7000 Languages: Create courses in indigenous languages
The name ACORNS stands for [AC]quisition [O]f [R]estored [N]ative [S]peech. The acorn is sacred to tribes in Northern California and Southern Oregon. This acronym honors these tribes whose support helped spawn this project. ACORNS software is free to download and use for non-commercial purposes; that is, it is not for resale.
Extended Linguistics Keyboards (ELK)
The [E]xtended [L]inquistics [K]eyboards project provides a cross-platform framework for handling indigenous keyboard layouts. It uses the .keylayout stucture because that is the format used on MACs and it is XML based. Prior to ELK, each computer platform had its own way of specifying keyboard mappings. ELK provides the possibility for users to create keyboard mappings with a single uniform approach.
Enhanced Electronic Grammars Online (EEG)
Enhanced Electronic Grammars (EEG) features comprehensive descriptions of languages from around the world. Through this unique Online Reference Work, full grammars are made available together in an interlinked and semantically-annotated format, allowing granular access to the grammatical data and enabling cross-language research of several grammars at the same time. In addition to cross-linguistic queries, each grammar can also be read and researched individually.
Hare: Audio editing software
Lameta is a new metadata tool to help with organising collections of files. It is mainly aimed at collections made in the course of documenting language, music, and other cultural expressions.
A web interface for viewing glossed ELAN and FLEx files, optionally with time-synced video and audio.
NORM: Vowel normalization
Toolbox is a data management and analysis tool for field linguists. It is especially useful for maintaining lexical data, and for parsing and interlinearizing text, but it can be used to manage virtually any kind of data. Toolbox is free to download and use.
- vowel: Draw vowel charts
Toolbox is a data management and analysis tool for field linguists. It is especially useful for maintaining lexical data, and for parsing and interlinearizing text, but it can be used to manage virtually any kind of data. Toolbox is free to download and use.
Word Oriented Linguistic Framework (WOLF)
The motivation for WOLF ([W]ord [O]riented [L]inguistic [F]ramework) is to provide an easy to use framework where linguists can create indigenous dictionaries with a user friendly interface. The software supports, among other things, dictionaries containing up to 100 languages, searching and sorting, import and export facilities, generation of web-pages, integration with the ACORNS mobile apps, multimedia, IPA phonetics. The interface has an EXCEL feel, but geared for use by linguists.
This package includes API for more than 20 online text corpora.
The lingtypology package connects R with the Glottolog database (v. 2.7) and provides an additional functionality for linguistic typology. The Glottolog database contains a catalogue of the world’s languages. This package helps researchers to make linguistic maps, using the philosophy of the Cross-Linguistic Linked Data project, which is creating a uniform access to linguistic data across publications. This package is based on the leaflet package, so lingtypology is a package for interactive linguistic mapping. In addition, the package provides an ability to download data from typological databases such as WALS, AUTOTYP and others (see section 4).I would like to thank Natalya Tyshkevich, Samira Verhees and Eugenya Klyagina for reading and correcting some versions of this vignette.
phonfieldwork is a package for phonetic fieldwork research and experiments.
Normalize and plot vowels