Releases: dotnetcore/BootstrapBlazor
Releases · dotnetcore/BootstrapBlazor
Release 2024-5-30 V8.6.0
- fix(DateTimePicker): can't drag clock in NET6 by @ArgoZhang in #3376
- fix(IconTheme): icon garbled issue by @ArgoZhang in #3428
- fix(SelectTable): dropdown pop not full width by @ArgoZhang in #3465
- fix(Chart): ShowPointStyle not work by @ArgoZhang in #3476
- fix(FreeSqlExtensions): support fuzzy search by @ArgoZhang in #3504
- fix(TreeView): all children node state is Indeterminate after expand node by @ArgoZhang in #3517
- fix(Table): throw exception resize column when empty data by @ArgoZhang in #3552
- fix(ClockPicker): throw exception when dispose in NET6 by @ArgoZhang in #3567
- fix(Collapse): collapsed status incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #3569
- feat(DockView): add TitleClass/TitleWidth parameter #3377 by @ArgoZhang in #3378
- feat(IHtml2Pdf): add PdfStreamFromHtmlAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #3382
- feat(TableExport): update ExportPdfAsync use IHtml2Pdf interface by @ArgoZhang in #3384
- feat(IExportPdf): remove ExportPdfService service by @ArgoZhang in #3386
- feat(ITableExport): add links parameter support dynamic load style sheet by @ArgoZhang in #3390
- feat(IHtml2Pdf): support linux by @ArgoZhang in #3388
- feat(MultiSelect): make Clear/SelectAll/InvertSelect methods to public by @ArgoZhang in #3403
- feat(MultiSelect): provider Show/Hide methods for Dropdown components by @ArgoZhang in #3404
- feat(DockView): add TitleTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3411
- feat(ExportPdfButton): add ExportPdfButton component by @ArgoZhang in #3416
- feat(IJSRuntime): add GetHtml extension method on IJSRuntime by @ArgoZhang in #3420
- feat(IconTheme): add FullScreenExitButtonIcon icon by @ArgoZhang in #3422
- feat(ExportPdfButton): add ExportPdfSettings component by @ArgoZhang in #3426
- feat(ThemeProvider): add ThemeProvider component by @ArgoZhang in #3430
- feat(IconTheme): add Theme icon for extensions by @ArgoZhang in #3432
- feat(Topology): add IsFitView/IsCenterView options on Scale/Reset method by @ArgoZhang in #3436
- feat(IconTheme): update fullscreen icon by @ArgoZhang in #3438
- feat(ScrollOptions): add ScrollOptions on BootstrapBlazorOptions by @ArgoZhang in #3440
- feat(Table): add ColumnMinWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3442
- feat(Chart): support export to image by @azlis in #3455
- feat(Chart): Add a CanvasBackgroundColor parameter by @azlis in #3458
- feat(DateTimeRange): add RenderMode parameter by @eramosr16 in #3445
- feat(Chart): add IsAnimation parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3474
- feat(Button): add IsKeepDisabled parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3478
- feat(MultiSelect): add IsSingleLine parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3507
- feat(CardUpload): auto zoom when click preview image by @ArgoZhang in #3515
- feat(SvgEdtior): add UpdateAsync method for the SvgEditor by @Vision-Zhang in #3512
- feat(WebClientOptions): add WebClientOptions class by @ArgoZhang in #3520
- feat(TimePicker): redesign TimePicker component by @ArgoZhang in #3526
- feat(Message): add ShowMode parameter by @j4587698 in #3531
- feat(MetadataTypeService): update typo error by @ArgoZhang in #3542
- feat(FileViewer): bump BootstrapBlazor.FileViewer version to v8.0.3 by @densen2014 in #3538
- feat(Select): auto append the close icon when using DisplayTemplate by @eramosr16 in #3544
- feat(Dock): keep tool button on header when drag tab by @ArgoZhang in #3555
- feat(RibbonTab): update style sheet use scss by @ArgoZhang in #3560
- feat(MultiSelect): add DisplayTemplate parameter by @eramosr16 in #3557
- feat(Table): Add TipsContentCallback for Custom Tooltip Text by @azlis in #3565
- feat(Table): support custom search filter by @j4587698 in #3576
- feat(Drawser): provider Drawser service by @ArgoZhang in #3582
- feat(Table): Add LoadingTemplate support by @azlis in #3583
- feat(Localization): add ILocalizationMissingItemHandler by @cairabbit in #3584
- feat(Dialog): redesign ShowModal extension method of DialogService by @ArgoZhang in #3590
- feat(ColorPicker): add Formatter parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3592
- feat(DialogSaveButton): add OnSaveAsync parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3595
- feat(Table): support edit item in Drawer by @ArgoZhang in #3588
New Contributors
- @eramosr16 made their first contribution in #3445
Full Changelog: v8.5.0...v8.6.0
Release 2024-4-29 V8.5.0
- fix(CodeEditor): do not show in Dialog on first render by @ArgoZhang in #3187
- fix(ButtonUpload): do not trigger ValueChanged callback by @kimdiego2098 in #3206
- fix(BootstrapInput): can't set value by @ArgoZhang in #3227
- fix(TableColumn): not work Rows when set Readonly to true by @ArgoZhang in #3268
- fix(CacheManager): unable to dynamically load DLL multiple times by @kimdiego2098 in #3279
- fix(TreeView): AutoCheckChildren not work use OnExpandNodeAsync load children by @XiaoChenDan in #3313
- fix(Editor): throw exception in EditTemplate of Table by @ArgoZhang in #3351
- fix(FullScreenButton): missing FullScreenIcon setting by @ArgoZhang in #3355
- feat(DateTimeRange): support lunar festival holiday solar tearm feature by @ArgoZhang in #3190
- feat(MaterialDesign): add search icon of TreeView by @ArgoZhang in #3199
- feat(TableColumn): support Editable parameter on TableColumn by @ArgoZhang in #3205
- feat(table): support Caption of DataTable #3213 by @densen2014 in #3214
- feat(Table): add OnToggleDetailRowCallback parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3218
- feat(DateTimePicker): add working day feature by @cm0201 in #3228
- feat(TableColumn): support complex model by @ArgoZhang in #3234
- feat(IpLocatorOptions): add ProviderName option by @ArgoZhang in #3238
- feat(DockView): add Version parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3240
- feat(TableExportOptions): add TableExportOptions class for Table export by @ArgoZhang in #3246
- feat(TableExport): support TableExportOptions by @ArgoZhang in #3247
- feat(JuHeIpLocatorProvider): add JuHeIpLocatorProvider service by @ArgoZhang in #3265
- feat(Select): default value filter disabled item by @ArgoZhang in #3270
- feat(TableExport): redesign ExportAsync compatible previous version by @ArgoZhang in #3276
- feat(TagHelper): add BootstrapBlazor.TagHelper package by @ArgoZhang in #3278
- feat(WebClientInfo): integrated IP geolocation functionality by @ArgoZhang in #3304
- feat(Dock): not show close button when any tab set ShowClose to false by @ArgoZhang in #3307
- feat(Dock): support push new component from server side by @ArgoZhang in #3309
- feat(Dock): add HasHeaders parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3315
- feat(DocView): add ShowHeader parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3318
- feat(WebClient): add Enable parameter on IpLocatorOptions by @ArgoZhang in #3331
- feat(DataService): add SqlSugar support by @ArgoZhang in #3333
- feat(PetaPoco): use TryAddTransient method by @ArgoZhang in #3336
- feat(ColumnOrderCallback): implement ReloadColumnOrdersFromBrowserAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #3343
- feat(Select): Clear search text while clearing text content by @azlis in #3340
- feat(IpLocator): add Enable parameter logic by @ArgoZhang in #3345
- feat(ConnectionHubOptions): add EnableIpLocator parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3353
- feat(FullScreenButton): add TargetId parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3357
- feat(TabItem): add ShowFullScreen parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3359
- feat(Tab): add ShowFullScreen parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3361
- feat(TableColumn): add Ignore parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3365
- feat(BootstrapIcon): support bootstrap-icon lib by @ArgoZhang in #3368
- feat(DockView): support stack layout by @ArgoZhang in #3372
New Contributors
- @kimdiego2098 made their first contribution in #3206
- @cm0201 made their first contribution in #3228
- @XiaoChenDan made their first contribution in #3313
Full Changelog: v8.4.0...v8.5.0
Release 2024-3-31 V8.4.0
- fix(InputNumber): input illegal value not cleared by @ArgoZhang in #3020
- fix(DateTimeRange): start value timespan is not zero by @ArgoZhang in #3022
- fix(Display): parameter Lookup not work by @ArgoZhang in #3028
- fix(MultiSelect): can't close popup window when in validating form by @ArgoZhang in #3034
- fix(Table): no scroll on card view by @ArgoZhang in #3036
- fix(SelectTable): throw an exception when in the table column's edit template by @ArgoZhang in #3040
- fix(SelectTable): search text wrap inside validate form by @ArgoZhang in #3043
- fix(Table): keep client column width not working when setting AutoGenerateColumns to true by @ArgoZhang in #3047
- fix(Table): table search case sensitive by @ArgoZhang in #3048
- fix(InputNumber): can't input 0.0 when setting UseInputEvent to true by @ArgoZhang in #3059
- fix(Table): incorrect display of fixed table columns when visible false by @ArgoZhang in #3066
- fix(Table): update IsReadonly/Visible logic by @ArgoZhang in #3067
- fix(Editor): load zh-CN lang failed when first rendered by @ArgoZhang in #3086
- fix(Menu): active status incorrect when route changed by @ArgoZhang in #3088
- fix(MultiSelect): selected value incorrect when use dynamic create by @ArgoZhang in #3105
- fix(FullScreenButton): show two icons when set FullScreenIcon by @ArgoZhang in #3133
- fix(Dialog): not popup when using DispatchService trigger by @ArgoZhang in #3174
- fix(Gannt): error when dragging the progress bar for the second time by @Vision-Zhang in #3178
- feat(Waterfall): add waterfall component by @azlis in #2443
- feat(Chart): add OnClickDataAsync parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3030
- feat(SweetAlert): eliminating latency between call show method twice by @ArgoZhang in #3032
- feat(SelectTable): add CollapsedTopSearch parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3045
- feat(IPLocator): add BaiduIPLocatorV2 class by @ArgoZhang in #3050
- feat(Upload): add OnAllFileUploaded parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3051
- feat(Chart): add ShowDataLabel option by @ArgoZhang in #3053
- feat(FlipClock): add FlipClock component by @ArgoZhang in #3061
- feat(DateTimePicker): add ShowLunar parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3069
- feat(DateTimePicker): add ShowSolarTerm parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3071
- feat(DateTimePicker): add ShowFestivals parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3073
- feat(DateTimePicker): add ShowHolidays parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3075
- feat(Holiday): add BootstrapBlazor.Holiday package by @ArgoZhang in #3077
- feat(TableCellArgs): add ValueTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3091
- feat(IpAddress): add support for handling both keyboard and numpad input for numeric values by @azlis in #3095
- feat(Table): add IsAccordion parameter by @azlis in #3103
- feat(Gantt): support localization by @cetinbas in #3115
- feat(IConnectionService): add IConnectionService by @ArgoZhang in #3121
- feat(IpLocatorOptions): add data cache logic by @ArgoZhang in #3145
- feat(TreeView): add Search feature by @ArgoZhang in #3150
- feat(IThrottleDispatcherFactory): add throttle service by @ArgoZhang in #3148
- feat(TreeView): add SearchTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3152
- feat(Carousel): add OnSlideChanged parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3164
- doc(Theme): add blue theme by @ArgoZhang in #365
- doc(ICalendarHoliday): add Holiday interface document by @ArgoZhang in #3079
- doc(Reboot): update Reboot notification by @ArgoZhang in #3084
- doc(SlideButton): fixed demo attribute error by @azlis in #3093
- doc(Festival): add ICalendarFestival service document by @ArgoZhang in #3107
- doc(ILookupService): add lookup documentation by @ArgoZhang in #3110
- doc(DialgService): update dialog service documentation by @ArgoZhang in #3113
- doc(Index): add online user count by @ArgoZhang in #3123
- doc(Table): add document for edit template by @ArgoZhang in #3129
- doc(Maui): update document for net8 by @ArgoZhang in #3172
- doc(Online): add online sample by @ArgoZhang in #3182
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v8.3.0...v8.4.0
Release 2024-3-01 V8.3.0
- fix(Dispose): catch ObjectDisposed exception by @ArgoZhang in #2881
- fix(Table): fix bindResizeColumn throw exception by @ArgoZhang in #2888
- fix(Checkbox): ShowLabelTooltip parameter not work when set ShowAfterLabel by @ArgoZhang in #2908
- fix(ContextMenu): can't close popup window when use in Dialog by @ArgoZhang in #2910
- fix(Logout): logout text max width not working by @densen2014 in #2926
- fix(Drawer): drawer bar be covered by @ArgoZhang in #2961
- fix(Pagination): incorrect pagination jump by @SuperPigBlog in #2975
- fix(Table): ShowSearchText only control search text input visible or hide by @ArgoZhang in #3013
- feat(Drawer): update bar style by @ArgoZhang in #2886
- feat(RibbonTab): reset ribbon-tab item min-width to 58px by @ArgoZhang in #2890
- feat(Formatter): CreateDisplayByFieldType method supports Formatter callback by @ArgoZhang in #2896
- feat(Segmented): update style for segmented item by @ArgoZhang in #2898
- feat(Message): support OnDismiss event callback by @ArgoZhang in #2902
- feat(Message): support ChildContent parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2904
- feat(Toast): add OnCloseAsync parameter on ToastOption by @ArgoZhang in #2906
- feat(SvgEditor): add svgeditor component by @Vision-Zhang in #2852
- feat(TableCellComponent): add TableCellComponent for table RowButtonTemplate by @ArgoZhang in #2912
- feat(Table): add DisableExtendEditButton parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2914
- feat(Scroll): to cater the new scroll style by @ArgoZhang in #2918
- feat(Scroll): add ScrollWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2920
- feat(Table): variable ScrollWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2922
- feat(BootstrapInputGroupLabel): add width parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2929
- feat(BootstrapInputGroupLabel): add alignment parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2931
- feat(EditorForm): add LabelWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2934
- feat(Layout): add CollapseBarTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2940
- feat(Modal): use hidden event instead of hide event by @ArgoZhang in #2943
- feat(DateTimePicker): add ShowIcon parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2945
- feat(Table): redesign search bar by @ArgoZhang in #2948
- feat(Slider): update disabled style by @ArgoZhang in #2957
- feat(GenerateComponent): support custom css class by @ArgoZhang in #2959
- feat(Utility): support native html attributes by @ArgoZhang in #2965
- feat(TimePicker): add TimePicker component by @azlis in #2109
- feat(ClockPicker): add ClockPicker component by @ArgoZhang in #2970
- feat(DateTimeRange): support DateTime mode by @ArgoZhang in #2974
- feat(Display): add ShowTooltip parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2986
- feat(LookupService): add LookupServiceData parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2988
- feat(Table): add IsVisibleWhenAdd/Edit parameter by @densen2014 in #2938
- feat(JSModule): add GenerateId method by @ArgoZhang in #2992
- feat(DatePicker): add IsEditable parameter by @azlis in #2963
- feat(Scroll): add ScrollHoverWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2994
- feat(Table): add TableMetadataForAttribute by @cairabbit in #2981
- feat(Select): add IsEditable parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3001
- feat(Select): add OnInputChangedCallback parameter by @ArgoZhang in #3003
- feat(Console): add IsHtml parameter on ConsoleMessageItem by @ArgoZhang in #3005
- feat(Console): add ConsoleMessageCollection class by @ArgoZhang in #3007
- feat(Display): add overflow hidden style by @ArgoZhang in #3015
New Contributors
- @SuperPigBlog made their first contribution in #2975
- @cairabbit made their first contribution in #2981
Full Changelog: v8.2.0...v8.3.0
Release 2024-1-31 V8.2.0
- fix(ITableColumn): update check Step value by @ArgoZhang in #2718
- fix(Textarea): throw exception when js invoke by @ArgoZhang in #2728
- fix(Table): throw exception when DynamicContext is null by @ArgoZhang in #2730
- fix(Localizer): remove MissingLocalizerCache use CacheManager by @ArgoZhang in #2742
- fix(BreakPoint): update BreakPoint parse function by @ArgoZhang in #2844
- fix(DefaltDataService): compatible pager/virtual-scroll mode by @j4587698 in #2746
- fix(TableFooter): add Key on tfoot by @ArgoZhang in #2748
- fix(Print): update Print compatible net8 by @ArgoZhang in #2755
- fix(IpAddress): missing disabled sass variable by @ArgoZhang in #2773
- fix(Pagination): compatible wasm mode by @ArgoZhang in #2778
- fix(Table): throw exception when click refresh button on browser by @ArgoZhang in #2796
- fix(Table): setBodyHeight incorrect when invisible by @ArgoZhang in #2798
- fix(BootstrapInputGroupLabel): required attribute not work by @ArgoZhang in #2803
- fix(ListGroup): list-group-item background color incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #2807
- fix(Localization): set DefaultCultureInfo not work in code by @ArgoZhang in #2813
- fix(Menu): missing color of nav-link by @ArgoZhang in #2815
- fix(Drawer): body missing padding variable by @ArgoZhang in #2817
- fix(JSModule): missing JSException by @ArgoZhang in #2819
- fix(Table): reset sort by default sort setting when set bind-SelectedRow by @ArgoZhang in #2825
- fix(Card): arrow does not rotate on the header by @ArgoZhang in #2836
- fix(DynamicElement): rename Name to TagName by @ArgoZhang in #2841
- fix(Responsive): add IgnoreCase parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2854
- fix(SelectObject): add SelectObject component by @ArgoZhang in #2840
- fix(Popover): OnBeforeClick does not take effect by @ArgoZhang in #2879
- feat(Link): add Link component by @ArgoZhang in #2712
- feat(Script): add Script component by @ArgoZhang in #2714
- feat(Toast): update extensions method set Title nullable by @ArgoZhang in #2720
- feat(Translator): add Translator component by @ArgoZhang in #2726
- feat(CacheManager): update Clear function by @ArgoZhang in #2738
- feat(Table): toolbar compatible ButtonUpload component by @ArgoZhang in #2761
- feat(InputNumber): support oninput event by @ArgoZhang in #2767
- feat(Calendar): add OnValueChanged callback by @ArgoZhang in #2780
- feat(Table): support pagination on dynamic context mode by @ArgoZhang in #2782
- feat(IDynamicContext): add OnFilterCallback method by @ArgoZhang in #2785
- feat(Card): update style of HeaderTemplate by @ArgoZhang in #2787
- feat(Table): update PageIndex logic on dynamic datatable mode by @ArgoZhang in #2789
- feat(Table): add TableToolbarComponent by @ArgoZhang in #2799
- feat(Utility): add AddLinkBatch/AddScriptBatch method by @azlis in #2809
- feat(MultiSelect): reduce one rendering and improve performance by @ArgoZhang in #2811
- feat(SelectTable): add SelectTable component by @ArgoZhang in #2775
- feat(SelectTable): add resize observer table width by @ArgoZhang in #2823
- feat(SelectTable): add TableMinWidth parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2827
- feat(Upload): add Max parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2833
- feat(SelectTable): support Sort/Filter/Search function by @ArgoZhang in #2831
- feat(SelectTable): support Search function by @ArgoZhang in #2838
- feat(SlideButton): add ButtonItemTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2846
- feat(SlideButton): add HeaderTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2848
- feat(Table): dynamic table support filter by @ArgoZhang in #2856
- feat(BrowserFinger): add IBrowserFingerService by @ArgoZhang in #2860
- feat(BrowserFinger): support Initialized life cycle by @ArgoZhang in #2866
- feat(SelectTable): update style for SelectTable by @ArgoZhang in #2872
- feat(Toast): add PreventDuplicates option to Toast options by @ArgoZhang in #2873
Full Changelog: v8.1.0...v8.2.0
Release 2024-01-02 V8.1.0
- fix(Multiple): can't close item when set IsPopover to true by @ArgoZhang in #2429
- fix(Localizer): can't find json stream when inconsistent namespace and assembly name by @ArgoZhang in #2432
- fix(Table): IsMarkupString not work when set ShowTips to true by @ArgoZhang in #2482
- fix(DialButton): incorrect direction when set Placement to bottom by @ArgoZhang in #2503
- fix(Table): render cell missing parameters when readonly by @ArgoZhang in #2555
- fix(Table): wrong TableExportType in ExportCsvAsync method by @ArgoZhang in #2588
- fix(ContextMenu): not shown in Modal/Dialog by @ArgoZhang in #2652
- fix(Table): append component parameters for edit template by @ArgoZhang in #2669
- fix(TableExport): not register table export service by @ArgoZhang in #2680
- fix(Responsive): break point no value at first render by @ArgoZhang in #2698
- feat(LookupFilter): support LookupServiceKey by @ArgoZhang in #2406
- feat(LookupFilter): add IsShowSearch parameter by @densen2014 in #2409
- feat(Select): add IsMarkupString parameter by @densen2014 in #2461
- feat(TimePicker): add ShowSecond parameter by @densen2014 in #2450
- feat(FontAwesome): upgrade version to 6.5.1 by @ArgoZhang in #2473
- feat(ImagePreviewer): detach image component by @j4587698 in #2475
- feat(Upload): add OnCancel callback by @ArgoZhang in #2489
- feat(Table): add PageInfoBodyTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2493
- feat(Table): sticky footer on virtulization mode by @ArgoZhang in #2495
- feat(Utility): add Copy extension method by @ArgoZhang in #2507
- feat(Light): add IsFlat parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2509
- feat(Topology): upgrade to meta2d lib by @ArgoZhang in #2499
- feat(ImageCropper): add ImageCropper component by @densen2014 in #2511
- feat(AzureTranslator): add AzureTranslator service by @ArgoZhang in #2519
- feat(Console): add CssClass parameter on ConsoleMessageItem by @ArgoZhang in #2521
- feat(Theme): upgrade material design to v7.3.67 by @ArgoZhang in #2540
- feat(IHtml2Pdf): update IHtml2Pdf service by @ArgoZhang in #2548
- feat(BootstrapLabel): add UseInputEvent parameter by @densen2014 in #2543
- feat(Table): support export as Pdf by @ArgoZhang in #2550
- feat(BarcodeGenerator): add BarcodeGenerator component by @densen2014 in #2546
- feat(Slider): support Range attribute by @ArgoZhang in #2553
- feat(MindMap): add MindMapOptionparameter by @densen2014 in #2561
- feat(PdfReader): add LocalFileName parameter by @densen2014 in #2565
- feat(Table): add IsFixedFooter parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2569
- feat(ITableExport): update ITableExport to TryAddTransient by @ArgoZhang in #2584
- feat(IExportPdf): rename ITableExportPdf to IExportPdf by @ArgoZhang in #2586
- feat(InputNumber): step support any value by @ArgoZhang in #2650
- feat(TableExport): rename AddBootstrapBlazorTableExcelExport by @ArgoZhang in #2682
- feat(Localization): import localization logic auto load entry assembly by @ArgoZhang in #2710
Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.1.0
What's Changed
- feat(Select): add ClearSearchText method by @ArgoZhang in #2306
- fix(Table): shown tooltip not in the table cell center by @ArgoZhang in #2307
- feat(Table): add AdvancedSearchFilter callback by @ArgoZhang in #2309
- fix(ValidateForm): OnValidSubmit runs before ValidateAsync by @ArgoZhang in #2311
- fix(Markdown): missing zh-CN localization by @ArgoZhang in #2332
- fix(Table): not trigger OnResizeColumnAsync callback by @ArgoZhang in #2351
- fix(ValidateForm): async validate failed by @ArgoZhang in #2355
- fix(Table): can't resize column when use dynamic data by @ArgoZhang in #2367
- fix(table): missing drag event when use dynamic data by @ArgoZhang in #2369
- chore(NET8): support net8.0 by @ArgoZhang in #2371
Full Changelog: v7.12.0...v8.0.0
Release 2023-10-31 V7.12.0
- fix(MenuLink): always active if href equal "/" by @ray-gilbert in #2204
- fix(CountUp): not show the Value when set value to 0 by @ArgoZhang in #2236
- fix(Upload): preview function does not work after re-upload by @ArgoZhang in #2240
- fix(Table): can't resize the last column when fixed header by @ArgoZhang in #2266
- fix(Drawer): can't focus element by @ArgoZhang in #2277
- fix(Segmented): not trigger click when disabled by @ArgoZhang in #2283
- fix(DialButton): not show the menu item set placement to bottom-start by @ArgoZhang in #2300
- fix(Table): can't edit when table data source is DynamicContext by @ArgoZhang in #2302
- feat(QueryPageOptions): add IsVirtualScroll parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2211
- feat(Responsive): add ExtraExtraSmall breakpoint by @ArgoZhang in #2215
- feat(Bootstrap): upgrade to v5.3.2 by @ArgoZhang in #2217
- feat(DockView): add Reset instance method by @ArgoZhang in #2220
- feat(Dock): add GetLayoutConfig instance method by @densen2014 in #2221
- feat(Table): order of edit pop-up consistent with table column by @ArgoZhang in #2223
- feat(ColorPicker): update css adapte InputGroup by @ArgoZhang in #2226
- feat(Marquee): add Marquee component by @azlis in #2225
- feat(Layout): add AllowDragTab on Layout component by @ArgoZhang in #2230
- feat(MaterialDesign): add TableAdvancedSort icon by @ArgoZhang in #2238
- feat(BootstrapInputGroupLabel): add ShowRequiredMark parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2242
- feat(Carousel): add PlayMode parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2252
- feat(Chart): support change grid line color by @azlis in #2248
- feat(Tooltip): compatible Tooltip inside InputGroup by @ArgoZhang in #2254
- feat(Popover): compatible Popover inside InputGroup by @ArgoZhang in #2256
- feat(Swtich): compatible Swtich inside InputGroup by @ArgoZhang in #2259
- feat(Select): add GroupItemTemplate parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2264
- feat(Stack): add stack component by @Vision-Zhang in #2250
- feat(InputNumber): add global setting for step by @ArgoZhang in #2268
- feat(Drawer): add AllowResize parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2275
- feat(IZipArchiveService): add ArchiveDirectory method by @ArgoZhang in #2279
- feat(Segmented): add segmented component by @Vision-Zhang in #2281
- feat(JSRuntime): add OpenUrl/IsMobile extension method by @ArgoZhang in #2290
- feat(CodeEditor): add codeeditor component by @Vision-Zhang in #2244
New Contributors
- @ray-gilbert made their first contribution at #2204
Full Changelog: v7.11.0...v7.12.0
Release 2023-09-28 V7.11.0
What's Changed
Break Changes
- 接口
移除泛型约束where TItem : class
- fix(Table): 修复内置编辑弹窗
参数问题 by @ArgoZhang in #2157 - fix(Table): 修复设置列隐藏后,列过滤弹窗内条件为隐藏列问题 by @ArgoZhang in #2192
- feat(Splitting): 新增
组件 by @azlis in #2029 - feat(MultiSelect): 兼容
组件 by @ArgoZhang in #2035 - feat(Table): 支持
参数以便可以直接定位到指定页 by @ArgoZhang in #2046 - feat(Table): 自定义搜索弹窗支持
参数 by @ArgoZhang in #2048 - feat(Table): 移动端设备
模式下支持高度自适应 by @ArgoZhang in #2050 - feat(Dropdown): 增加
两个模板可以自定义 by @ArgoZhang in #2057 - feat(QueryBuilder): 新增
组件 by @ArgoZhang in #2065 - feat(MindMap): 新增
组件 by @densen2014 in #2069 - feat(WebSerial): 新增
组件 by @densen2014 in #2075 - feat(Steps): 重写
组件提供更多功能 by @ArgoZhang in #2080 - feat(ListView): 增加
回调方法 by @ArgoZhang in #2082 - feat(DateTimeRangeValue): 增加
两个属性 by @ArgoZhang in #2092 - feat(FontAweseom): 图标库更新到最新
by @ArgoZhang in #2098 - feat(Camera): 支持不同分辨率 by @densen2014 in #2099
- feat(WebSpeech): 新增
组件 by @densen2014 in #2094 - feat(QueryPageOptions): 增加
扩展方法 by @ArgoZhang in #2101 - feat(PetaPoco): 更新
拉姆达表达式 by @ArgoZhang in #2115 - feat(ListGroup): 新增
组件 by @ArgoZhang in #2132 - feat(table): 增加
回调方法 by @ArgoZhang in #2156 - feat(MultiSelect): 增加
参数多选折行后不增加高度 by @ArgoZhang in #2165 - feat(TableExport): 增加
内置方法 by @ArgoZhang in #2179 - feat(QueryPageOptions): 增加
参数,用于指示是否为首次查询 by @ArgoZhang in #2182 - feat(Table): 增加
回调 by @ArgoZhang in #2184 - feat(TableColumn): 增加
内容 by @ArgoZhang in #2188 - feat(Tab): 增加
参数用于标签页是否可拖拽 by @ArgoZhang in #2193 - feat(Select): 增加
回调方法 by @ArgoZhang in #2195
Full Changelog: v7.10.0...v7.11.0
Release 2023-08-30 V7.10.0
What's Changed
Break Changes
- refactor(TableToolbarPopConfirmButton): rename component name by @ArgoZhang in #1952
- fix(Message): incorrect disappearance order when placement is bottom by @ArgoZhang in #1908
- fix(Popover): incorrect content when reset Popover content by @ArgoZhang in #1912
- fix(ImageViewer): can't reload imager after occur error by @ArgoZhang in #1913
- fix(AutoComplete): dropdown arrow overlap valid icon by @ArgoZhang in #1930
- fix(Table): Table LineNo no work expected after scroll with virtual scroll by @ArgoZhang in #1946
- fix(PopConfirmButton): can't trigger onclick event when set TooltipText parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1950
- fix(Table): clear filter on Virtual mode result incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #1956
- fix(Table): virtual scroll support ShowLineNo parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1963
- fix(Upload): md icon incorrect by @ArgoZhang in #1971
- feat(Card): collapsed parameter support bind by @ArgoZhang in #1865
- feat(Anchor): redesign animation function by @ArgoZhang in #1872
- feat(Ribbon): support anchor hash by @ArgoZhang in #1905
- feat(Menu): add IsScrollIntoView parameter on side menu by @ArgoZhang in #1910
- feat(JSRuntimeEventHandler): RunEval function support return value by @azlis in #1918
- feat(SlideButton): add slide button component by @ArgoZhang in #1928
- feat(DialButton): add DialButton component by @ArgoZhang in #1934
- feat(Scroll): add Width parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1944
- feat(Table): auto reset Table height when update Search/Toolbar by @ArgoZhang in #1947
- feat(CountUp): add CountUpOption parameter by @ArgoZhang in #1965
- feat(Collapse): add hover css by @ArgoZhang in #1969
- feat(CountButton): add CountButton component by @ArgoZhang in #1974
- feat(InputGroup): compactible slidebutton drpdown etc component by @ArgoZhang in #1978
- feat(Sass): replace css with scss to support themes by @Vision-Zhang in #1980
- feat(Filter): add Filters parameter on FilterKeyValueAction by @ArgoZhang in #1986
- feat(Extensions): add enumerable IFilterAction extensions method by @ArgoZhang in #1990
- feat(Table): set ShowExportPdfButton default value to false by @ArgoZhang in #1976
- feat(Tab): add Menus parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2008
- feat(Dropdown): add IsPopover parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2016
- feat(Table): add IsPopoverToolbarDropdownButton parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2018
- feat(Select): add DefaultVirtualizeItemText parameter by @ArgoZhang in #2020
Full Changelog: v7.9.0...v7.10.0