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Sysdig User Guide
###Table of Contents
The simplest way to use sysdig is by invoking it without any argument. Doing this will cause sysdig to capture every event and write it to standard output, very much like strace does.
$ sysdig
34378 12:02:36.269753803 2 echo (7896) > close fd=3(/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive)
34379 12:02:36.269754164 2 echo (7896) < close res=0
34380 12:02:36.269781699 2 echo (7896) > fstat fd=1(/dev/pts/3)
34381 12:02:36.269783882 2 echo (7896) < fstat res=0
34382 12:02:36.269784970 2 echo (7896) > mmap
34383 12:02:36.269786575 2 echo (7896) < mmap
34384 12:02:36.269827674 2 echo (7896) > write fd=1(/dev/pts/3) size=12
34385 12:02:36.269839477 2 echo (7896) < write res=12 data=hello world.
34386 12:02:36.269843986 2 echo (7896) > close fd=1(/dev/pts/3)
34387 12:02:36.269844466 2 echo (7896) < close res=0
34388 12:02:36.269844816 2 echo (7896) > munmap
34389 12:02:36.269850803 2 echo (7896) < munmap
34390 12:02:36.269851915 2 echo (7896) > close fd=2(/dev/pts/3)
34391 12:02:36.269852314 2 echo (7896) < close res=0
By default, sysdig prints the information for each event on a single line, with the following format:
*%evt.num %evt.time %evt.cpu %proc.name (%thread.tid) %evt.dir %evt.type %evt.args
- evt.num is the incremental event number
- evt.time is the event timestamp
- evt.cpu is the CPU number where the event was captured
- proc.name is the name of the process that generated the event
- thread.tid is the TID that generated the event, which corresponds to the PID for single thread processes
- evt.dir is the event direction, > for enter events and < for exit events
- evt.type is the name of the event, e.g. 'open' or 'read'
- evt.args is the list of event arguments. In case of system calls, these tend to correspond to the system call arguments, but that’s not always the case: some system call arguments are excluded for simplicity or performance reasons.
NOTE: Not all of the system calls are currently decoded by sysdig. Non-decoded system calls are still shown in the output, but with no arguments.
By looking at the output, you can immediately spot some key differences between this output and the strace one:
- For most system calls, sysdig shows two separate entries: an enter one (marked with a ‘>’) and an exit one (marked with a ‘<’). This makes it easier to follow the trace in multi-process environments.
- File descriptors are resolved. This means that, whenever possible, the FD number is followed by a human-readable representation of the FD itself: the tuple for network connections, the name for files, and so on. The exact format used to render an FD is the following: num(<type>resolved_string) where:
- num is the FD number
- resolved_string is the resolved representation of the FD, e.g.> for a TCP socket
- type is a single-letter-encoding of the fd type, and can be one of the following:
- f for files
- 4 for IPv4 sockets
- 6 for IPv6 sockets
- u for unix sockets
- s for signal FDs
- e for event FDs
- i for inotify FDs
- t for timer FDs
At this point you should be able to understand the basics of sysdig output, but of course sysdig is a powerful tool that can show a lot of interesting things. These two blog posts will give you more details and context:
###Trace Files Sysdig lets you save the captured events to disk so that they can be analyzed at a later time. The syntax is the following:
$ sysdig –w myfile.scap
If you want to limit the number of events saved to the file to 100, you can use the –n flag:
$ sysdig –n 100 –w myfile.scap
The -C command line flag lets you split a capture into files of a specific size. For example, use this to generate files that are 1MB in size:
sudo sysdig -C 1 -w dump.scap
You can combine the -C flag with the -W one to tell sysdig how many files to keep. For example, this command line captures events into files that are 1MB in size, and keeps only the last 5 files on disk:
sudo sysdig -C 1 -W 5 -w dump.scap
[See here for more details on using file rotation for continuous capture.] (https://sysdig.com/sysdig-continuous-capture-with-file-rotation/)
Reading a previously saved trace file can be done with the –r flag:
$ sysdig –r myfile.scap
Note that sysdig saves a full snapshot of the OS in each capture file (running processes, open files, user names…), and this means that no information is lost when doing offline analysis. Note also that you can download a MAC and Windows version of sysdig. They won’t be able to do live capture, but they can be used to analyze trace files that have been captured under Linux.
Now that we took care of the basics, let’s start having some fun. Sysdig’s filtering system is powerful and versatile, and is designed to look for needles in a haystack. Filters are specified at the end of the command line, like in tcpdump, and can be applied to both a live capture or a trace file. For example, let’s look at the activity of a specific command, in this case cat:
$ ./sysdig proc.name=cat
21368 13:10:15.384878134 1 cat (8298) < execve res=0 exe=cat args=index.html. tid=8298(cat) pid=8298(cat) ptid=1978(bash) cwd=/root fdlimit=1024
21371 13:10:15.384948635 1 cat (8298) > brk size=0
21372 13:10:15.384949909 1 cat (8298) < brk res=10665984
21373 13:10:15.384976208 1 cat (8298) > mmap
21374 13:10:15.384979452 1 cat (8298) < mmap
21375 13:10:15.384990980 1 cat (8298) > access
21376 13:10:15.384999211 1 cat (8298) < access
21377 13:10:15.385008602 1 cat (8298) > open
21378 13:10:15.385014374 1 cat (8298) < open fd=3(/etc/ld.so.cache) name=/etc/ld.so.cache flags=0(O_NONE) mode=0
21379 13:10:15.385015508 1 cat (8298) > fstat fd=3(/etc/ld.so.cache)
21380 13:10:15.385016588 1 cat (8298) < fstat res=0
21381 13:10:15.385017033 1 cat (8298) > mmap
21382 13:10:15.385019763 1 cat (8298) < mmap
21383 13:10:15.385020047 1 cat (8298) > close fd=3(/etc/ld.so.cache)
21384 13:10:15.385020556 1 cat (8298) < close res=0
As you can see, sysdig doesn’t attach to processes. It just captures everything and then lets you filter out what you’re not interested in. Filter statements can use the standard comparison operators(=, !=, <, <=, >, >=, contains) and can be combined using Boolean operators (and, or and not) and brackets. For example
$ sysdig proc.name=cat or proc.name=vi
captures the activity of both cat and vi, while
$ sysdig proc.name!=cat and evt.type=open
shows all the files that are opened by programs that are not cat. Filter fields are expressed as 'class.field'. A quick way to get a list of the available classes and the fields they include is
$ sysdig -l
As a reference, here’s a list of the fields you can use (Note: The list changes with every new release, so make sure to use the program for the most updated one):
Field Class: fd
fd.num the unique number identifying the file descriptor.
fd.type type of FD. Can be 'file', 'directory', ipv4', 'ipv6', 'uni
x', 'pipe', 'event', 'signalfd', 'eventpoll', 'inotify' or
fd.typechar type of FD as a single character. Can be 'f' for file, 4 fo
r IPv4 socket, 6 for IPv6 socket, 'u' for unix socket, p fo
r pipe, 'e' for eventfd, 's' for signalfd, 'l' for eventpol
l, 'i' for inotify, 'o' for uknown.
fd.name FD full name. If the fd is a file, this field contains the
full path. If the FD is a socket, this field contain the co
nnection tuple.
fd.directory If the fd is a file, the directory that contains it.
fd.filename If the fd is a file, the filename without the path.
fd.ip matches the ip address (client or server) of the fd.
fd.cip client IP address.
fd.sip server IP address.
fd.port (FILTER ONLY) matches the port (either client or server) of
the fd.
fd.cport for TCP/UDP FDs, the client port.
fd.sport for TCP/UDP FDs, server port.
fd.l4proto the IP protocol of a socket. Can be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp' or
fd.sockfamily the socket family for socket events. Can be 'ip' or 'unix'.
fd.is_server 'true' if the process owning this FD is the server endpoint
in the connection.
Field Class: process
proc.pid the id of the process generating the event.
proc.exe the full name (including the path) of the executable genera
ting the event.
proc.name the name (excluding the path) of the executable generating
the event.
proc.args the arguments passed on the command line when starting the
process generating the event.
proc.cmdline full process command line, i.e name + arguments.
proc.cwd the current working directory of the event.
proc.nchilds the number of child threads of that the process generating
the event currently has.
proc.ppid the pid of the parent of the process generating the event.
proc.pname the name (excluding the path) of the parent of the process
generating the event.
proc.apid the pid of one of the process ancestors. E.g. proc.apid[1]
returns the parent pid, proc.apid[2] returns the grandparen
t pid, and so on. proc.apid[0] is the pid of the current pr
ocess. proc.apid without arguments can be used in filters o
nly and matches any of the process ancestors, e.g. proc.api
proc.aname the name (excluding the path) of one of the process ancesto
rs. E.g. proc.aname[1] returns the parent name, proc.aname[
2] returns the grandparent name, and so on. proc.aname[0] i
s the name of the current process. proc.aname without argum
ents can be used in filters only and matches any of the pro
cess ancestors, e.g. proc.aname=bash.
proc.loginshellid the pid of the oldest shell among the ancestors of the curr
ent process, if there is one. This field can be used to sep
arate different user sessions, and is useful in conjunction
with chisels like spy_user.
proc.duration number of nanoseconds since the process started.
proc.fdopencount number of open FDs for the process
proc.fdlimit maximum number of FDs the process can open.
proc.fdusage the ratio between open FDs and maximum available FDs for th
e process.
proc.vmsize total virtual memory for the process (as kb).
proc.vmrss resident non-swapped memory for the process (as kb).
proc.vmswap swapped memory for the process (as kb).
thread.pfmajor number of major page faults since thread start.
thread.pfminor number of minor page faults since thread start.
thread.tid the id of the thread generating the event.
thread.ismain 'true' if the thread generating the event is the main one i
n the process.
thread.exectime CPU time spent by the last scheduled thread, in nanoseconds
. Exported by switch events only.
thread.totexectime Total CPU time, in nanoseconds since the beginning of the c
apture, for the current thread. Exported by switch events o
Field Class: evt
evt.num event number.
evt.time event timestamp as a time string that includes the nanoseco
nd part.
evt.time.s event timestamp as a time string with no nanoseconds.
evt.datetime event timestamp as a time string that includes the date.
evt.rawtime absolute event timestamp, i.e. nanoseconds from epoch.
evt.rawtime.s integer part of the event timestamp (e.g. seconds since epo
evt.rawtime.ns fractional part of the absolute event timestamp.
evt.reltime number of nanoseconds from the beginning of the capture.
evt.reltime.s number of seconds from the beginning of the capture.
evt.reltime.ns fractional part (in ns) of the time from the beginning of t
he capture.
evt.latency delta between an exit event and the correspondent enter eve
evt.latency.s integer part of the event latency delta.
evt.latency.ns fractional part of the event latency delta.
evt.deltatime delta between this event and the previous event.
evt.deltatime.s integer part of the delta between this event and the previo
us event.
evt.deltatime.ns fractional part of the delta between this event and the pre
vious event.
evt.dir event direction can be either '>' for enter events or '<' f
or exit events.
evt.type For system call events, this is the name of the system call
(e.g. 'open').
evt.cpu number of the CPU where this event happened.
evt.args all the event arguments, aggregated into a single string.
evt.arg (FILTER ONLY) one of the event arguments specified by name
or by number. Some events (e.g. return codes or FDs) will b
e converted into a text representation when possible. E.g.
'resarg.fd' or 'resarg[0]'.
evt.rawarg (FILTER ONLY) one of the event arguments specified by name.
E.g. 'arg.fd'.
evt.info for most events, this field returns the same value as evt.a
rgs. However, for some events (like writes to /dev/log) it
provides higher level information coming from decoding the
evt.buffer the binary data buffer for events that have one, like read(
), recvfrom(), etc. Use this field in filters with 'contain
s' to search into I/O data buffers.
evt.res event return value, as an error code string (e.g. 'ENOENT')
evt.rawres event return value, as a number (e.g. -2). Useful for range
evt.failed 'true' for events that returned an error status.
evt.is_io 'true' for events that read or write to FDs, like read(), s
end, recvfrom(), etc.
evt.is_io_read 'true' for events that read from FDs, like read(), recv(),
recvfrom(), etc.
evt.is_io_write 'true' for events that write to FDs, like write(), send(),
evt.io_dir 'r' for events that read from FDs, like read(); 'w' for eve
nts that write to FDs, like write().
evt.is_wait 'true' for events that make the thread wait, e.g. sleep(),
select(), poll().
evt.is_syslog 'true' for events that are writes to /dev/log.
evt.count This filter field always returns 1 and can be used to count
events from inside chisels.
evt.around (FILTER ONLY) Accepts the event if it's around the specifie
d time interval. The syntax is evt.around[T]=D, where T is
the value returned by %evt.rawtime for the event and D is a
delta in milliseconds. For example, evt.around[14049969347
93590564]=1000 will return the events with timestamp with o
ne second before the timestamp and one second after it, for
a total of two seconds of capture.
Field Class: user
user.uid user ID.
user.name user name.
user.homedir home directory of the user.
user.shell user's shell.
Field Class: group
group.gid group ID.
group.name group name.
Field Class: syslog
syslog.facility.str facility as a string.
syslog.facility facility as a number (0-23).
syslog.severity.str severity as a string. Can have one of these values: emerg,
alert, crit, err, warn, notice, info, debug
syslog.severity severity as a number (0-7).
syslog.message message sent to syslog.
As you can see, enough to do plenty of creative digging. For example, thanks to the fact that sysdig resolves file descriptors, you can do stuff like this:
$ sysdig evt.type=accept and proc.name!=apache
to see the incoming network connections received by processes other than apache.
But that’s not all.
There are a couple of special fields, evt.arg and evt.rawarg, that deserve additional explanation. Every event that sysdig captures has a type (e.g. 'open', 'read'...), and a set of parameters (e.g. 'fd', 'name'...) that are encoded using a standardize type system. I know this sounds boring, so let’s just talk about the benefits of it: any parameter of any event can be used in filters. For example this command line shows the programs that are run by interactive users:
$ sysdig evt.type=execve and evt.arg.ptid=bash
The filter accepts the execve system calls (which are used to execute programs), but only if the parent process name is ‘bash’. The difference between evt.arg and event.rawarg is that the second doesn’t do resolution of PIDs, FDs, error codes, etc, and leaves the argument in its raw numeric form. For example, you can use
$ sysdig evt.arg.res=ENOENT
To filter on a specific I/O error code or, since error codes are negative, this
$ sysdig " evt.rawarg.res<0 or evt.rawarg.fd<0"
will give you all the system calls that produced errors. To get a list of all the events you can use in your filters, plus their parameters, type
$ sysdig –L
And, for your reference, here’s the list, where ‘>’ indicates an enter event and ‘<’ indicates an exit event (Note: The list changes with every new release, so make sure to use the program for the most updated one):
> syscall(SYSCALLID ID, UINT16 nativeID)
< syscall(SYSCALLID ID)
> open()
< open(FD fd, FSPATH name, FLAGS32 flags, UINT32 mode)
> close(FD fd)
< close(ERRNO res)
> read(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< read(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> write(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< write(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> brk(UINT32 size)
< brk(UINT64 res)
> execve()
< execve(ERRNO res, CHARBUF exe, BYTEBUF args, PID tid, PID pid, PID ptid, CHARBUF cwd, UINT64 fdlimit)
> clone()
< clone(PID res, CHARBUF exe, BYTEBUF args, PID tid, PID pid, PID ptid, CHARBUF cwd, INT64 fdlimit, FLAGS32 flags, UINT32 uid, UINT32 gid)
> procexit()
> socket(FLAGS32 domain, UINT32 type, UINT32 proto)
< socket(FD fd)
> bind(FD fd)
< bind(ERRNO res, SOCKADDR addr)
> connect(FD fd)
< connect(ERRNO res, SOCKTUPLE tuple)
> listen(FD fd, UINT32 backlog)
< listen(ERRNO res)
> accept()
< accept(FD fd, SOCKTUPLE tuple, UINT8 queuepct)
> send(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< send(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> sendto(FD fd, UINT32 size, SOCKTUPLE tuple)
< sendto(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> recv(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< recv(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> recvfrom(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< recvfrom(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data, SOCKTUPLE tuple)
> shutdown(FD fd, FLAGS8 how)
< shutdown(ERRNO res)
> getsockname()
< getsockname()
> getpeername()
< getpeername()
> socketpair(FLAGS32 domain, UINT32 type, UINT32 proto)
< socketpair(ERRNO res, FD fd1, FD fd2, UINT64 source, UINT64 peer)
> setsockopt()
< setsockopt()
> getsockopt()
< getsockopt()
> sendmsg(FD fd, UINT32 size, SOCKTUPLE tuple)
< sendmsg(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> sendmmsg()
< sendmmsg()
> recvmsg(FD fd)
< recvmsg(ERRNO res, UINT32 size, BYTEBUF data, SOCKTUPLE tuple)
> recvmmsg()
< recvmmsg()
> accept(INT32 flags)
< accept(FD fd, SOCKTUPLE tuple, UINT8 queuepct)
> creat()
< creat(FD fd, FSPATH name, UINT32 mode)
> pipe()
< pipe(ERRNO res, FD fd1, FD fd2, UINT64 ino)
> eventfd(UINT64 initval, FLAGS32 flags)
< eventfd(FD res)
> futex(UINT64 addr, FLAGS16 op, UINT64 val)
< futex(ERRNO res)
> stat()
< stat(ERRNO res, FSPATH path)
> lstat()
< lstat(ERRNO res, FSPATH path)
> fstat(FD fd)
< fstat(ERRNO res)
> stat64()
< stat64(ERRNO res, FSPATH path)
> lstat64()
< lstat64(ERRNO res, FSPATH path)
> fstat64(FD fd)
< fstat64(ERRNO res)
> epoll_wait(ERRNO maxevents)
< epoll_wait(ERRNO res)
> poll(FDLIST fds, INT64 timeout)
< poll(ERRNO res, FDLIST fds)
> select()
< select(ERRNO res)
> select()
< select(ERRNO res)
> lseek(FD fd, UINT64 offset, FLAGS8 whence)
< lseek(ERRNO res)
> llseek(FD fd, UINT64 offset, FLAGS8 whence)
< llseek(ERRNO res)
> ioctl(FD fd, UINT64 request)
< ioctl(ERRNO res)
> getcwd()
< getcwd(ERRNO res, CHARBUF path)
> chdir()
< chdir(ERRNO res, CHARBUF path)
> fchdir(FD fd)
< fchdir(ERRNO res)
> mkdir(FSPATH path, UINT32 mode)
< mkdir(ERRNO res)
> rmdir(FSPATH path)
< rmdir(ERRNO res)
> openat(FD dirfd, CHARBUF name, FLAGS32 flags, UINT32 mode)
< openat(FD fd)
> link(FSPATH oldpath, FSPATH newpath)
< link(ERRNO res)
> linkat(FD olddir, CHARBUF oldpath, FD newdir, CHARBUF newpath)
< linkat(ERRNO res)
> unlink(FSPATH path)
< unlink(ERRNO res)
> unlinkat(FD dirfd, CHARBUF name)
< unlinkat(ERRNO res)
> pread(FD fd, UINT32 size, UINT64 pos)
< pread(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> pwrite(FD fd, UINT32 size, UINT64 pos)
< pwrite(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> readv(FD fd)
< readv(ERRNO res, UINT32 size, BYTEBUF data)
> writev(FD fd, UINT32 size)
< writev(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> preadv(FD fd, UINT64 pos)
< preadv(ERRNO res, UINT32 size, BYTEBUF data)
> pwritev(FD fd, UINT32 size, UINT64 pos)
< pwritev(ERRNO res, BYTEBUF data)
> dup(FD fd)
< dup(FD res)
> signalfd(FD fd, UINT32 mask, FLAGS8 flags)
< signalfd(FD res)
> kill(PID pid, SIGTYPE sig)
< kill(ERRNO res)
> tkill(PID tid, SIGTYPE sig)
< tkill(ERRNO res)
> tgkill(PID pid, PID tid, SIGTYPE sig)
< tgkill(ERRNO res)
> nanosleep(RELTIME interval)
< nanosleep(ERRNO res)
> timerfd_create(UINT8 clockid, FLAGS8 flags)
< timerfd_create(FD res)
> inotify_init(FLAGS8 flags)
< inotify_init(FD res)
> getrlimit(FLAGS8 resource)
< getrlimit(ERRNO res, INT64 cur, INT64 max)
> setrlimit(FLAGS8 resource)
< setrlimit(ERRNO res, INT64 cur, INT64 max)
> prlimit(PID pid, FLAGS8 resource)
< prlimit(ERRNO res, INT64 newcur, INT64 newmax, INT64 oldcur, INT64 oldmax)
> switch(PID next)
> drop(UINT32 ratio)
< drop(UINT32 ratio)
> fcntl(FD fd, FLAGS8 cmd)
< fcntl(FD res)
> switch(PID next, UINT64 pgft_maj, UINT64 pgft_min, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> execve()
< execve(ERRNO res, CHARBUF exe, BYTEBUF args, PID tid, PID pid, PID ptid, CHARBUF cwd, UINT64 fdlimit, UINT64 pgft_maj, UINT64 pgft_min, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> clone()
< clone(PID res, CHARBUF exe, BYTEBUF args, PID tid, PID pid, PID ptid, CHARBUF cwd, INT64 fdlimit, UINT64 pgft_maj, UINT64 pgft_min, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap, FLAGS32 flags, UINT32 uid, UINT32 gid)
> brk(UINT64 addr)
< brk(UINT64 res, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> mmap(UINT64 addr, UINT64 length, FLAGS32 prot, FLAGS32 flags, FD fd, UINT64 offset)
< mmap(UINT64 res, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> mmap2(UINT64 addr, UINT64 length, FLAGS32 prot, FLAGS32 flags, FD fd, UINT64 pgoffset)
< mmap2(UINT64 res, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> munmap(UINT64 addr, UINT64 length)
< munmap(ERRNO res, UINT32 vm_size, UINT32 vm_rss, UINT32 vm_swap)
> splice(FD fd_in, FD fd_out, UINT64 size, FLAGS32 flags)
< splice(ERRNO res)
> ptrace(FLAGS16 request, PID pid)
< ptrace(ERRNO res, DYNAMIC addr, DYNAMIC data)
###Output Formatting
Did you take some time to experiment with filtering and filter fields? Good, because now we’re going to learn how to use the same fields to customize what sysdig prints to the screen. Another really nice benefit of the type system sysdig uses to encode fields is that they can all be used to customize the program output. Output customization happens with the –p command line flag, and works somewhat similarly to the C printf syntax. Here’s an example:
$ sysdig -p"user:%user.name dir:%evt.arg.path" evt.type=chdir
user:ubuntu dir:/root
user:ubuntu dir:/root/tmp
user:ubuntu dir:/root/Download
This one-liner filters on the chdir system calls (the ones that get called every time a user does a cd), and prints the user name and the directory where the user is going. Essentially, it lets you follow a user as she moves in the file system.
Some notes about the –p formatting syntax:
- Fields must be prepended with a %
- You can add arbitrary text in the string, exactly as you would do in the C printf.
- By default, a line is printed only if all the fields specified by –p are present in the event. You can, however, prepend the string with a * to make it print no matter what. In that case, the missing fields will be rendered as <NA>.
For example,
$ sysdig -p"%evt.type %evt.dir %evt.arg.name" evt.type=open
will only print exit open events, like this
open < /proc/1285/task/1399/stat
open < /proc/1285/task/1400/io
open < /proc/1285/task/1400/statm
because the enter events don’t contain the name argument, while
$ sysdig -p"*%evt.type %evt.dir %evt.arg.name" evt.type=open
will print both enter and exit open events, with a line finishing with <NA> for enter events:
open > <NA>
open < /proc/1285/task/1399/stat
open > <NA>
open < /proc/1285/task/1400/io
open > <NA>
open < /proc/1285/task/1400/statm
open > <NA>
Putting together filtering and output formatting makes sysdig a very flexible and powerful tool. Here are some examples:
$ sysdig -A -s 65000 -p"%evt.buffer" "proc.name=cat and evt.type=write and fd.num=1"
prints the standard output of a process (cat in this case). Note how we use the -A switch to render the result as a human readable string, and the –s switch to capture more than the usual 80 bytes of each write. Use -s with caution, it can generate huge trace files!
$ sysdig -p"%user.name) %proc.name %proc.args" evt.type=execve and evt.arg.ptid=bash
shows user, command name and arguments for every program launched by a real user (i.e. from bash).
$ sysdig -p"%user.name) %evt.arg.path" "evt.type=chdir"
shows the directories that interactive users visit
$ sysdig -p"user:%user.name process:%proc.name file:%fd.name" "evt.type=write and fd.name contains /etc/"
prints user, process, and file name for all the accesses to the /etc directory.
$ sysdig -p"%fd.name" "proc.name=apache and evt.type=accept"
lists TCP/IP endpoint information for all the connections received by apache. I can go on and on, but, well, you get the idea. :-) Are you interested in learning more useful sysdig one-liners? Visit the sysdig website or, even better, follow us on twitter. We’ll post new one-liners on a regular basis.
Sysdig’s chisels are little scripts that analyze the sysdig event stream to perform useful actions. Essentially, they enable you to do really cool stuff with your sysdig data. Just dig the data up, and then use a chisel to shape it into something beautiful. Get it? Awesome!
Chisels are written in Lua, a well known, powerful, and extremely efficient scripting language.
[Go here](Chisels User Guide) for a full tutorial.