you write flawless, bug-free, perfectly accurate, fully precise, and predictable code every time, you must test your code in order to trust it enough to answer in the affirmative to at least a few of the following questions:

  • Does your code work?
  • Always?
  • Does it do what you think it does? (Patriot Missile Failure)
  • Does it continue to work after changes are made?
  • Does it continue to work after system configurations or libraries are upgraded?
  • Does it respond properly for a full range of input parameters?
  • What about edge and corner cases?
  • What's the limit on that input parameter?
  • How will it affect your publications?


Verification is the process of asking, "Have we built the software correctly?" That is, is the code bug free, precise, accurate, and repeatable?


Validation is the process of asking, "Have we built the right software?" That is, is the code designed in such a way as to produce the answers we are interested in, data we want, etc.

Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty Quantification is the process of asking, "Given that our algorithm may not be deterministic, was our execution within acceptable error bounds?" This is particularly important for anything which uses random numbers, eg Monte Carlo methods.

Starting to test

Our scenario

Suppose that we want to write our own set of Python functions to perform basic statistical tasks. We want to develop them in a robust way, to make sure that when we use them in our analysis, our answers are correct. Thus, we will be writing tests as part of our development process.

Getting started

We'll be creating our Python files inside a new directory. Create a new directory on your Desktop called simplestats. Open up a basic text editor. Also open a terminal window and cd to our new simplestats directory:

cd Desktop/simplestats

Using your text editor, create a new file named and save it in the simplestats directory. Then copy and paste the following function into the to get started.

def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
    total = sum(vals)
    length = len(vals)
    return total/length


The most naive test is simply printing out an example of our function, and checking ourselves whether the answer is correct.

def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
    total = sum(vals)
    length = len(vals)
    return total/length
print(mean([2, 4]))

We can run this code using python from the command line:


First, version control

In your command line window, use git add and git commit to commit our new file. Remember that we need to use git init once at the start to initialize the repository!

git init
git add
git commit -m "starting to work on stats functions"

Second, what could go wrong?

We've include one very informal test in our program. But this isn't enough to produce a bug-free piece of software. What are some things we need to consider in advance?


Assertions and exceptions are a way to test within the program, to make sure that the pieces of your function are behaving as you would expect.
We'll start by covering assertions, and get to exceptions.

An assert is like a specialized "if/then" statement for catching errors. The assert command will make your program stop if the condition is not true and is common when writing tests.

We want to catch the error that would happen if a string was passed instead of a list of values.

First of all, Python will catch this on its own:


But we'd like to include a more descriptive message, and control how the assertion happens.

def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
    assert type(vals) is list, 'Input format is incorrect'
    total = sum(vals)
    length = len(vals)
    return total/length

Practice using git: Commit this addition to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Adding assert to catch input errors" 

Unit Tests

Create Unit Test Functions

If we make the print statement we've been using so far into a function, using asserts, we can make these print statements more meaningful. Let's make these changes to

def test_mean():
	assert mean([2,4]) == 3.0, 'Simple mean test'

To make it even easier to test, we can add some lines at the bottom of to run each of our tests:


Practice using git: Commit this addition to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Adding real test function" 

Edge Cases

One of the challenges of testing is to determine what the edge cases might be. Here are some cases that we might try for the mean function

  • different lengths of lists:
    • [2, 4, 6]
    • [2, 4, 6, 8]
  • negative numbers:
    • [-4, -2]
    • [-2, 2, 4]
  • floating point numbers:
    • [2.0, 4.0, 6.0]
    • [2.5, 4.5, 6.0]

Edge cases are important because they may reveal important decisions you need to make about our software, and its design. We will also be turning each edge case into something called a "unit test", where it tests one piece of our code - in this case, our mean function.

The edge case we'll consider is an empty list - what should we do with that input?

If we add the following statement to the bottom of,

def test_empty_list():
    assert mean([]) is None, 'Empty list test'```

What happens if we run python

Short Exercise

Using an if/else statement, how can you adapt the current function to handle the empty list case?

Commit this addition to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Handling example of empty list" 

Short Exercise

  1. Add one more test function, testing a set of values of your choice.

  2. Practice using git: Commit your changes to the repository

     git add
     git commit -m "Added more test functions"

Example test:

def test_float_mean():
    """Test some standard behavior when the result is not an integer."""
    assert(mean([1, .5, .5]) == .666)

Test Organization

"It’s not that we don’t test our code, it’s that we don’t store our tests so they can be re-run automatically."

-- Hadley Wickham

Separating Tests

It is more common to place tests in a different file so that they don't clutter the module that does the real work. Let's move our tests to a new file called Now, our file contains only:

def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
    assert type(vals) is list, 'Input format is incorrect'
    total = sum(vals)
    length = len(vals)
    if length == 0:
    	return None
    	return total/length

and our file contains:

from stats import mean

def test_mean():
	assert mean([2,4]) == 3.0, 'Simple mean test'

def test_empty_list():
    assert mean([]) is None, 'Empty list test'

def test_float_mean():
    """Test some standard behavior when the result is not an integer."""
    assert(mean([1, .5, .5]) == .666)

Commit your changes to the repository

git add
git commit -m "moving tests into a new file"

Nose: A Python Testing Framework

We could start adding some lines to give us more information about each test and why it might fail, but that could get tedious as we write basically the same things over and over for each test. Since we don't want to repeat ourselves, we might write some functions to keep track of the expected result, and report when it doesn't match the observed results. However, that seems like something that many people need, so maybe someone else did that already, and we don't want to repeat others, either.

The testing framework we'll discuss today is called nose. However, there are several other testing frameworks available in most languages. Most notably there is JUnit in Java which can arguably attributed to inventing the testing framework. Google also provides a test framework for C++ applications (note, there's also CTest). There is at least one testing framework for R: testthat.


Once nose is installed, you can run it in any directory and it will find files that begin with Test-, Test_, test-, or test_. It will then run any functions it finds in these files (which it assumes to be all of your tests).

Since the nose package finds the tests and runs them automatically, we don't need to include lines that run the tests. We can remove the lines that call the tests and just use our existing file like this:


Commit your changes!

Nose Functions

nose also has a set of specific "assert-like" functions, that can be useful in writing tests. The simplest case is the assert_equal function:

from import assert_equal

def test_mean():
    """Test some standard behavior of the mean() function."""
    assert_equal(mean([2, 4]), 3, "Basic mean test fails")

Short Exercise

Change our "empty list" test to use assert_equal. Commit your changes.

git add
git commit -m "Introduced nose functions"

assert_equal is not the only tool we can use. nose defines many other convenient assert functions which can be used to test more specific aspects of the code base.

from import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_true, \
    assert_false, assert_raises, assert_is_instance

assert_equal(a, b)
assert_almost_equal(a, b)
assert_raises(exception, func, *args, **kwargs)
assert_is_instance(a, b)
# and many more!

Let's add this to our code:

from import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal

def test_float_mean():
    """Test some standard behavior when the result is not an integer."""
    assert_amost_equal(mean([1, .5, .5]) == .66, 1)

And commit changes.

A Testing Development Workflow

Maybe we want our function to be able to handle the following case:


(If you think this is farfetched, most scripting languages will read information from the command line and files as strings. So this is more possible than you might think!)

Let's add a test to our file and try to edit the function to handle this case.

def test_str_list_mean():
    """Create special list case"""
    assert_equal(mean(['1','2','3']), 2)
def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
    assert type(vals) is list, 'Input format is incorrect'
    new_vals = []
    for num in vals: 
    total = sum(new_vals)
    length = len(new_vals)
    if length == 0:
    	return None
    	return total/length

Now run our tests again with nosetests. It's broken! What didn't work and how can we fix it?

This shows the benefit of having a test suite to catch our mistakes as we edit our code and commit changes.


What happens if someone tries to use this function with real (non-numerical) strings?


Some mistakes don't just give a wrong answer, but fail to even finish. Python provides a mechanism to deal with this called exceptions.

In this example, Python automatically raises a ValueError exception when we try to take the sum of a string.

In this case, we can add a test for the expected behavior: raising a TypeError exception, by using the nose tool assert_raises:

def test_string_mean():
    assert_raises(ValueError, mean, ['hello','world'])

Practice using git: Commit this change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added a test for exceptions when passing in non-numeric results."

We can provide some extra information to the user by catching the TypeError exception:

def mean(vals):
    """Calculate the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers in vals"""
        total = sum(vals)
        length = len(vals)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("The list contains non-numeric elements")
    return total/length

Practice using git: Commit this change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added extra error message for TypeError."

When should we test?

The three right answers are:

  • EARLY!
  • OFTEN!

The longer answer is that testing either before or after your software is written will improve your code, but testing after your program is used for something important is too late.

If we have a robust set of tests, we can run them before adding something new and after adding something new. If the tests give the same results (as appropriate), we can have some assurance that we didn't wreck anything. The same idea applies to making changes in your system configuration, updating support codes, etc.

Another important feature of testing is that it helps you remember what all the parts of your code do. If you are working on a large project over three years and you end up with 200 classes, it may be hard to remember what the widget class does in detail. If you have a test that checks all of the widget's functionality, you can look at the test to remember what it's supposed to do.

Who should test?

In a collaborative coding environment, where many developers contribute to the same code base, developers should be responsible individually for testing the functions they create and collectively for testing the code as a whole.

Professionals often test their code, and take pride in test coverage, the percent of their functions that they feel confident are comprehensively tested.

Test Driven Development

Test driven development (TDD) is a philosophy whereby the developer creates code by writing the tests first. That is to say you write the tests before writing the associated code!

This is an iterative process whereby you write a test then write the minimum amount code to make the test pass. If a new feature is needed, another test is written and the code is expanded to meet this new use case. This continues until the code does what is needed.

TDD operates on the YAGNI principle (You Ain't Gonna Need It). People who diligently follow TDD swear by its effectiveness. This development style was put forth most strongly by Kent Beck in 2002.

A TDD Example

Say you want to write a std() function which computes the Standard Deviation. You would - of course - start by writing the test, possibly testing a single set of numbers, by adding this to

from import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal

def test_std1():
    obs = std([0.0, 2.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

You would then go ahead and write the actual function:

def std(vals):
    # you snarky so-and-so
    return 1.0

Practice using git: Since this works, commit the change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added a test for std() and then a function that passes the test."

And that is it, right?! Well, not quite. This implementation fails for most other values. Adding tests we see that:

def test_std1():
    obs = std([0.0, 2.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std2():
    obs = std([])
    exp = 0.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std3():
    obs = std([0.0, 4.0])
    exp = 2.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

These extra tests now require that we bother to implement at least a slightly more reasonable function:

def std(vals):
    # a little better
    if len(vals) == 0:
        return 0.0
    return vals[-1] / 2.0

Practice using git: Since this works again, commit the change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added moore tests for std() and updated function so that is passes all tests."

However, this function still fails whenever vals has more than two elements or the first element is not zero. Time for more tests!

def test_std1():
    obs = std([0.0, 2.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std2():
    obs = std([])
    exp = 0.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std3():
    obs = std([0.0, 4.0])
    exp = 2.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std4():
    obs = std([1.0, 3.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std5():
    obs = std([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    exp = 0.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

At this point, we had better go ahead and try do the right thing...

def std(vals):
    # finally, some math
    n = len(vals)
    if n == 0:
        return 0.0
    mu = sum(vals) / n
    var = 0.0
    for val in vals:
        var = var + (val - mu)**2
    return (var / n)**0.5

Practice using git: Since this works again, commit the change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added more tests for std() and updated function so that is passes all tests."

Here it becomes very tempting to take an extended coffee break or possibly a power lunch. But then you remember those pesky infinite values! Perhaps the right thing to do here is to just be undefined. Infinity in Python may be represented by any literal float greater than or equal to 1e309.

def test_std1():
    obs = std([0.0, 2.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std2():
    obs = std([])
    exp = 0.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std3():
    obs = std([0.0, 4.0])
    exp = 2.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std4():
    obs = std([1.0, 3.0])
    exp = 1.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std5():
    obs = std([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    exp = 0.0
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std6():
    obs = std([1e500])
    exp = NotImplemented
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

def test_std7():
    obs = std([0.0, 1e4242])
    exp = NotImplemented
    assert_equal(obs, exp)

This means that it is time to add the appropriate case to the function itself:

def std(vals):
    # sequence and you shall find
    n = len(vals)
    if n == 0:
        return 0.0
    mu = sum(vals) / n
    if mu == 1e500:
        return NotImplemented
    var = 0.0
    for val in vals:
        var = var + (val - mu)**2
    return (var / n)**0.5

Practice using git: Since this works again, commit the change to the repository

git add
git commit -m "Added tests for infinity in std() and updated function so that is passes all tests."

Quality Assurance Exercise

Can you think of other tests to make for the std() function? I promise there are at least two.

Implement one new test in, run nosetests, and if it fails, implement a more robust function for that case.

And thus - finally - we have a robust function together with working tests!

Exercise: A different function

Try your new test-driven development chops by implementing the var() function, noting that the variance is the square of the standard devation.

How are tests written?

The type of tests that are written is determined by the testing framework you adopt. Don't worry, there are a lot of choices.

Types of Tests

Exceptions: Exceptions can be thought of as type of runtime test. They alert the user to exceptional behavior in the code. Often, exceptions are related to functions that depend on input that is unknown at compile time. Checks that occur within the code to handle exceptional behavior that results from this type of input are called Exceptions.

Unit Tests: Unit tests are a type of test which test the fundamental units of a program's functionality. Often, this is on the class or function level of detail. However what defines a code unit is not formally defined.

To test functions and classes, the interfaces (API) - rather than the implementation - should be tested. Treating the implementation as a black box, we can probe the expected behavior with boundary cases for the inputs.

System Tests: System level tests are intended to test the code as a whole. As opposed to unit tests, system tests ask for the behavior as a whole. This sort of testing involves comparison with other validated codes, analytical solutions, etc.

Regression Tests: A regression test ensures that new code does change anything. If you change the default answer, for example, or add a new question, you'll need to make sure that missing entries are still found and fixed.

Integration Tests: Integration tests query the ability of the code to integrate well with the system configuration and third party libraries and modules. This type of test is essential for codes that depend on libraries which might be updated independently of your code or when your code might be used by a number of users who may have various versions of libraries.

Test Suites: Putting a series of unit tests into a collection of modules creates a test suite. Typically the suite as a whole is executed (rather than each test individually) when verifying that the code base still functions after changes have been made.

Elements of a Test

Behavior: The behavior you want to test. For example, you might want to test the fun() function.

Expected Result: This might be a single number, a range of numbers, a new fully defined object, a system state, an exception, etc. When we run the fun() function, we expect to generate some fun. If we don't generate any fun, the fun() function should fail its test. Alternatively, if it does create some fun, the fun() function should pass this test. The expected result should known a priori. For numerical functions, this is result is ideally analytically determined even if the function being tested isn't.

Assertions: Require that some conditional be true. If the conditional is false, the test fails.

Fixtures: Sometimes you have to do some legwork to create the objects that are necessary to run one or many tests. These objects are called fixtures as they are not really part of the test themselves but rather involve getting the computer into the appropriate state.

For example, since fun varies a lot between people, the fun() function is a method of the Person class. In order to check the fun function, then, we need to create an appropriate Person object on which to run fun().

Setup and teardown: Creating fixtures is often done in a call to a setup function. Deleting them and other cleanup is done in a teardown function.

The Big Picture: Putting all this together, the testing algorithm is often:


But, sometimes it's the case that your tests change the fixtures. If so, it's better for the setup() and teardown() functions to occur on either side of each test. In that case, the testing algorithm should be:


