Abbreviation | Meaning | Description |
A | agent | grammatical agent |
A | agent | semantic agent (most agent-like argument in a clause) |
AL | alienable | alienable possession |
AMB | ambulative | 'moving, walking' |
ART | article | article in a noun phrase |
AUG | augmentative | |
BEN | benefactive | 'to, for, on behalf of' |
CAUS | causative | 'cause, make' |
CIS | cislocative | motion towards the deictic center (speaker) |
CON | conative | 'try', '[do] at' |
CONT | continuative | 'still' |
DEC | decessive | 'the late' |
DIM | diminutive | |
DISTR | distributive | |
DP | duo-plural | 2+ |
DU | dual | 2 |
ESS | essive | existence in a state or time |
EX | exclusive | |
F | feminine | |
FACIL | facilitative | 'easily' |
FUT | future | |
HAB | habitual | |
HEAR | hearsay | |
IMP | imperative | |
IPFV | imperfective | incomplete action |
IN | inclusive | |
INAL | inalienable | inalienable possession |
INCEP | inceptive | 'begin' |
INCH | inchoative | 'become' |
INDEF | indefinite | |
INSTR | instrumental | 'by means of' |
INT | intensive | 'very' |
INTER | interrogative | |
IRR | irrealis | |
M | masculine | |
MID | middle | middle voice |
N | neuter | |
NAME | proper name | |
NEG | negative / negation | |
NZR | nominalizer | |
OPT | optative | 'wish, hope' |
P | patient | grammatical patient |
P | patient | semantic patient (most patient-like argument in a clause) |
PART | partitive | |
PAST | past | |
PFV | perfective | completed action ("completive", "aorist") |
PL | plural | |
PLEO | pleonastic | "expletive" |
POSS | possessive | |
PROG | progressive | incomplete action or state in progress |
PUNC | punctual | instantaneous |
Q | question (marker) | |
RECIP | reciprocal | 'each other' |
REFL | reflexive | 'self' |
REV | reversive | 'undo' |
SG | singular | |
SJV | subjunctive | |
STAT | stative | |
SUBJ | subject | |
TLOC | translocative | motion away from the deictic center (speaker) |
Z | zoic | animals |