Simon is a classic memory game first launched at Studio 54 in 1978. This groovy pop culture symbol has been deployed as a web-based game. The program displays a randomized sequence of illuminated colors and the player's goal is to repeat the sequence by clicking the correct color buttons on the gameboard to win and advance to the next level.
To get started, navigate to, click the play button and the game launches. The gameboard displays a sequence of random illuminated colors.
Repeat the sequence by clicking the correct color buttons on the gameboard.
- React
- Five game levels that display a unique, randomly generated sequence each time the user attempts the level.
- As the player advances, the game sequence increases in length.
- A player can attemt to match the sequence multiple times and is prompted to advance to the next level when a match is successful.
- A player is prompted to try again if the attempt is unsuccessful.
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- Donell Ellis