- Use manglillo
- Can't use ocssw
- Use C2RCC instead
Lambda(1) = 443 442
Lambda(2) = 492 492
Lambda(3) = 560 559
Lambda(4) = 665 665
Lambda(5) = 704 704
Lambda(6) = 740 739
Lambda(7) = 783 780
Lambda(8) = 835 835
Lambda(9) = 865 864
Lambda(10) = 945 943
Lambda(11) = 1613 1611
Lambda(12) = 2200 2184
Vicarious calibration on S2A only (for now).
- API call to get images (can we filter by tileID and cloud%?)
- Subset to ROI (not really needed; tiles are small)
- l2gen will not work for now (formatting issue)
- Use C2RCC instead
- Graph node 1: subsample to 20m (could try 10m, but makes files REALLY large)
- Graph node 2: C2RCC
- Prods? - conc_chl, conc_tsm, iop, etc. (limit output as needed - files get BIG)
- Questions:
- Can we filter file orders by tileID and cloud%?
- How to handle ancillary data? (must use TOMSOMI and NCEP data from NASA; dead link) - Use default for now
- Flag use? (clouds, cloud shadow, straylight)
- Analysis:
- Extract in small areas (offshore, reef, canals, backcountry)
- Can add bandmaths operator and add calculated product(s) - Chl, TSM, other "indices"