9/14-9/16, 2022 Miami, FL
Day 1: 2-2:30 – Status of Data Management Discuss RS archive NASA Re-processing (r2022) via ftp subscription Regions (GoM, FGB, FK, WFS) 1-km MODIS and VIIRS
Products in the Florida Keys and Flower Garden Banks NMS
Dashboard data management
- Move to Google Cloud
- Expansion of FGBNMS boundaries w/new banks (could show map slide)
Day 2: 9:20-10:30 – Dashes and infographics successes (who is using?) Michelle Johnston at FGBNMS – Displayed data products from the dashboards extensively during Condition Report Workshops in April 2022 Topics: Eutrophication/water quality, climate change, risks to human health, contaminants
General meeting notes: Day 1: Emphasis on RS/SS products – analysis and validation (mesh with the other products Need ideas to validate SS. Which datasets? Phenology?
SS w/fisheries? (Mitch’s idea) - How to engage fisheries community?
How to make indicators that can be used in different areas? Local vs. regional vs. national scales
Chris – Need continuity in RS products. How can MODIS be “bridged” to VIIRS? Maria presentation – downscaling Goal – get to 90% variance explained (around 42 for GoM) Need hi-res SSS and SSH Also need regionally tuned L2 OC/IOP (tweak adg_443?) How do noisy products (nFLH, CDOM) affect outputs? Can we remove some products? ECCO-2 vs. local model (FVCOM or WFS OCG model) – what are the biases? MODIS/VIIRS tend to agree well – focus of new project Multi-sensor products – which one(s) are best?
BioTrack – Neil H. Use satellite tagged organisms (mostly sharks) to hotspots migratory pathways. How best to use SS? 5-km global prods? Chelsea Black is leading this.
Day 2 – Stakeholder engagement Jen and Chris – Outreach for the next two projects: CPO and MBON Stakeholder engagement workshops (virtual)
- Will need science folks on those calls
- A set of beta-products to be reviewed by stakeholders, feedback, iterate….
Roadshow of these products, how to show off (social media?); connect to IEA Sanctuary Watch (new site?) – Point to the dashboard(s); ask GC for link/details (could we integrate RS/SS prods?) How to push to other sanctuaries? – Particularly for condition reports How to reach a more general audience? – More gages (colors: green, yellow, red) Better (larger) annotations of RS products ERDDAP (raster data) to time-series – we need it! – THREDDS does this. How? Webinized infographics – How to add eDNA and RS data streams? Gabrielle – Much NOAA activity on infographics (how to resource? How to merge across groups? Need to talk across groups AND continue to address technical issues/”pain points” Kahty Broughton – EVERY sanctuary is interested in these webinized products (for cond. Reports) , how can we move to other sanctuaries?
How to capture anomalous events? (i.e. the NPS algal bloom on 7/11-7/15/2022). Aggregations of anomalous pixels? Need to look at images, rather than extracted sites) GCOOS nutrients in Sanibel/Captiva area
Sanctuaries (K. Broughton) Needs: Indicator development and data. Getting data into figures. When is the best time to engage w/MBON – Kick off meetings? (prior to indicator development)
Indicators (Kelly M) – Would like to use SS, but need interpretation (How can we do this?), how does this scale?, how site/region specific are the SS interpretations? RS/SS data prods into time series for a set of (fluid, and/or user defined) polygons. Get creative! SST, chla could be exported as t-s.
Will K. – Indicators and IEA Need to more formally establish how MBON can contribute to these efforts How to make a “good” indicator Must be relevant and easily understood Spatial and temp. resolution must match scales of indicator Long term commitment (who will maintain/host?), established methods What is the signal to noise? How to track biodiversity? Communication is critical. What are we showing? Needs simple/plain language summary Will K. will be working on CPO project – link with him on indicators
Luke – FWC/DEP How to inform coral restoration efforts – look at temp/OC patterns along reef tract; ECOSTRESS? – Go through LFK files (fast) Need experts to advocate for newer IT methods (i.e. Github)
RS/SS Breakout 2:15-3:30 (MTK - remote) MTK, WK, FMK, DO, TM, BB, MR plus Nick and Tori from DEP Indicator development and user engagement are foci SS interpretations – global to regional and local scales How do the mean and std of chl change as the SS class is changing? For each region, looking at means of input variables. When this SS class is seen here, the CHL is between x and y. Also look at relationships between inputs (lots of variance) – not just means and variances Ex. Nitrogen fixers living within a small range of SS classes What are the gradients? FMK - How do we boil down to a single or few indicators? How can we tell a story about what the SS are and how they are interpreted? Need more use case examples. Global vs. regional scales Do we have the bandwidth to do what we want. FMK – we need to choose one or two. BB - How do we better define the inputs in each class (histograms, point clouds) MTK - Dots in point clouds for mean and variance Seasonal cycles and phenology Describe the classes themselves What product(s) do we want to produce? At what scales? Ecosystem extent. Already an EBV. (have we validated this enough?) MR – How to put fish location into SS (habitat availability) MTK – Work with CENCOOS Habitat compression (forage fish) – whale entanglements when habitat was compressed close to shore. SS occupancy (Will K is working on this) along Central CA Current – story is not as clear When are the forage fish going to be compressed against the shore? Community structure variation and occupancy rates for things that swim. What are the next steps? – How can we get quickly to an indicator here in SFL? Phytoplankton community structure(like Anna’s work) Occupancy – work with a student? – Will K has code How to compare SS to eDNA results? Downscaling? – highly technical, scale down to mega-regions, then down to smaller regions Compare to climate drivers Seascape level diversity; look at one location. What SS are there over time? Do they change? FMK – can we work hand in hand with a manager to see the values of these cases. Which managers? (SWFSC) – Isaac Schroeder/Jarrod Santora Other SFL examples – Right whales? HABs? Can we incorporate phyto/zoos. MBON results along reef tract? – Can we use OBIS? SEAMAP/OBIS? – Not really in OBIS? – Pat Halpin (diff. from NOAA SEAMAP), SDM and SS can suffer from autocorrelation issues; both rely on similar variables MTK – Utility of SS in a predictive model of if fishers will fish a line or boundary? When this line (gradient) goes within the EEZ, illegal fishing will occur Can we predict when large predators may be in an area? Often, fish surveys are annual, so sampling may miss the fish Hard to compare SS all year with surveys taken once per year Can SS predict the “fat scape” available to other fish WK – what can we do now? – Habitat diversity/occupancy (EMH has done this) FMK – 30% protection of the ocean by 2030. Some studies show how richness relate to MPAs. Are protected areas likely to have high biodiversity? Where are these particular SS showing up and when? BB Lessons from SeascapeR. (show example) MTK – One thing to push forward. Use cases OR one indicator across scales. We want to get to a management perspective MTK – Forage (CCC) at manager level is most doable Plankton metrics are good, but stock assessment folks won’t buy in Need ecosystem managers J Dorton – moving SEAMAP data to DarwinCore (want to work with that) MR – Are species of interest in the Gulf moving north (out of the area) – surface pelagic fish, not bottom fish Who will do this? – Luke M? Do we need 1-km SS in the GoM? How to fund synthesis? – There is money to lead, but not enough to do full X-MBON synthesis FMK – Too early to ask for more funds How do we proceed? Who will lead? We need a game plan and an integrated approach Maybe do a bunch of demos. Where? At the NASA BDEF meeting for example We need connections to people that are not using SS. We need domain experts to help with this process (sharks for examples) Can we leverage the continuity project to do some of this validation? – Maybe in Y3 Can we link w/other sanctuaries at their kick off meetings? Or other agencies and their reporting needs. Increased stakeholder engagement. Where are we with the downscaling? Who will do this? How to incorporate with ROMs models. We can work with OCG. What about other nodes? How to better advertise SS case studies? Could we create a storymap?
1-km downscaling for SFL. Incorporate ROM. Talk to OCG. New 1-km (2015-present) – Need to expand How to tell stories?
Breakout reporting Can we match eDNA and IFCB sampling? IFCB sampling on SFL cruises – 5mL every hour, not synchronized MTK: Relatively straightforward to pause and run a discrete sample when the eDNA is being collected. Techs need to be focused on the sampling. Cannot be animated. We run 5mL every 20 min.
Day 3 International MBON efforts/WGs/website/wrap up How do we approach the WGs? How to merge efforts of the WGs? Do we need a WG dedicated to products? Chris S. – We need to have X-WG meetings (better coord. Between WGs) How to get products out of the WGs? We need to assess stakeholder needs before generating products GC – Bring a stakeholder! (to the X-MBON mtg.) How can we get our heads together on products between the WG? How can we focus our stakeholder engagement? Don’t want to be to diffuse. Stakeholders: Sanctuaries, fisheries (NOAA and at the state level and management councils) Do we need Trello or other project management software Where do we store/host our products? – We need to have some order Sanctuaries/IEA - Sanctuary Watch page (dashboards) – need descriptive text Need centralized App/Product page with links to prods (IOOS.us, MBON page, ???) How can we encourage others to engage w/WGs? Website – Need dedicated curators and an editorial calendar Maybe as part of a products/website WG? Who will ask/browbeat the individual projects for content/updates Need to periodically add a banner, or a video or other content Also – periodic social media posts (students) First step is to get the site as we want it, then push to public Luke M – could have staff (Tina) develop a story map (interactive story)
New R packlage for PFT (ensemble TaxR package) Github: "dcat4/ensembleTax"
SS Validation - Compare/merge SS w/other observations. eDNA, telemetry, sound, Look for correlations Woody stressed working with other WGs Find IS datasets to beat against SS. Jarrod Santora, ways to evaluate SS w/ecology
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