The DoctrineORMModule leverages DoctrineModule and integrates Doctrine ORM with Laminas quickly and easily. The following features are intended to work out of the box:
- Doctrine ORM support
- Multiple ORM entity managers
- Multiple DBAL connections
- Reuse existing PDO connections in DBAL connection
Run the following to install this library using Composer:
$ composer require doctrine/doctrine-orm-module
- :doc:`User Guide <user-guide>`: general introduction.
- :doc:`Developer Tools <developer-tools>`: setting up Laminas Developer Tools.
- :doc:`Configuration <configuration>`: learn how to configure DoctrineORMModule.
- :doc:`Caching <cache>`: learn how to configure caches.
- :doc:`Migrations <migrations>`: learn how to use database migrations.
- :doc:`Laminas Forms <forms>`: learn about custom Laminas form elements.
- :doc:`Laminas Forms <miscellaneous>`: learn about authentication and custom DBAL types.