Releases: dxfrontier/cds-ts-repository
Releases · dxfrontier/cds-ts-repository
[3.0.2] - 2024-11-06
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (draft) Draft builder now is finding a draft and is returning the correct type for draft
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (gitattributes) Added gitattributes to have the corrent stats on github
- (test) Updated drafts tests for better catching of errors
- Version bump to 3.0.2
[3.0.1] - 2024-10-29
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (gitignore) Removed @cds-models from gitingore
- (tests) Added the cds-modesl of the API_BUSINESS_PARTNER
- (tests) Regenerated cds-models
- Version bump to 3.0.1
[3.0.0] - 2024-10-29
🚀 Features
- (deps) Added packages needed for e2e tests and updated versions
- (externalService) New @ExternalService decorator to bind external service to the BaseRepository
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (jest) Increased jest time
🚜 Refactor
- (commitlint) Removed the mandatory scopes
🧪 Testing
- (e2e) Added e2e tests for ExternalService decorator
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (readme) Added documentation for ExternalService decorator
- (build) Updated tests workflow with e2e tests
- Version bump to 3.0.0
- (tests) Fixed the tests workflow
- (delete) Deleted unused files
- (e2e) Fixed e2e tests by adding the testing in another job in the workflow
[2.0.5] - 2024-09-09
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (active-entity) Removed deprecated limit from the Find builder
🧪 Testing
- (unit) Removed limit and addaed paginate to test
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Version bump to 2.0.5
[2.0.4] - 2024-09-04
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (active-entity) Enforce singular type for active/draft entities in BaseRepository
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (build) Added deployment workflow and changed release yml
- (unit) Updated unit tests
- Version bump to 2.0.4
[2.0.3] - 2024-09-02
📚 Documentation
- (readme) Updated readme
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Version bump to 2.0.3
[2.0.2] - 2024-08-23
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (filter) Now Filter accepts as value 'true / false' (boolean)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Version bump to 2.0.2
[2.0.1] - 2024-08-23
🐛 Bug Fixes
- (filter) Now Filter accepts as value also 'null'
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (unit) Updated unit tests with 'not equals null'
- (types) Removed eslint and Service type as it was not needed
- Version bump to 2.0.1
[2.0.0] - 2024-08-21
🚜 Refactor
- (types) Some types have been refactored after ESLint was triggered
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- (build) Migrated to ESLint v9
- (build) Commitlintrc adapted with new type enums
- (readme) Readme updated
- (build) Husky commit-msg and pre-commit updated
- (unit) Cds-typer new generated entities
- (e2e) Added 2 instead of cents for the minorUnit as deployed it failed
- Version bump to 2.0.0
[1.1.3] - 2024-07-18
📚 Documentation
- (docs) Readme updated
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Version bump to 1.1.3