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Geocoder 8.x-2.x

This is a complete rewrite of the Geocoder module, based on the Geocoder PHP library - version 3.x.


  • Solid API based on Geocoder PHP library;
  • Geocode and Reverse Geocode using one or multiple Geocoder providers (ArcGISOnline, BingMaps, File, GoogleMaps, MapQuest, Nominatim, OpeneStreetMap, etc);
  • Results can be dumped into multiple formats such as WKT, GeoJson, etc ...
  • The Geocoder Provider and Dumper plugins are extendable through a custom module;
  • Submodule Geocoder Field provides Drupal fields widgets and formatters, with even more options;
  • Geofield and Address fields integration;
  • Caching results capabilities, enabled by default;


Installation and setup

  • Download the module running the following shell command from your project root (at the composer.json file level): $ composer require drupal/geocoder Note: this will also download the Geocoder PHP library as vendor/willdurand/geocoder
  • Enable the module via Drush
    $ drush en geocoder or the website back-end/administration interface;
  • Eventually enable the submodules: geocoder_field and geocoder_geofield / geocoder_address.
  • From the module configuration page it is possible to setup caching and custom options for every available Geocoder Provider;


The geocoder submodules are needed to set-up and implement Geocode and Reverse Geocode functionalities on Entity fields from the Drupal backend:

  • The geocoder_field module adds the ability to setup Geocode operations among string/text fields on entity insert/edit and as field Geo formatters, using all the available Geocoder Provider Plugins and Output Geo Formats (via Dumpers).
  • The geocoder_geofield module provides integration with Geofield (module/field type) and the ability to both use it as target of Geocode or source of Reverse Geocode with the other fields;
  • The geocoder_address module provides integration with Address (module/field type) and the ability to both use it as target of Reverse Geocode or source of Geocode with the other fields;

From the Geocoder configuration page it is possible to setup custom plugins options.

### Note: Using Geocoder operations behind Proxy

GeocoderHttpAdapter is based on the Drupal 8 Guzzle implementation, that is using settings array namespaced under $settings['http_client_config']. Geocoding behind a proxy will be correctly set by (@see default.settings.php):



Get a list of available Provider plugins


Get a list of available Dumper plugins


Geocode a string

$plugins = array('geonames', 'googlemaps', 'bingmaps');
$address = '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043';
$options = array(
  'geonames' => array(), // array of options
  'googlemaps' => array(), // array of options
  'bingmaps' => array(), // array of options

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->geocode($address, $plugins, $options);

Reverse geocode coordinates

$plugins = array('freegeoip', 'geonames', 'googlemaps', 'bingmaps');
$lat = '37.422782';
$lon = '-122.085099';
$options = array(
  'freegeoip' => array(), // array of options
  'geonames' => array(), // array of options
  'googlemaps' => array(), // array of options
  'bingmaps' => array(), // array of options

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->reverse($lat, $lon, $plugins, $options);

Return format

Both Geocoder::geocode() and Geocoder::reverse() return the same object: Geocoder\Model\AddressCollection, which is itself composed of Geocoder\Model\Address.

You can transform those objects into arrays. Example:

$plugins = array('geonames', 'googlemaps', 'bingmaps');
$address = '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043';
$options = array(
  'geonames' => array(), // array of options
  'googlemaps' => array(), // array of options
  'bingmaps' => array(), // array of options

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->geocode($address, $plugins, $options);
$address_array = $addressCollection->first()->toArray();

// You can play a bit more with the API

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->geocode($address, $plugins, $options);
$latitude = $addressCollection->first()->getCoordinates()->getLatitude();
$longitude = $addressCollection->first()->getCoordinates()->getLongitude();

You can also convert these to different formats using the Dumper plugins. Get the list of available Dumper by doing:


Here's an example on how to use a Dumper:

$plugins = array('geonames', 'googlemaps', 'bingmaps'); 
$address = '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043';

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->geocode($address, $plugins);
$geojson = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.geocoder.dumper')->createInstance('geojson')->dump($addressCollection->first());

There's also a dumper for GeoPHP, here's how to use it:

$plugins = array('geonames', 'googlemaps', 'bingmaps');
$address = '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043';

$addressCollection = \Drupal::service('geocoder')->geocode($address, $plugins);
$geometry = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.geocoder.dumper')->createInstance('geometry')->dump($addressCollection->first());
