- Informational release
- The resource was merged to the Chef client v14.6.47, so the future support of this cookbook will be stopped. Please consider an upgrade to an up-to-date Chef client version.
- Small resource refactoring (thanks to @tas50);
- More platforms for testing/support;
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Amazon Linux 2017.03
- Amazon Linux 2
- openSUSE Leap 42
- Chef 14 support was tested and enabled;
- LWRP resource was changed to the new style chef custom resource;
- TravisCI was configured to run Kitchen CI in its own Docker service;
- Bundle update;
- Rubocop & foodcritic code style fixes.
- Test Kitchen: verifier was switched to InSpec.
- Test Kitchen: the list of test platforms was updated, no more outdated ones:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Debian 8
- Debian 9
- Centos 6
- Centos 7
- Fedora 26
- Fedora 27
- TravisCI: new ruby & secrets.
- Fixed support for RedHat 7.
- Verion constraint for fedora was removed.
- Test Kitchen: fix vagrant options for Ubuntu Xenial to work.
- Test Kitchen: fix image names for DigitalOcean for TravisCI builds.
- Chef::Provider::TimezoneLwrp fix current timezone check
- Fix Test Kitchen run on Fedora >= 22.
- Ubuntu 16.04 & Debian 8 support.
- Compatibility with Chef 12.4.0 and older.
- Travis-CI integration.
- Small README file fix.
- support for CentOS, Fedora, RHEL
- you can use this cookbook as an attribute-based now, if you want
- a bit of chefspec
- forked and renamed for uploading into Supermarket.
- Actual inter-resource notifications fix.
- Test Kitchen & ServerSpec integration.
- First try to fix inter-resource notifications.
- Initial release