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#Welcome to the sysdig wiki! On this wiki, you can find information about sysdig, csysdig, and their APIs. If this is your first time hearing about sysdig, we recommend you start with the website.
Support / Join the Community
- For support using sysdig, please see the documentation below, [contact the official mailing list] (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sysdig), or join our public slack channel.
- Follow us on [Twitter] (https://twitter.com/sysdig) for the [Dig of the Day] (https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%23digoftheday%20from%3Asysdig)!
- This is our [blog] (http://sysdigcloud.com/blog/). There are many like it, but this one is ours.
Sysdig Cloud
Want a distributed version of sysdig with dashboards and alerts? Check out [Sysdig Cloud] (http://sysdig.com).
Like what sysdig is doing? [We are hiring] (http://sysdig.com/jobs/).
Sysdig is a universal system visibility tool with native support for containers:
~$ sysdig
Csysdig is a simple, intuitive, and fully customizable curses UI for sysdig:
~$ csysdig
Tracers let you track and measure spans of execution in a distributed software system
####Getting Started
- [Getting Started] (Getting Started) - how to start using sysdig right now.
- [About Sysdig](Sysdig Overview) - Why we built it and what it can do.
- [About Csysdig](Csysdig Overview) - The sysdig UI that will fill all of your command line monitoring needs.
- [About Chisels](Chisels Overview) - Scripting on top of sysdig.
- About Tracers - Measure spans of execution in your distributed software system.
- [Install Sysdig (standard Linux version)](How to Install Sysdig for Linux)
- [Install Sysdig (limited Windows/OSX version)](How to Install Sysdig for Windows and OSX)
- [Latest Packages] (Latest Packages)
- [Compile the Source Code](How to Install Sysdig from the Source Code)
- [Update/Uninstall Sysdig](Sysdig Update and Uninstall)
####Sysdig Documentation
- [User Guide](Sysdig User Guide)
- Manual Page
- [Cool Examples](Sysdig Examples)
- Helpful blog posts
- Interpreting Sysdig Output
- Understanding System Calls
- [Sysdig for Logs] (https://sysdig.com/sysdig-plus-logs/)
- [Sysdig for ps, lsof, and netstat - plus time travel] (https://sysdig.com/ps-lsof-netstat-time-travel/)
- [Sysdig for Containers] (https://sysdig.com/let-light-sysdig-adds-container-visibility/)
- [Continuous Capture with File Rotation] (https://sysdig.com/sysdig-continuous-capture-with-file-rotation/)
####Csysdig Documentation
- 3 minute overview video
- Manual Page
- [Customizing and extending csysdig](Csysdig View Format Reference)
####Chisels Documentation
- [User Guide](Chisels User Guide)
- [How to Write a Chisel](Writing a Sysdig Chisel, a Tutorial)
- [Chisel API Reference Manual](Sysdig Chisel API Reference Manual)
- Container Enabled Chisels
- [Ansible] (https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles/692)
- [Puppet] (https://forge.puppetlabs.com/garethr/sysdig) ([source] (https://github.com/garethr/garethr-sysdig))
- [Logstash config to parse sysdig output and ship it to ElasticSearch] (https://gist.github.com/jordansissel/5f260954e95085294096)
####Coding Conventions
- [Sysdig User Level Coding Conventions] (https://github.com/draios/sysdig/blob/master/coding_conventions.md)
- English
- [Using Sysdig to Troubleshoot like a Boss (bencane.com)] (http://bencane.com/2014/04/18/using-sysdig-to-troubleshoot-like-a-boss/)
- [How to Monitor and Troubleshoot a Linux server using sysdig (xmodulo.com)] (http://xmodulo.com/monitor-troubleshoot-linux-server-sysdig.html)
- [An Introduction to facter, osquery and sysdig (sysadvent.blogspot.com)] (http://sysadvent.blogspot.com/2014/12/day-3-so-server-tell-me-about-yourself.html)
- Spanish / Español
- [Sysdig ¿La Herramienta Definitiva del Sysadmin en Linux? (agente404.com)] (http://agente404.com/sysdig-la-herramienta-definitiva-del-sysadmin-en-linux/)
- Portuguese / Português
- [LinuxTips: Entendendo e utilizando o Sysdig (youtube.com)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwTB0NCeGQ8&feature=youtu.be)
- [sysdig - exemplos de uso] (http://joaomarcucci.blogspot.com.br/2014/12/sysdig-exemplos-de-uso.html)
- Russian / русский язык
- [Sysdig — инструмент для диагностики Linux-систем (blog.selectel.ru)] (http://blog.selectel.ru/sysdig-instrument-dlya-diagnostiki-linux-sistem/)
- Turkish / Türk
- [Sysdig: Sistem Seviyesi Analiz ve Sorun Giderme Aracı (syslogs.org)] (http://www.syslogs.org/sysdig-sistem-seviyesi-analiz-ve-sorun-giderme-araci/)