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File metadata and controls

180 lines (120 loc) · 7.36 KB


This article is the 2nd initiation tutorial to the Cesium software source code.

You will be able to understand the role of the different software layers, by modifying them in order to improve a screen of Cesium.


Before doing this tutorial, you must:

Level VI: Display a missing currency parameter

Objective : In this level, the objective is to display in the Currency page the monetary parameter stepMax.

As a reminder, stepMax is the maximum distance between a member and an applicant, so that the latter can enter the web of trust.

Modify the HTML template

Open the template file /www/templates/currency/items_parameters.html.

Add a new item in the list of parameters, i.e. a new <ion-item> tag, below the other tags of the same name:


   <ion-item class="item-icon-left">
     <i class="icon ion-steam"></i>
     <span translate>CURRENCY.VIEW.STEP_MAX</span>
     <span class="badge badge-stable">{{stepMax}}</span>

If you refresh the Currency page of your browser, you should see the change:

Internationalizing a Label

The CURRENCY.VIEW.STEP_MAX string actually represents an internationalized message key. We now need to add the translation of this key.

The icon is configured simply by the ion-stream CSS class. To find out which icons are available, see

Open the file www/i18n/locale-fr-FR.json and identify the element CURRENCY then VIEW. Add the translation for our new key:


  "VIEW": {
    "TITLE": "Monnaie",
    "SIG_WINDOW": "Maximum delay a certification can wait<br/>before being expired for non-writing.",
    "STEP_MAX": "Distance maximale dans la toile de confiance<br/>entre chaque membre et un nouvel entrant"

Don't forget to add a comma on the preceding line...

Note: Cesium internationalization uses the AngularJS plugin angular-translate. Depending on the case, it is possible to use HTML tags, like here the tag <br/>

Refresh your browser page: the key has been translated!

Repeat the operation in the other translation files present in www/i18n:

    "STEP_MAX": "Maximum distance between<br/>each WoT member and a newcomer"

Add a dynamic variable

All that remains is to dynamically display the value of our stepMax parameter. We will use the data-binding functions that AngularJS allows.

In AngularJS, it is a controller that manages the filling of values, typically from data obtained on the network.

Open the CurrencyViewController controller present in the file www/js/controllers/currency-controllers.js This controller already makes a call to the Duniter API /blockchain/parameters.

Identify the load() function. Modify the return code of the /blockchain/parameters call, to store the stepMax value in the $scope:

function CurrencyViewController($scope, $q, $translate, $timeout, BMA, UIUtils, csSettings, csCurrency, csNetwork) {
  // Ajout d'une propriété qui stockera la valeur de stepMax
  // (On met ici la valeur par défaut)
  $scope.stepMax = 0;

  $scope.load = function() {
    return $q.all([

      // Get the currency parameters
          $scope.currency = json.currency;
          // Mise à jour de la valeur, à partir du résultat que renvoi le noeud Duniter
          $scope.stepMax = json.stepMax;

The '$scope' object is used to manipulate values shared between the controller and the template. The value we put in $scope.stepMax is displayed thanks to the {{stepMax}} instruction that you put in the HTML template.

Your browser should now display:

Congratulations, you now know how to display new values in Cesium screens!

Level VII: Publish your changes

Objective : Become an official contributor, by publishing your code!

Make a pull request

If you have never used git on your current machine, you will first need to define

  1. your email address: git config --global ""
  2. your first and last name: git config --global "First name NAME"

The change you just made actually corresponds to ticket #209. To add your modification to it, and thus become an official contributor of Cesium:

  • Type the command git add followed by the names of the files you modified or, more simply, git add * to add all modified files to the commit.
  • Then do a git commit to commit your code;
  • Finally, do a git push to push to your GitHub repo.
  • In GitLab, log in to your account;
  • Open your Cesium repository via the "Projects" > "Your projects" menu that you will find at the top left, in the navigation bar.
  • In the left menu, go to "Merge requests", and click on the "New merge request" button
  • Most of the fields are already pre-populated, so all you have to do is select the source branch (if you haven't changed your branch via the git command line, it's "master")
  • Click on Compare branches and continue
  • In the title the reference to the ticket: #209

Your contribution is now visible to Cesium developers, who will be able to integrate your code more easily.

Note : Since RML7, this ticket has been closed. You can therefore continue this level, by adding other missing variables (see next paragraph), then publish your changes: the pull request process remains the same.

Niveau VIII : Free modification

Objective : Now it's up to you to add the missing information that seems interesting.

Add new variables

To get your hands on the changes in Cesium, you can add other missing currency settings. For example, among those concerning the BlockChain: xpercent, percentRot, blocksRot...

You can find their definition in the Duniter protocol documentation.

Tip: to separate the different parts of the screen, add a separator, i.e. a <div> tag with the CSS class item item-divider:

  <div class="item item-divider">
      <span translate>CURRENCY.VIEW.BLOCKCHAIN_DIVIDER</span>
  <!-- paramètres relatifs à la blockchain -->

See more ?!

You can now continue with the following levels. We will see how to compile and deploy Cesium on Android, then how to add a plugin, and even add a dynamic graph!

See more here >>